One of us! (Solo hard ironman still worth without achievement)

RedSlave AKA retard said:I like hard games, and this game just bends you over and rapes you raw. If you didn't play the first game, you'll have no idea what you're going into, will end up around 6 hours in, and find out your only option to progress is to cheat or restart. Game is overly reliant on RNGesus.
Cult following (including devs) is ridiculously toxic.
@Vince - I have already uninstalled - so I can't post a SS unfortunately. I had been set up with 6s and an 8 in Int and Cha with pretty much all of my points in Spear and Dodge with a few in block/crafting; (forgive me for not remembering my party member's names, they barely said anything in the game. The Hammer guy from the beginning, the Crossbowman you can convince to trade sides, and the half-blind Legionnaire guy). I played on the standard AoD difficulty - it warns you that you'll die alot, but I can't say that I take that sort of thing at face value - as a sort of random comparison, I tend to succeed fairly ably at things like XCOM2's Impossible/Ironman modes without needing to resort to savescumming. This game seemed a large engagement in frustration, with very very low chances to succeed at even basic manuevers.
My progress was halted at the fight with Reinard. There are 2-3 battles immediately before that grant little to zero healing afterwards, and I was generally just screwed over by bad luck with crits / ability damage that I was unable to recover from. The thing was, I had been completely able to handle the fights leading up to them without an overmuch difficulty - the scorpions in the caves gave me minor trouble, but I got past them in 2-3 tries. Reinard and the preceding encounters basically wiped the floor with me - triple archers in one fight, guys with (apparently) auto-criting/very highly accurate bombs that deal immense damage, and pretty much always being forced to assail the enemy's position meant bad things.
The inventory system / lack of complete tooltips also drove me completely mad, but that's another topic all together.
This Pole basically says that it's difficult and you can be easily smeared on the walls by your opponents but the same fight can be won if you prepare for it and learn from your mistakes and use different arrows/formation/strategy. He also says that usuallly such difficult games are frustrating but this one was different because your decisions actually mattered and it's not difficult for coolness effect only but actually treats the player with respect.kurp said:Znalazłem w końcu chwilę na przebicie się przez ostatnie kilka walk i ukończenie Dungeon Rats. Będę potrzebował jakiegoś Monkey Island żeby przywrócić się do równowagi psychicznej, bo gra jest mroczna, brutalna, z melancholijną, klimatyczną muzyką, przyprawiającą o depresję fabułą i sadystycznym poziomem trudności. Jako że jestem niedzielnym klikaczem, byłem pewien, że jej nie ukończę, mimo poluzowania sobie poziomu trudności. Zajęło mi to łącznie koło 27 godzin.
Jestem, prawdę mówiąc, zaskoczony, z jakim zapałem powtarzałem walki - ta gra w cudowny sposób nagradza sensowną taktykę i myślenie. Dawno nie spotkałem się z czymś takim. Zwykle śrubowanie poziomu trudności wywołuje u mnie frustrację. Tu jest tak, że wkraczasz do pomieszczenia i wraz z drużyną zostajesz rozsmarowany po ścianach. Ale już wiesz, czego się spodziewać, więc przed kolejnym wkroczeniem przeglądasz ekwipunek, wymieniasz rzeczy trzymane w kieszeniach, przeładowujesz kusze innymi bełtami, ustawiasz inny szyk i przyjmujesz inną strategię walki. I nagle się okazuje, że walka pozornie nie-do-wygrania daje się spokojnie przejść. Ta zabawa dawała frajdę od początku do końca a twórcy z prostych elementów poskładali ciąg naprawdę ciekawych, różniących się od siebie i wymagających indywidualnego podejścia starć. Nie znam się na taktykach, ale ta gra wygląda mi na bardzo satysfakcjonującą zabawkę. Szczególnie, jak ktoś wymiata w gatunku - tu może znaleźć godne siebie wyzwanie.
One of the newest Steam reviews: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000938806/recommended/531930/
RedSlave AKA retard said:Cult following (including devs) is ridiculously toxic.
I have an opinion.AoD was a pleasant surprise and I loved it. Picked up Dungeon Rats today. Is there any consensus to what is a good build on the latest patch for DR? I was thinking Sword/Dodge/Alchemy with party members, but I am curious to see opinions on this.
One of us! (Solo hard ironman still worth without achievement)
How did you guys do the metorite construct fight without reloading?
Even with 10 dodge/10 block a single construct can kill me in one round. Best I could do was kill two with wait and pray the 3d doesn't gib me, which took a few tries.
everybody who finishes the game on murderous psychopath solo iron man is a cheater who backs up his saves
When I said Ismail in my post above I actually meant Ardomir, the xbow guy you can enlist in the second fight.High charisma definitely seems optimal. Having four characters in every fight is a huge bonus. Yngvar got screwed by RNG in most of my fights (missed alot and most of huge crits were on enemies with less than 5 HP) and was still an upgrade over Ismail. Even having Ardomir early on is a big bonus.
How did you guys do the metorite construct fight without reloading?
Even with 10 dodge/10 block a single construct can kill me in one round. Best I could do was kill two with wait and pray the 3d doesn't gib me, which took a few tries.
everybody who finishes the game on murderous psychopath solo iron man is a cheater who backs up his saves
If it weren't so, there would be videos showing how to ironman it.
