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Dying Light


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
That may be true, but at least now it's much closer to what I thought (or at least hoped) I'd be getting. So whatevah


May 24, 2013
Glorious Nihon
This is definitely how zombies game should be made, except we already have too many of them, and the good design (Limited Stamina -> Difficult to fight multiple zombies -> Pick fight carefully -> Parkour for the win) deteriorates as your char develops and becomes able to literally curb stomp enemies or one-shot them with high-level weapons with unlimited stamina. They also failed to integrate these elements with boss fight and instead tested you with corridor running and deterministic QTE. Oh they gave you the unscientific grappling hook and then took away whenever you are in major story quests so your Parkour skill can be tested "properly", and the reason is that "you are exhausted".


Apr 14, 2009
This is definitely how zombies game should be made, except we already have too many of them, and the good design (Limited Stamina -> Difficult to fight multiple zombies -> Pick fight carefully -> Parkour for the win) deteriorates as your char develops and becomes able to literally curb stomp enemies or one-shot them with high-level weapons with unlimited stamina. They also failed to integrate these elements with boss fight and instead tested you with corridor running and deterministic QTE. Oh they gave you the unscientific grappling hook and then took away whenever you are in major story quests so your Parkour skill can be tested "properly", and the reason is that "you are exhausted".

That grappling hook would be perfect for a Spiderman game. Of course, re-designed as web-slinging :)


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I didn't have a problem with the grappling hook. It comes along at the right time when traveling gets tedious. Plus the old city/downtown is designed around it with a lot of tall buildings. And, yes, the whole seizure/exhausted crap was a pretty lazy way to make it easier for them to design certain story missions. Same with the boss fights, though.
Jan 7, 2007
'Sup, bros. Is there a sure-fire way to lose the runner zombies? Firecrackers seem to only distract them for a short time, and once those fizzle out, they're right back on my ass like homing missiles, regardless of the distance I've made in that time.
Hell, I rarely even walk on noisy surfaces, and I still have 2-3 of these fuckers running straight for me every time I leave a safe zone after a night's sleep. Shit's getting tiresome.


Mar 4, 2009
Well, I always killed the ones I come across. They're not too hard to kill. Because they really do act like you've got a beacon stuck inside.

You could also make a run for the nearest safe point.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I almost never moved around at night. There's no point other than the challenge of evading the super zombies.


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Old, but this is the best thing to come out of this game.
Apr 3, 2013
I just remembered some potato studio with "tech" in its name making something that eventually became borderlands, way back in 200*(3?4?). That's one weird memory, so yeah.


Nov 26, 2008
Can someone explain to me what the point is of a crafting meter when you are in a pause window?
In hard mode inventory screen doesnt pause the game. Of course they could remove the wait in normal mode, but laziness.

Is it just me, or are there a lot of Russians in games these days?
Was there even one Russian NPC ?

Finished it.
The game never allows you to fight the main villain. Never. He even captures you 3 times but he never kills you.
The thing is: you can basically finish this game without leveling up at all.
Finishing without leveling would be somewhat of a feat. I'm guessing that, for example, final run sequence will be pretty damn hard without that extra stamina and extra speed, so you'll be spending lots of time farming boosters. And on hard mode ? Special zombies dont show on the map, so you will be mauled by runners over, and over, and over.

Finished it.
The game never allows you to fight the main villain. Never. He even captures you 3 times but he never kills you.
Well, in Crysis 2 you get knocked out 4 times for purposes. Still one of the best damn shooters i've ever played.

In the end, you will be able to kill even the Night Hunters.
"In the end" ? They are very much killable even at the start, if only they didnt spawn all over the place every 5 seconds.

Game itself is okay, sort of like DXHR in that regard.
Did DXHR have a grappling hook ? I dont think so.


Mar 4, 2009
Hard Mode is good for this game, especially the No Specials in radar. Unfortunately, it means you start spamming your survivor sense which is retarded, but it's fun with the regular running zombies.


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
Finished the game a few months ago. It's pretty good for what it is, though the invisible walls and popamole main quest eventually became wearisome. The latter started off okay, then got increasingly more restrictive as it progressed, which rather defeated the purpose of having open spaces.

