Crispy, this thread obviously needs your deft touch of moderation
Don't think bullshit should evoke nerdrage?
Then GTFO.
Don't think so.Okay, that's a good response.
But aren't you taking it a bit far, even for... you?
You do know that there is a difference between rotation speed and turn speed, don't you? Speed has no effect on the rotation of a object. You are right. But we are talking about the turn rate of a ship, which is a completely different, and has a lot to do with speed. I think you are talking about something like the ship going in a straight line, and starting to spin around its own axis. But it keeps going forwards. That is rotation, and it has nothing to do with speed. Turn rate is when you go in a straight line, and change direction by turning. The speed of changing heading is affected by turn rate, and it is affected by speed.Well, like you said:
In physics you don't get HUD showing magically divined "right" value of speed.
You get infinity different velocity vectors relative to infinity different frames of reference and there is not a single one that would be in any way special.
Why? I don't fucking care.
The choice of value displayed is a convention dictated by convenience, not physics.
According to physics it has and can have no bearing on ship's rotation.
Maybe I expressed myself poorly with my english, although I don't think so. As I said, we are not rotating around our axis, but chaning our heading from 0 degrees to let's say 45 degrees.Ok, what exactly do you mean by "change inertia" because I don't think it means what you think it means.
Maybe you should try reading it first?
Why? All you did was parroting that "what is speed in space duuuuuuuuh", I just showed you the possible answers.
Maybe you should try reading it first?
Just throw in FSD or whatever, like they actually did. It's shit but if you want MP and CBA to implement partly separate mechanics for SP and MP (time compression and FSD) you just have to work with that.They were also titles that allowed for time acceleration so flying anywhere wouldn't take an entire lifetime, so if you can come up with a way to model that experience in a game designed for multiplayer functionality be my guest.
Yeah, and as we have discovered multiple times already, people, even visionary geniuses, just break with time and accumulated fame.Now maybe you'd have a point to argue that this is all a bunch of bullshit if this was a title designed by committee to appeal the widest audience like Fallout 3, but it's not. This is still driven primarily by the original creator of the franchise, and it stands to reason that the decided upon game mechanics reflect his vision.
It is objective wrongdoing because the product delivered doesn't match promises given to get it funded, and the disparity can't be chalked up to something understandable like hitting technical limitation, it's because someone decided that fuck whatever he promised to the fundraisers if it conflicts his Vishun(TM). It's that simple.So the claim that there is some kind of objective wrongdoing being done to the gaming public or to fans of the series is just plain wrong.
Translation: It has Lave in it.Fans of the original games have expressed their satisfaction with the state of the sequel in this very thread as being authentic
You do know that there is a difference between rotation speed and turn speed, don't you? Speed has no effect on the rotation of a object. You are right. But we are talking about the turn rate of a ship, which is a completely different, and has a lot to do with speed. I think you are talking about something like the ship going in a straight line, and starting to spin around its own axis. But it keeps going forwards. That is rotation, and it has nothing to do with speed. Turn rate is when you go in a straight line, and change direction by turning. The speed of changing heading is affected by turn rate, and it is affected by speed.
That's a pretty big "other than", don't you think?
Especially when this speed cap falls well within velocities achievable while dogfighting and is one of the main factors differentiating ships from one another, while also falling well below most velocities you might be specifically interested in achieving, like ones required to stay in stable orbit around most bodies.
It's almost like saying "other than the patients death the operation was successful".
It would be perfectly reasonable to expect flight physics mirroring those games but with technical limitations gone (including all celestial bodies in system in gravity calculations is trivial and amounts to summation of at most N vectors where N is the number of major objects per ship/projectile/dynamic object - it doesn't involve solving n-body problem since the gravity sources are all on-rails and stuff affected by gravity dynamically is effectively massless as far as its own gravity field is concerned, while forces masses and rotations are part of any reasonable physics package these days) as was promised
In short, we're fed bullshit, so we rage, nothing new under the Troll With Twenty-sided Die.
I loved the richness of the galaxy, but with the benefit of hindsight I think the way the ships flew detracted from the joyous immediacy of those in “Elite”.
Q: Will you have Newtonian physics in the game?
A: Yes. The degree of the fly-by-wire to override the feeling of skidding is something we will carefully tune.
changing flight direction vector might require energy depending on speed, but rotating the ship around is only a matter of manouvering thrusters.
all of elite's ships' manouvering thrusters suck big time. that's it.
There is no reason for rotation to be dependent on current velocity and there is no real relationship between rotation and changing your trajectory (turning) with aerodynamics out of the picture.
