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Wasteland Ending Discussions (Spoilers, duh)


The Real Fanboy
Aug 28, 2013
God's Dumpster
Codex USB, 2014
I think that Angela is still alive to be honest, just imprisoned. They seemed to intentionally make her a mystery in that regard.


Sep 3, 2010
I was absolutely expecting a brainwashed and augmented Angela to be a miniboss somewhere during the endgame, with the possibility of DiploWinning her fight and having her commit suicide, Master Style, instead.
Jan 12, 2012
I sweeped through Ranger Citadel with my army of allies, only Jill and the Atchinson guy died by rushing into the enemy, at the end the Topekan guy an hero himself with the nuke. Fun ending, but I ended OP as fuck (Seasoned, only 2KOs).
Angela Deth's slide hints to an expansion, I think. Also I got the slide of giving the DBM the nuke, even if I had dissarmed it.


Aug 26, 2012
Played on seasoned and had full party, all level 41-43 + 11 NPCs (including puppy) for last fight. Casey and unarmed mutant chick died during the fight and Kekkebah sacrificed himself in the end. Slides were all accurate.

I feel like I didn't miss much content but I did have a lot of useless toaster items left over at the end. And I never found the dandruff shampoo or the gloves for the goat farmer. Also, not sure if I found the Codex shrine - if it has obvious references to Codex then I missed it.

I didn't experiment with character creation and my party was sub-optimal to say the least. Due to low initiative (12-13 on everyone), I thought the Dugan fight was harder than the final fight because everyone starts bunched up and the enemies attacked first.

I like the way Ralphy's personality and ending were affected by the fate of his father - in my case the father blew himself up. I converted Ralphy to laser weapons right away and got the Gamma Ray Blaster before leaving Arizona. He started off pretty useless and by the end of the game he was probably my 2nd most efficient killer (due in part to the lackluster builds of my main characters and my only using 1 assault rifle). His leaving to wander the wastes as a travelling badass seemed appropriate.

I didn't have them in my party but interesting that certain NPCs can turn on you. Was wondering if that was possible when I met Lex.

I agree with those who think there may be a way to talk Mathias down. Wouldn't be surprised if there is a key word you can manually enter at some point in that conversation that affects the outcome.

Didn't find out what happened to Angela either. I got caught up in finishing the game and didn't spend much time by the crash site. Figured that slide meant that I missed something. But if it hints at an expansion then I'm all for it...
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Mar 1, 2013
North of Poland
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Beat the game today, played on Seasoned.

A fun RPG with a good foundation for its combat system (Good combat??? In my RPG???). I didn't like the dialogue system at all though. When people berated you, you could barely ever return the favor, only act like a robot and choose between [START QUEST], [QUEST INFO] and [FACTION LORE].

And I didn't find a single manual keyword through the entire game, despite trying whenever it made sense. At least in Fallout I found one, when I asked the Lieutenant what "FEV" was. Hey, Priests, where do you keep your zeolite? Why can't I talk to you about zeolite? It's the freaking reason I'm even here.

I combed all of Arizona for content, but by the time I hit Hollywood I couldn't bother with sidequests anymore and ignored all of the salt addict slave ring thing.

Got a great laugh out of the Codex shrine. I even got in without savescumming(!!!).

Companions' anger over attacking civilians is a bit jarring when you've got Lexcanium, who goes rogue against CotC when in combat because he hates them so much, but whines about how you're attacking civilians when you attack them when they aren't hostile to you.

The endgame was surprisingly easy. I killed some would-be recruits, entered the sub-level, and met Dugan the Tactical Droid and Matthias the TV star chuckling over how great their evil plan was. OK. I didn't even need the RPG's I had hoarded against the Scorpitrons, both fights against them were "no need for strategical positioning, just attack with everything to end the fight as quickly as possible"-fights. And the enemies numbered so few! After shooting past so many robots in Damonta and RSM members in the Prison, having a total of 6 fights in New Citadel and Ranger Citadel was underwhelming. Where was the army of robots I heard about? How did they manage to shoot down Team Foxtrot's chopper? Why did the coolest enemy in the game, the Slicer Dicer, not make any more appearances after Arizona?

I really liked how the people I had helped/chosen to save appeared in the end. But I didn't like how they were a part of the final battle. It made for a long, boring fight that's impossible to lose as the enemies were nothing special, and you have 10+ meat shields that soak up damage and slowly dent away at the enemies' health. It also made it impossible not to lose some named NPC... luckily for me, Vargas only lost half of his HP.

I was thinking of which of my Rangers to sacrifice when Kekkebah volunteered. Fitting, as Casey James met his end fighting the Synths below.

I'm not sure having a 20 vs. 20 gunfight is the best choice for a final battle. I'd rather have a cliche "your allies get locked out behind you" and it's your team of 7 versus the Synth god Matthias with an armor rating of 10, some god-tier plasma weapon in hand and throwing out status effects that you have to get around. Come to think of it, were there a single enemy in the game with 10 armor?

