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Europa Universalis IV


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
You could always pass the reform that makes emperorship hereditary!
Jan 7, 2012
The main point of the HRE aside from the minor buffs/manpower/free empire rank is to feed them land which you can then annex for free once you are finished conquering the world. That way no need to core or suffer overextension yourself.
Mar 3, 2010
i thought the point of hre was to not form it and stop when you have 20+ free vassals. you're literally unstoppable, no amount of manpower can withstand the pure SWARM. wherever the enemy is, whatever he's doing, you're always sieging his lands one way or another. just sit and watch.


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
i thought the point of hre was to not form it and stop when you have 20+ free vassals. you're literally unstoppable, no amount of manpower can withstand the pure SWARM. wherever the enemy is, whatever he's doing, you're always sieging his lands one way or another. just sit and watch.
You're both right I think. Although you get way more than 20 vassals.. I have 100+ in the one I'm doing.

Higher Game

Apr 14, 2005
Female Vagina


Thuringia gonna ninja 'ya. Due to its small starting size, position, and extra diplomat, it's arguably the most flexible nation in the HRE, and it gets +50% chance of new heir too. With smart favor currying well ahead of time, it can ally just about anyone it wants and expand anywhere. And you get a PU over Commonwealth in the mission tree too, so they're your hunting partner.

And it's not even an end game boss tag.


Sep 5, 2019
After a decade of playing I finally decided I needed to do a WC and the recent update made me want to revisit Byzantium. So a Byz->Rome one faith WC seemed fitting. Finished up by around 1770. Could have gone faster, but it got a little tedious towards the end so I wasn't too concerned with taking my time and optimizing every single conquest and decision. The T2 reform that allows early client states was extremely powerful, as it let me use them to help core land and remain below 100% overextension during peace deals. As long as their total development is below 100, you can then turn them into pronoia and inherit for free. Much of Russia, India, and Iberia were cored this way. It also provided a nice vassal swarm to help carpet siege and cut down on the micro. Another powerful (although temporary) bonus was early game AE reduction. The AE reduction icon can be doubled via mission and paired with prestige, espionage ideas, and the Age of Discovery bonus, you are able to get about 60% AE reduction. I used that window to gobble up a chunk of Italy and push into Europe.

Anyways, here is the obligatory proofs:

The whole world is Orthodox, and about 75% of the old world is of Roman culture. I wanted to get it to 100%, but I hadn't planned on attempting one culture until later in the game and didn't want to start over.

Thinking of doing an Austria->Russia run next for the Triple the Rome achievement. A quick revoke paired with accumulated bonuses from Austria and Russia, and then from being EOC seems broken. Should be interesting.
Jan 7, 2012
You can stack -culture conversion cost very easily to the point where its pretty cheap, the main issue is that it doesn't speed it up and the duration depends on dev so it can take forever because the AI spam develops everything too much nowadays.


Sep 5, 2019
The only way I know to get the time down is to remove dev via concentrate development, exploitation, and Rome's tier 1 reform which gives -10% conversion time.
Mar 3, 2010
back to anbennar two years later, a thousand new single province faceless blokes who weight ten thousand times on the engine, but not a single one has a custom mission tree. why? just, why?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Yeah,it is a mod far better than the game. There is some really good nations that are fun to play. You should try the glorious kobalts jihad lol.


Nov 15, 2016
The issue that kept me from really enjoying anbennar is that the balance of power in Cannor is nonexistant. There's simply not enough regional powers. I always felt like it became my job as the player to keep lorent from blobbing out of control.


Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
The issue that kept me from really enjoying anbennar is that the balance of power in Cannor is nonexistant. There's simply not enough regional powers. I always felt like it became my job as the player to keep lorent from blobbing out of control.

Don't play in Cannor.
Mar 3, 2010
well, there isn't much balance in vanilla eu4 either. i mean, once france and england go, they go. only player agency can stop them. while in anbennar big countries have at least one or two dedicated catastrophies. which is why i stopped playing dwarves. "were you having fun? here's 50 years of being able to do jack shit". the better you were doing, the hardest it hits, the worst is serpent rot, which can't be cured timely if you already spread through the whole tunnels. and now it plagues other races too. so much fun. almost as hitting your toe against furniture in the dark.
besides, recent ( < 2 years) changes to ai made using anyone near the big players impossible, since the computer is *always* going for you. this is as fun as shooting your own balls off.


Dec 19, 2016
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

The Victorian Era

„The Victorian Era“ introduces a new 1836 start date to Europa Universalis 4.
Key features:

- Updated borders and new nations: The mod creates historical borders for the year 1836, and adds new nations such as the British East India Company, Belgium or the Dutch East India Company.