So if you're going too fast to turn at given rate you should rotate just the same, but with ship starting to drift noticeably.
So, a 180 rotation should take the exact same amount of time regardless of how fast you're travelling, which is useful when, for example, tracking a target in a fight with fixed, forward firing guns.
Thank you for admitting that I was right MadMax.changing flight direction vector might require energy depending on speed,
This:changing flight direction vector might require energy depending on speed,
This:changing flight direction vector might require energy depending on speed,
Now fuck off.changing flight direction vector might require energy depending on speed,
Actually the argument started with this:only problem is we're talking about why the fuck elite's spaceships turn (without changingflight direction vector) slower the higher the speed.
So we were not talking about rotation speed but turn rate. Because those are not the same thing. Stop mixing them up goddammit!I've yet to hear a good explanation about why ships turn rate varies with their linear speed, and that's just the first thing that comes to mind.
The expansions play quite differently you say.
None of the ships in E: D fly the same either, which makes me wonder again why you think it's a contrast.
NPC manufacturers will never produce strategic components to construct your own private navy. That's all left up to the player. It makes sense that the player would have to construct his own factories to produce on a sufficient scale, but not that literally nothing is available on the market. On top of that, the player is the only person in the galaxy who constructs new factories, so the manufacturing economy lacks any dynamism whatsoever.
nope im p sure dbx was talking about what you are calling rotation speed, which does vary with travel speed in EDSo we were not talking about rotation speed but turn rate.
nope im p sure dbx was talking about what you are calling rotation speed, which does vary with travel speed in ED
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Because the "only Player builds new Factories" part is utter bullshit since at least Terran Conflict.
The GOD Script-Modul removes and rebuilds NPC Factories and every single part you need for your fleets is built in NPC factories.
That's actually not much of an achievement, because combat in FE2/FFE was dead simple and, frankly, it sucked (and how could it not if it consisted of zapping each other with hitscan lasers in the most uncluttered environment imaginable?).i'd say it's actually a bit more fun, engaging, interesting and perhaps even more tactical than FE2/FFE.
isn't really all that different from this:
it's more than reasonable to assume those thrusters are puny and only there for fine manoeuvres/ship-to-station/ship-to-ship interactions) and far from enough to achieve FTL speeds (there's the FSD for that and every ship can achieve the same speeds with the FSD, there's not limit afaik, but i didn't go over 130c). with FA off it's basically the same thing except that little speed counter says 300 (m/s) instead of 30Mm/s and the engagement distances are somewhat shorter
You already have Oolite too.(plenty of open and/or free remakes etc there so there's really no need for another, official one just with fancy graphics)
Exactly. This implies adhering to the physics closely, but putting an intermediate layer of (hopefully optional) automatics between hard and unforgiving universe and possibly clueless player, rather than tweaking shit willy-nilly to arrive at first mainstream implementation of physics of prosperland(although to be fair there's also this:
but considering both, the best you can argue is "mixed signals" not "they promised us improved newtonian flight mechanics compared to FE2/FFE")A: Yes. The degree of the fly-by-wire to override the feeling of skidding is something we will carefully tune.
Non-bizarro physics is just as big and just as obvious.(offline being the biggest and most obvious)
nope im p sure dbx was talking about what you are calling rotation speed, which does vary with travel speed in ED
funny thing just happened. i was scooping fuel at the midway point of my rares route while browsing the codex and typing "it's also fucking comical to see a codexer who thinks that mods fix anything in skyrim" to post in here, when i noticed an interdiction in the background. once loading finished i deployed hardpoints and prepared to warrant scan the other ship, only to see the eagle blow up before i even finished facing it..... fun times. also gotta love all those death com messages from system authority vessels that try to get behind you while scooping up real close and plummet into the sun while doing so.
Fuck off retard. You are the one who can't use basic terminology, I was talking about turn rate the whole time, and you only made yourself clear at the end of the argument about rotation speed. After that, I left the discussion.It's pretty self explanatory.
It's just that according to normal logic:
- Evident miscommunication occurs
- Error is detected and corrected
- Discussion proceeds regarding the actual, rather than wrongly perceived subject
But according to fanboy logic:
- Evident miscommunication occurs
- Error is detected and corrected
Fanboy logic trumps all.
Fuck off retard. You are the one who can't infer shit from basic context.Fuck off retard. You are the one who can't use basic terminology, I was talking about turn rate the whole time, and you only made yourself clear at the end of the argument about rotation speed. After that, I left the discussion.