One of us! (Solo hard ironman still worth without achievement)
How did you guys do the metorite construct fight without reloading?
Even with 10 dodge/10 block a single construct can kill me in one round. Best I could do was kill two with wait and pray the 3d doesn't gib me, which took a few tries.
One of us! (Solo hard ironman still worth without achievement)
How did you guys do the metorite construct fight without reloading?
Even with 10 dodge/10 block a single construct can kill me in one round. Best I could do was kill two with wait and pray the 3d doesn't gib me, which took a few tries.
There is no point in doing 10/10 in both defenses IIRC, since you either use a shield or you dont.
The Solo MP Ironman run I did was before any patches (or patch 1, I can't recall) which was basically much easier to ironman solo compared to now.
How I did that fight back then was Block 10, Daggers 10, and then use liquid fire for zoning one, lining them up so that the ranged user hits them instead of you via body blocking + the high damage bomb. IIRC you could lower the chances of getting attacked via cripple. I think you could find pictures of the strat in one of my previous posts in this thread. Every fight should boil down to finding a narrow corridor then letting the ranged users attack the melee ones, this fight doesnt have narrow corridors so you have to create one for yourself via liquid fire.
Right after that, with only PC, Marcus and Hieron. Before it gave him enought SP to get 8 Crafing, now probably less.but when should I clear the Ant Queen section?
- Sleeping god was unkillable for my full combat build character. Makes sense as he's a god I guess, but it felt cheap, as the big problem was getting knocked down every single turn. Had max block and armor penalty of 20. There was probably something I could have done to win, but it was 2 emasculating to have to reload after decimating everything that crossed his path. Was wading through legionaries like a champ before that point.
Annoying to know that if my character had used Bolas he would have killed him in a few turns. I saw Eyestabber do that, should be changed IMO, if it hasn't been already. Bolas: the real god killer.
-Faction reputation was bad. Charisma 4 character so I got a bad ending. P. insulting to read that my slayer character was "not a good fighter, promoted for political reasons not battlefield accomplishments" I guess this is how the PC is perceived by game world. It's annoying that Charisma 4 characters cannot get good endings, but this is fairly realistic (or maybe I missed a few Rep gains?).
I got the Berserk ending with this character, and liked it much more than the "real ending".
Fagillio, the Merchant
Was very fun. Interesting to see how these men with money set all the events into motion. The game gets weaker toward the end, and it's much more apparent here playing the Merchant questline. Same complaint about being tasked to find a temple. Not sure why I was asked. Should have some faction specific option to hire an expedition. Fagillio was forced to master Lore in order to find temple, which I thought was out of character.
I've read a lot of criticism of non-combat play already, so not much point giving mine, but it is definitely less satisfying.
I just want to post about the game bros, but the reason I logged on was to ask some Dungeon Rats questions, generate some discussion, not enough stuff to read about it on the internet. If anyone has an opinion on the following please respond, I'm playing on Ironman with AoD settings:
Playing with an 8Charisma PC, is it worth it to go 9 for Yngvar? Is Yngvar a BRO? Is his jail story interesting? No spoilers pls. Seems like a good back up in case Marcus gets killed.
I'm trying really hard to optimize SP gain. Can I drag Cyrus through the game and get his Alchemy up to 10 before meeting the Sword/Bow guy, or should I just let him kill the ants in the first area and then kick him out for the Barca fight and everything past that? I think he'll die if I continue into the Dredger's territory, and since it's Iron Man I'm leaning toward leaving him down at 4 Alchemy and never using him again.
Should I run with a party of sacrifices for the Dredger fights? I can't clear them without taking heavy damage and getting my men killed. But it seems like a waste, too. Not sure.
I'm thinking party composition should go PC/Marcus (all game or until death)/Ardomir----> Roxana (Ardomir is technically wasted SP, but he's too useful in those early fights to leave out)/ Crafting and Alchemy leveling slot (Charisma 9 can slot in Yngvar when you finish...?)
Supposedly there is a skymetal construct fight that kicks everyones ass, would the construct you get be helpful in that fight?
I think it is optimal to take down Barca at the first opportunity so we can access Hieron and better characters sooner, but when should I clear the Ant Queen section? Will holding off until I have my final party or Ismail leave me under powered for the coming fights? Thinking of doing the section with only 3 characters, PC/Marcus/Hieron. If we take along Cyrus we can get Alchemy 6, but with that much invested I'd feel obligated to get him all the way to 10.
Really not enough discussion on this game. Took me many searches to dig up a coherent answer to how this "healing machine" works. (You do not need all three canisters to operate the machine. Each canister may be used to gain one (1) stat point)
Farthest I've gotten is final Dredger fight. Not asking for tactics on it. Thinking of using Quintus to replace Marcus during those fights, as losing him won't hurt nearly as much, and he can make himself very useful before he dies with a decent shield. Just seems hard to keep men alive here.
I think I'm going to reroll now that I know how the healing machine works. Currently 6/8/7/6/5/8
going to try
(use some of the additional skill points to increase synergy weapon and even out the Perception penalty, should be a net gain)
(same idea but Charisma 9)
The game has 3 difficulty modes, but the real hard mode seems to be having less than 4 companions. Solo might be easier, though. I like how the game rewards you for flawless victories with the ration healing system. Always trying to not just win, but win better, use less resources, (though, sometimes that means using a consumable).