Calling HQ on the radio to level up made for some hilarity. I was performing the Great Angel Oracle Massacre and executed everything alive in the stadium, and occasionally I called HQ to receive field promotions for a job well done. Lawbringers all right!

PS. I killed Night Terror after getting tired of his comments. Never figured out what the hell was up with that thing, I summed it up as a figment of our imagination caused by the Darwin plague as no one in Ranger Center acknowledged the little fucker's existance.

PPS. I killed the puppy a few minutes after aquiring it. Let's see if we can find you a new ho- [AMBIENT DOG BARK] [AMBIENT DOG BARK] [AMBIENT DOG BARK] [AMBIENT DOG BARK] [AMBIENT DOG BARK] Dismiss Vulture's Cry -> Murder the little bugger -> Re-recruit Vulture's Cry

PPPS. What the hell was up with "The Provost"? Creepy guy, walks around in a white suit, rambles in Latin. Died in Rail Nomad and then again in LA. *shivers* Stop following me, freak!

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Come to think of it, were there a single enemy in the game with 10 armor?

Well, Vargas has that and you can turn on him if you want I guess :troll:

Also, it seems I was the only one whose all allies (sans Vargas) had 35 hp at the endgame, which means they all mass-Allah Akbar'd vs the scorpitron's flamer. The fun of playing unpatched! :M But at least it made for a p. tense final fight.


Jan 25, 2008
Codex 2012
Rail chiefs didn't come, although i gave them peace. Instead some indian chick showed up. The fact that a follower (Kekkebah) offers to sacrifice himself sounds cool. I thought it's me or Vargas only in that dialog.

Did it on seasoned and lost Rose and Lex right away to AI. Still only Jan and 1 mutant died. I first thought robots will come infinitely and i have to hack the computer above to stop it or something, but nope, just a couple of spawns. Yep, the endgame is easy, considering the amount of RPGs and LAWs you must have at that point. Dugan : "I will deal with you myse..." Poof.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"And I didn't find a single manual keyword through the entire game, despite trying whenever it made sense."

You didn't try hard enough.


Jan 25, 2008
Codex 2012
So is there a scenario to storm the Citadel WITH the Synth? And what is that mystery skill (some skull)? I tried siding with Matthias, got screwed. I thought i would get some synth skill or something.


Jul 19, 2012
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
I beat it on the weekend. I agree with most of the posts here, but I will say I had the same feeling that I get when I finish a good book after finishing WL2. That feeling like you are saying goodbye to an old friend.
I was a bit over the side-quests in Hollywood etc (total play through was about 62 hours), but I think that was more to do with the challenge taking a dive. My team were steamrolling pretty much everything after I'd sorted out the stadium and the town with the synth down the well.

I actually cheesed the shit out of the last fight unintentionally. I got up on the scaffolding thing on the right-hand side and had my party all take cover, then I got the Indian chick to creep down the ramp slightly till the monologue started. Then I ran her back behind cover and pew-pewed everything with rifles and energy weapons until the rest of the robots were waiting on the scafolding at the end. At that point Vargas decided to take a heroic charge into them. Welp I wanted none of that, so I held position, the game then decided that I wasn't in combat anymore and Vargus tp'd back to my party. Then I saved, leveled up, healed and polished off the rest of them.
Having the Night terror also lets you cheese a lot of fights, if you have a single character run up from the rest of the party all ready to ambush, he will often be a bullet sponge while you run your party member back into cover. Was this an intentional thing I wonder? He has 8k hp, so I never once saw him even close to dying from this.

I let Vargus sacrifice himself, I felt that he should have sorted the base security out. Pretty gross incompetence to let your whole base be wiped out from within and taken over, I mean how many years were they in there for?!!

My slides all seemed correct.

Overall I pretty fantastic game, I did start to enjoy it more once I cranked up the combat speed however.

Moar plz.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I let Vargus sacrifice himself, I felt that he should have sorted the base security out. Pretty gross incompetence to let your whole base be wiped out from within and taken over, I mean how many years were they in there for?!!

Oh yeah, speaking of this, was I the only one who found the premise ridiculous?

Switching your base of operations into an ex-AI ran base with this HUGE OMINOUS ELEVATOR SURROUNDED BY GUN TURRETS that you aren't able to open with everything you try, and then going 'EH, I'M SURE NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN' is some magnificent plot stupidity.


Sep 17, 2012
Just finished my 116 hour playthrough on Ranger (god damn skill check and savescumming ocd). Overall the game was pretty good, but I did feel like I was going through the motions early into LA. It was kind of a weird dichotomy since the area was chock full of quests and yet there was a sense of linear predictability in how I completed the towns and encounters one by one.
I blame myself a bit cause I avoided most failures and a game like this would be better played on ironman or semi-ironman.

