Thanks Crooked Bee! With that and a hint from an NPC on some isle, I figured that a table near the king was the talked about altar. I'm still playing Ultizurk 1 and have completed most of the side quests with my level 6 character, such as bringing grain to some of the farm animals and healing a sick kid and finding the sealed location of Sunbane (don't have the right key yet). I'm mostly wandering around trying to find the robot so I can repower him with my acquired radium. I went into the dungeon looking for him a handful of times and explored, but still no luck. I just found out about the map 'M' command, which helps a lot so I may try to retackle the dungeon using it.
Doc Dungeon, were you the author of that?
I also found this 1999 interview that I think people will get a kick out of:
Part two is here:
Here's a snippet:
"LD: Doc, please describe yourself and your business, to give the readers a bit of information on your shareware gaming background.
Doctor Dungeon: My business is a one-man operation dedicated to making shareware role-playing games. The shop itself is located in the cellar, or dungeon of my house. Two computers are there, one an old 50 mhz, and the other a Hewlett Packard 166, where most of the work is done. Both of these are mounted on a huge glass-top conference table. Desks and tables surround this, with stacks of paper, notebooks, and a zillion marker pens scattered about. Through friends and family, I also have access to several other computers, useful for testing. I call this place the lab. Always interested in writing and electronics, it seemed creating games was ideal, as it tends to merge these two."
"LD: What language did you select for programming your games? Was it because of prior familiarity with the language, performance reasons, or did other factors come into play?
Doctor Dungeon: At first, quite a number of years ago when DOS was king, I used VBDOS Pro, but the result in those days was never as technically elegant as a project done in assembly or C. With the advent of windows 32 bit platforms and top end packages like VB5, it became possible to do the sort of things that were previously the realm of C++. Since a role-playing game is unlikely to need the ultra speeds of say, a flight sim or other speed-hungry project, VB5 and 6 with Win95 or 98 becomes a viable platform to create a quality product. I am certain Ultizurk IV: Lord of the Cyclops, will prove that."
"LD: Modern commercial RPGs have (fairly recently) started to focus on graphical quality that is extremely hard to match at home. What can shareware games offer that commercial games overlook? As a shareware author, what is the most limiting factor you must grapple with?
Doctor Dungeon: Shareware offers a depth of playability which, with a few recent exceptions, fell short in many commercial products that emphasized the "eye candy" aspect. The idea was to appeal to a larger audience. However, watching the progress of these, it became clear that the best approach was to cater to a niche audience what they most want. This is likely why, for example, the Exile games became so popular. They are not eye-candy, but are very rich in detail and role-playing, which is what the players of such games really want. The biggest limiting factor in shareware is twofold: One is graphics. Since the industry has become so specialized, its almost impossible to make competitive graphics, and we are also limited in that we must make files distributed via the internet, etc., of a reasonable size. The other factor is the sheer complexity of a role-playing game. After 18 months of work on UZ4, the code alone is ten times larger UZ3, Underland and MadMan combined. It requires a little madness, thus the title of my last DOS game.
"LD: Lack of fan mail and/or registrations discourages many shareware authors. Do you ever think of throwing in the towel, or is there always "just one more game" that needs to be completed?
Doctor Dungeon: Many authors threw in the towel. In fact, I almost did after MadMan, because, as a DOS program which everyone was running in windows, it experience an odd memory problem that I couldn't solve. I was pretty down and out for about a year or so, until Jeff Vogel of the Exile games talked me into going windows, and I took the plunge. Around the same time, after much research, I found that many more people play and LIKE the games, yet never get around to registering somehow."
Seems like Jeff Vogel is pretty helpful when it comes to his fellow indie developers.