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Deuce Traveler
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  • The ex-wife has been having financial issues despite my alimony and child support payments, so I've had our kids every day as she doesn't have the money to fix her home or car. This has resulted in less gaming, reading, and posting time for me... but I rather like having the kids with me everyday. I'll still be around, just throttled back a bit on activity.
    How did you like Persona 3? I saw in your signature that you just completed it.
    did you use the control party mod
    Deuce Traveler
    Deuce Traveler
    I thought it was okay and I played the PS2 version via my PS3 (PSN). I also downloaded Persona 4 and the second Persona 2. I thought Persona 3 was just alright. The first half was good and the boss at the end was amazing, but the robot waifu plot was cringy and that ending was kinda bullshit.
    Deuce Traveler
    Deuce Traveler
    Just finished Persona 4 a few weeks back. The characters and interface were much improved, but the game is almost too easy and the boss a joke compared to the PS3 boss. I also dipped my toes into Persona 2, but couldn't get into the interface (story seems more horrific and interesting though). Overall, Persona 5 and the original Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne are still the best, in my humble opinion.
    Just beat Betrayal at Krondor... good game, but should never have been rated better than the Gold Box series.
    Excidium II
    Excidium II
    That it plays more like a dungeon bumrush than a dungeon crawl
    Charles Eli Cheese
    Charles Eli Cheese
    I think you are misremembering. Dungeons were huge and took forever to clear and you often got trapped in them, plus a lot of secret stuff to find.
    Excidium II
    Excidium II
    The point is that in vidyagaems you go around fighting every fixed encounter which is a suicide tactic in old pnp
    Sorry I've been a bit off the radar of late. In three weeks I went from taking care of my sick dad, to saying goodbye, then to his funeral.
    My condolences mate :( Sorry for your loss.
    Deuce Traveler
    Deuce Traveler
    I appreciate it. All good now... if only I can get through ADOM. Halfway through.
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