The finale was alright, could have used some more options. The main storyline didnt really grip me so it was hard to care about the Citadel falling by the time I got back. Id played Banner Saga right before W2, which imo did a better job with the heartwrenching plight of the protagonists and dystopian mood.
The npc help was cool. The battle was nothing spectacular. I got most to survive and had Chisel sacrifice himself, which was a perfect fit considering the guy is 76 years old iirc.
I thought they missed a small trick with the ending slides, not giving you extra props if you killed the plant mutants at the water treatment facility to ease the loss of highpool.

Right now im feeling the same way I did after Blackguards and MMX. Satisfied but not really craving more having slogged through a ton of battles, I never did bother with the dlc for those games and Im not sure what to think as far as W2 expansions unless they are significant additions.

So is there a scenario to storm the Citadel WITH the Synth? And what is that mystery skill (some skull)? I tried siding with Matthias, got screwed. I thought i would get some synth skill or something.
I was strongly tempted to join Mathias because the path of transcendence made a lot of sense for an increasingly power hungry crew of rangers. But of course the guy seemed too batshit to trust and his hate towards so many people including rangers stopped me from spoiling all the good work id done. Had like 30+ points saved up on my hacking, weaponsmithing and AR wielding Super Ranger. Sad that it looks like a dead end.

Why did the coolest enemy in the game, the Slicer Dicer, not make any more appearances after Arizona?

Now that you remind me, that was a bad loss. Those were the most interesting and intimidating enemies in the whole game. The synths were a bore, the scorpitron was too static and the Meson cannon was a joke.
Hell I didnt bother finishing the abondoned railway with three slicers camping that zone, would have used most my resources.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I played it on seasoned, so the final fight was not that difficult. I had 2 men down, but I could patch them together and continue the fight. I was very surprised that Rose turned into an enemy. Funny things is that I thought that if I spare her, and every synth dies, she turns back. So I didn't shoot at her, and when the ally AI damaged her, I healed the bitch. Unfortunately she didn't turn back, so I put her off of her misery. The final run to the nuke was fun, at first I though this is just a joke. :D So I waited until the timer run out. Too bad. :) Reloaded, found the floppy and got to the nuke. I turned down Vargas' offer to sacrifice himself. I couldn't let him die, instead I had my suicice monk character to stay with the nuke. They are good at blowing themselves up anyway. This way he could meet the Glow. I even got a cool ending slide for him.

The ending slides very accurate in my case, but I also missed the Rail Nomad one.


█▓▒░ ░▒▓█
Oct 14, 2012
I also thought the ending was a bit too easy at about level 40. Had 8 people join me in the final fight and none of them died.

Don't remember needing a floppy to explode the nuke. Kekkabah sacrificed himself in my game.

In the ending slides, Ralphy reunited with Jessica and went to live in Rodia (I didn't finish the father quest). Vulture's Cry and the mutant returned to their people. Both were pretty useful with the sniper rifles and energy weapons skills.

The Provost guy was also a mystery to me. What was that supposed to be about?


Jan 25, 2008
Codex 2012
Right now im feeling the same way I did after Blackguards and MMX. Satisfied but not really craving more having slogged through a ton of battles, I never did bother with the dlc for those games and Im not sure what to think as far as W2 expansions unless they are significant additions.
Wasteland is different because it provides RPG worthy stories/writing. So an expansion will be worth it.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Just beat the game. My ending:

- I failed to negotiate peace at RNC (NEVER demand the brake shoe as payment for saving Jessie, folks), so no RN showed up. My slide was also "RNC goes Soviet Union/Scotchmo becomes resistance fighter" (lulz)
- RSM Militia is dead. Fuck making peace with those assholes.
- I killed both Rose and Lex at the final fight after they turned on me. Killing Rose broke my heart (but didn't stop me from LOLing at her exploding torso).
- I loved the twist. Seeing Mathias go from "Super Villain" to "disposable pawn" was really awesome. The Dugan twist was, however, pretty lame and predictable.
- Rodia -> good ending, everyone lives happily ever after.
- Hollywood -> GM is dead, and Heidi goes full Godfather. Also, Raji's kids got fucked (harder) by Heidi.
- Titan's Canyon -> DBM took over (via nuke) and now rules it with an Iron Fist.
- Damonta -> saved everyone and Werewolf Wally is our Bro. Don't reference F3, plz...
- Vargas sacrificed himself to save the day.
- Ralphy left the Rangers to marry Jessie (how the fuck did she survive the Topekan onslaught??)

Overall a very nice ending to a very nice game. Powerpoint style endings were never a bad thing and I am glad to see that Inxile got it right. Looking forward to W3 and W2 balance patch.

EDIT: I started the game on Supreme Jerk, but latter switched to Ranger. SJ is a stupid rage-fest.


May 24, 2013
Glorious Nihon
Is Angela Deth going to come back in Wasteland 3 as the antiranger?

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