Seems like that was the moment the game released, tbh. At this point in time, there's 2 mods I'd recommend people to play depending on their preference. MEIOU, which minimizes mana as much as it can and goes the simulationist path with pops and the like, and Anbennar, which takes nu-Paradox design and brings it to its natural conclusion featuring loads of map painting and ridiculously strong missions trees, but accompanied by bucketloads of flavor (so that playing a country is aking to following a story). Paradox clearly fell in love with Anbennar to the point where they copy stuff from them, so that's where the game is gradually moving towards.
It’s a matter of degrees.
I stopped playing MEIOU with 2.0 when tech groups were removed, along with westernization, and they introduced institutions and pops.
Suddenly 90% of the population and economic/development weight of Planet Earth was based in China, India and East Africa, in that order. I’ve probably never been more disappointed with a mod release, though I know you said in the past it was fixed somewhat.