I like that the game mechanics offer quite a few emergent ways to overcome problems, and that's what keeps the game in "GFWIS" territory for me. Never got bored of the 28 Days Later moments when throwing firecrackers into the midst of gangs at night, then watching zeds tear them up.

That camp where you have to find evidence of Rais' explosives? The gangers shot at me, only to attract the attention of nearby Volatiles. They found a way in, ripped the gangers a new one, and now I had to deal with Volatiles rather than gangers :smug:


Apr 14, 2009
... stuff ...

I also finished the game a few months ago (soon 1 year !?) therefore I don't remember much.

Anyway, talking about the game's difficulty is moot: the game is easy even on hard unless hp bloat is your definition of difficulty.

Also one advice, don't talk about Crysis 2 as being a competent shooter. It's not.


Nov 26, 2008
Hard Mode is good for this game, especially the No Specials in radar. Unfortunately, it means you start spamming your survivor sense which is retarded
Eh ? Survivor sense doesnt do anything whatsoever in hard mode, no ?

the game is easy even on hard unless hp bloat is your definition of difficulty.
When you have limited tool slots, just not having the game pause while you shuffle them around adds enough troubles.

don't talk about Crysis 2 as being a competent shooter. It's not.
I'll do what i fucking like, and like i said, it is probably the best shooter i've ever played. I know no better. And if you're into multiplayer shit like Battlefield - i dont care, i dont play multiplayer, so your opinion would be 100% invalid for me.

Also, is it just me, or do normal zombies slooooowly get faster as you progress through the game ? At the start you can just walk away from them, but in the end their walking speed is actually faster than YOUR walking speed. Or maybe i imagined this ?
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Mar 4, 2009
Hard Mode is good for this game, especially the No Specials in radar. Unfortunately, it means you start spamming your survivor sense which is retarded
Eh ? Survivor sense doesnt do anything whatsoever in hard mode, no ?

It marks Night Hunters in your FOV in 360° (you'll see their model lighted up and through terrain if in your fov, or as markers if outside it) but only in relatively short range, which means that as you run along you need to keep spamming the sense to make sure you're not running head first into them.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Meh, I'm enjoying Dead Rising 3 more. Dying Light is the type of game you have to make challenging on your own by going out at night and aggroing a bunch of hunters and such. Otherwise it's piss easy. The itemization is shit as is the character system. Quests are generic MMO fodder so much so I didn't even bother with most of the side stuff in the final area. The boss fights are laughable bad.

Game is not worth it, even at some $10 or less price.

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
Meh, I'm enjoying Dead Rising 3 more. Dying Light is the type of game you have to make challenging on your own by going out at night and aggroing a bunch of hunters and such. Otherwise it's piss easy. The itemization is shit as is the character system. Quests are generic MMO fodder so much so I didn't even bother with most of the side stuff in the final area. The boss fights are laughable bad.

Game is not worth it, even at some $10 or less price.



Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I gave that emote it's name and I'll be damned if I have it thrown in my face by some unavatar'ed newfag. Game is not good.


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
Game is extremely boring, and the zombies that do nothing but chase after you until you stab them in the brain five hundred times are nothing but the opposite of enjoyment.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
And to think they're releasing an expanded DLC complete with vehicles! That's just what this game needed, more shallow and shitty Far Cry like 'exploration.'

It plays like [Insert Any Ubisoft Game Here] only with zombies.


May 5, 2006
Domestic Terrorist HQ
I just finished this. Holy shit, talk about having a love hate relationship with a game. The parts that were done well were really done well and the parts that were done bad were done really bad. The graphics are beautiful once you turn off and or mod out all the pissfilters and migraine inducing blur effects. The melee combat was done really well and watching headless zombies stumble around spewing blood from their neckhole never got old. Unfortunately the game was dragged down by checkpoint saves, repetitive quest mechanics (climbing towers) and rage inducing QTE's. It doesn't help my opinion that I bought an 'enhanced edition' only to see more dlc's getting released a couple of months after I bought it. Fuck you Techland, I already paid too much for this shit.