- Starting Development Rework: To better represent the historical economic power and population nations had in 1836, several nations have received major development buffs at the start of the game. Here are the strongest nations by development in 1836:
Qing: 4036
British East India Company: 2165
Russia: 2077
Great Britain: 1462
Austria: 1461
France: 1352
United States: 1147
Prussia: 1063
Ottomans: 746
Dutch East India Company: 621
Spain: 613
Mexico: 592
Tokugawa (Japan): 504
Egypt: 457

- Arable Land and Population growth: Inspired by Victoria 3, I have added Arable Land and Population Growth as new game mechanics:
Every Province in the game gets a certain amount of Arable Land – (Based on the amount of Population that lived in each region around the year 1900) Provinces will spawn in development through hidden events, with higher Arable Land values making the events fire more often.
This system also represents migration, as for example the nations in America start with lower development, but will grow faster compared to european nations due to higher amounts of Arable Land being available.

- German and Italian Unification: To somewhat help German or Italian states in forming Germany/Italy, they have a new decision where upon reaching tech level 36 (usually around 1870), they can form a federation with other independent minor states in their region, and get permaclaims on their countries’ respective borders.

- Extended tech tree: To allow for tech progression beyond the usual max level (32), I have added technologies up to level 70 (giving minor bonuses)

- Major power buffs: To represent how certain pwoers dominated the 19th century, a selection of countries have gotten buffs to their force limits, manpower aswell as colonists through their ideas.

- Mobilization: To quickly get up to forcelimit in case of war, a new decision allows countries to spawn in infantry in their capital city when they are at war andunder forcelimit.

Scope/Future of the mod: This mod attempts to make playing in the EU4 lategame more fun, by adding a new historical setting with a somewhat accurate depiction of the world in 1836. There is lots more that could be added to this mod for a deeper/more historical 19th century experience.

(Examples: New mission trees, replacing wastelands with colonizable provinces for a better „Scramble for Africa“, more accurate borders of countries and provinces around the world, New country ideas and formables, new buildings aswell as a posible industrialization system, loading screens, music, etc.)

I will likely not be adding any of these things, as the mod is at a state wher I’m having a lot of fun with it and don’t really want to invest the time it would take to add all these things. While it is fully playable, consider this version of the mod as a „proof of concept“ for a Victorian Era EU4 Mod. If anyone wants to add on to this mod, create a better/expanded version of it or take parts of this mod for their own mod, please feel free to do so! (Giving credit would be nice! :) )

With all that said, I hope you enjoy Europa Universalis 4: The Victorian Era!


Jun 30, 2019
I can't really play a "historical" mod that doesn't disable spending mana to increase development. Makes you able to turn some shitty wasteland somewhere into the next Venice within a month. And that's not to mention each such investment spreading institutions (even if they're far, far away from your lands) making that whole mechanic essentially pointless.

Higher Game

Apr 14, 2005
Female Vagina

Giga Swiss don't miss. No colonies or African gimmicks. Switzerland is one of the most interesting countries because it needs sword mana for republican tradition and mercenary ideas, not just for barrage and development. For most countries, paper and bird mana are the king and queen and sword mana is the pawn, but for Switzerland it matters just as much.


Jul 11, 2019

Studio Manager​

Paradox Tinto​

Paradox Staff

Today at 13:52
I think you need not worry. Stellaris and Victoria 3 has pop systems and have major performance problems, vic 2 and imperator have pops and don't have major performance problems.

It all depends on you make your design for how you use the pops, so that the game can handle the scaling of them. There are plenty of arguments against using pops, but performance is NOT an argument against pops
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil

Studio Manager​

Paradox Tinto​

Paradox Staff

Today at 13:52
I think you need not worry. Stellaris and Victoria 3 has pop systems and have major performance problems, vic 2 and imperator have pops and don't have major performance problems.

It all depends on you make your design for how you use the pops, so that the game can handle the scaling of them. There are plenty of arguments against using pops, but performance is NOT an argument against pops

AFAIK the main reason for Stellaris' slowdown issues (also HOI4 and any Pdox game released pre-CKIII) is due to the way these games' version of Clausewitz render graphics and the game itself. I don't remember the technical side of it, but AFAIK they do it together or something, whereas the new games render game graphics and game logic differently, AFAIK the newer games do it separatedly, I don't remember if the newer games run game logic on the processing core and the graphics on the video card in parallel or something, something like that.

Obviously, there's a lot of other optimization issues (which may or may not involve pops). Which they can fix. But they can't fix this one without remaking the entire game because it's an issue with the engine, pops or no pops.

CKIII runs better on CKII at all levels because of that change. Fuck, my Thinkpad T430 can run CKIII with only worrying temperatures to worry about, which is simply surreal.

Dunno about Victoria 3 tho.

I hope this spells good news on use of pops in EUV.
Jan 7, 2012
Johan's last game (Imperator) ran great with pops and a shit ton of provinces.

The problem seems to be scope creep as new features are added over time that degrade performance more than anticipated. Both CK2 and Stellaris had this in spades, though CK2 eventually fixed performance to be pretty good. Stellaris performance is pretty ass if you're playing hundreds of years which is supposed to be the timeline the game is for.

HoI4 seemed to run pretty well for me (haven't played for a few patches though). But on the other hand Victoria 3 is supposed to run like shit late game from what I've heard.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Didn't it run better because they ditched the simulated stuff in favor of more gamey-oriented stuff?

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