Hello everyone and welcome to yet another development diary for Europa Universalis IV. Today we’ll talk about the biggest feature of our next expansion. A system we called “Ages of Europa Universalis”.
The game is now divided into 4 separate ages, where different rules apply in each age. Each age also have objectives you can fulfill, and abilities you can use use.
- Age of Discovery => 1400 -1530
- Age of Reformation => 1530 - 1620
- Age of Absolutism => 1620 - 1710
- Age of Revolutions => 1710-1821
Each age have seven objectives that can be fulfilled, and if they are fulfilled, you gain +3 power-projection as well as 3 splendor each month.
Now you may ask? What is splendor then? Well.. Splendor is the age specific currency you use to purchase abilities. There are seven abilities in each age that each country can purchase, and there is also four unique abilities in each age, where countries that historically were powerful in that age can unlock a special ability.
Whenever a new Age arrives, you power projection from objectives start decaying, and you now lose all the abilities you purchased in the previous age.
Today we’ll take a look at the Age of Discovery, which is the first Age.
Religious Rules are valid. (Previously before 1650)
Peasants War, Castilian Civil War, War of the Roses can only happen in this Age.
- Capital in old world, discover Americas
- Own Territory on two continents
- Embrace Renaissance and keep it in all state provinces.
- Own a 30+ development city
- Own 5 Centers of Trade
- Have at least 2 personal unions.
- Humiliate a Rival
- Allow Edict “Feudal De Jure Law”
- Transfer vassal wargoal
- Create a claim bordering claims
- 50% longer lasting claims.
- Explorers & Conquistadors do not cost maintenance while on missions.
- Finished colonies gets +1 random development.
- Gain +1 attack bonus in your capital's terrain type
- Ottomans : +33% Siege Ability
- Portugal : +50 colonial growth
- Denmark : 30 less liberty desire in subjects.
- Venice : +50% Trade Power from Ships
Another cool concept we have related to the Age mechanics is the Golden Era. A golden era can be started once per game for a country, as soon as you have fulfilled 3 objectives in an Age, and lasts for 50 years.
A golden age gives you 10% cheaper costs for anything you spend monarch power on, your land and naval morale increase by 10%, and you produce 10% more goods.
The free patch keeps track of which age the game is in, and uses it for triggers for disasters and events.