Oct 16, 2015
This game is AAA incline in my opinion and was a pleasant surprise.

+Considerably gameplay-focused game design, a rarity in the modern era.
+An improvement upon its predecessors in every way, which were "gud for what it is", so now it's genuinely good. Just not OMG 10/10 good.
+It will actually ask you to use your brain on a old school level on rare occasion, especially if you play on higher difficulty levels*.
+Great first person melee combat. You can even dropkick shit. Unfortunately it doesn't meet its full potential as AI and quest design never really puts you in truly compromising situations, but as far as FP melee goes this is good stuff.
+Exceptional first person platforming/parkour, which unlike Assassin's Creed, Batman and most modern popamole requires some degree of skill and has notable depth. Possibly my favorite aspect of the game.

-QTE end boss. A small thing, just anti-climatic.
-Grindy MMO style RPG elements and fetch uests with average to poor writing can drag a bit. Fixing this and making the difficulty consistently enaging would make this a classic.
-Despite being moderately challenging in many respects, some others it can be too easy.
-Overall story is somewhat underwhelming (though not awful) and the game feels to lack direction at times, but that's standard for the vast majority of open world games.
-Nighttime segments also make far less impact and play much less of a role than they should.

All in all the first triple/double A I've genuinely enjoyed since New Vegas and Dark Souls, it's just a shame it doesn't meet its full potential in writing, quest design, RPG systems, challenge and melee combat.

*When the game first released people complained that the game was a bit too easy, so they patched in a hard and nightmare mode which are actually decent and impacting. Bear in mind this is a AAA dev studio too.
If you see Metro's comments of disappointment you'll see he primarily focuses on challenge or the lack thereof, and it is valid (game is still way more engaging than most modern AAA even on normal though), but the patch should address much (but not all) of the problem, as they're pretty involved difficulty modes. See: Dying Light Hard Mode

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typical user

Nov 30, 2015
About Nightmare Mode; It isn't really hard but rather annoying stretching to bullshit. Standard enemies are almost immune to your attacks, they grapple you every each fucking time or push you out of balance, humans can block your every attacks indefinetly and most of your special attacks don't affect them (charging, slide to leg-break, power attacks). Virals spawn out of freaking nowhere for no apparent reason. Let's say I'm toe to toe with Demolisher, then those suckers decide to gank me. Volatiles have bullshit long-range attack so if you climb wall for too long? They will spam you to death with this. Or if you jump into lake to get to other side from small island? They will happily spit through water just to fuck with you. Also stamina is huge issue as your character takes forever to regenerate and doesn't really have that much stamina for punching things. It feels like you are playing as a whimp.

The game is also dumbfuck annoying at placing bombers in interriors. I had numerous times died because some splinter-dick decided that it would be funny to place zombie-akbar in one of the rooms I have previously walked past and need to walk back only to see his guts exploding before I have time to react. Or placing Goons and Demolishers in every spot to just taunt you as it takes forever to beat them down on lower survival levels (which allow you access to weapons with ridiculous damage).

I don't want to sound as I hate the game but I hate this game because of Nightmare Mode. It is still fun and great product from Techland but with NM I can see all the flaws in the system. Dark Souls at least tries to be fair with traps or enemies that have weaknesses. Nightmare Mode is there simply to annoy you not give challenge since you can bypass most fights with parkour. I don't really know how game's difficulty can be improved with already included mechanics. Players would have to receive more damage, have stamina costs for climbing and vaulting things not just sprinting, be forced to play at night much more, be unable to grapple-break if they don't have stamina or have some sort of basic needs and diseases system to force them exploring town for supplies. Making enemies bullshit-inducing cancer isn't really that impressive.

I like the fact that Enhanced Edition includes buffed up Volatiles as by the end of the game I could've just slaughter them with 1300dmg machetes and have infinite pursuits. Now with these guys and suiciders on street levels I am forced to sneak around and avoid attention at night which is good improvement. Also biters can call for Virals help with their annoying screams which is also neat but ulitmately it encourages avoiding fights and makes leveling strength even more tiresome.

Oh and fuck Goons and Demolishers. For the record - I hate those tanky idiots that must be in every DROP stash and most quests.

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