The map is similarly obtuse, making simple navigation a needless chore. Maps must be found or earned, but only appear as static images. You can't highlight areas of interest to see what they are, and there are no waypoints or fast travel. Even more irritating, the vital function of finding a quest objective is buried under a sequence of menu navigations that must be performed every time you check the map. So you open the map and, since there's no single active quest, navigate across the various quest factions in the left-hand window and then down through an ever-expanding list to the quest you want to locate. You then have to use the right-hand window to scroll over to the quest map, which simply shows your location as an arrow, and the quest-giver and objective as coloured dots. If you want to check that you're still on course if a battle turns you around, you need to do this all over again. It's a maddening, ponderous chore that bleeds the life out of simple exploration, the lifeblood of any RPG.