You gain two skill-points per level, and skills only have a maximum of four points to put into them. At least for the cleric (which I played when a friend played it over here), you only have to pick from two skills at the start, and then you unlock others one at a time, able to max the new skill out before unlocking the next.
I'm pretty sure it has a glancing blow system. With a damage range of 10-28, I frequently did less than 6 damage. To be honest, I didn't really bother to check, but I never missed an attack so it must be this.
Fireball is a level one spell that can be charged up for a pathetically tiny AoE. Scoff. Every ability I've seen is as underwhelming as this - both in graphical style, and in actual damage - except for the cleric's fourth unlocked ability of something something, which is mechanically effective.
Cleric is easy mode.
Combat is boring. There's no flash, which is alright, because there's no real substance either. There aren't many item properties and finding loot isn't fun. Music is offensively passive and uninspired, as are most sound effects. It's a quiet game, there's nothing captivating about it and there's no real atmosphere.
Experience is only shared between targets you hit, too. Fighters have the best abilities for cleaving through crowds, quickly, so you're usually trying to catch up with them because they kill that much faster, especially minions. Clerics at least get a slither of experience for healing, which is cool.
Abilities are on cooldowns, and they're relatively quick ones too. I also found the cleric incredibly clunky to use, with healing seeming to not respond all of the times that I wanted it. Some abilities were, again, utterly underwhelming - again - with the cleric's shockwave power not always hitting people inside the shockwave animation.
Boring game. Only fun with a friend and taking the piss out of it, really, and even then it wears itself out quite quickly.
Opinion after reading up on nothing at all about this game and just playing it as player two during xbawx session. Would not torrent.