Screwed around with finishing my first game again but after having done slightly more content. Only major different endings I got were:
The tribals got an ending slide about how they were flourishing, I assume I got this because I went to war with them against the hospital. Anyone know if this ending pops up if you just murder the hospital people of your own accord?
Williams business flourishes in the Suburbs, one wife dies, the other leaves, he gets depressed. In my first completion, it said the business flourished BUT when "the situation" escalated in the Suburbs, he and a bunch of immigrants left and created a settlement elsewhere. Any of you know what caused this shift?
The additional content I did was: Kill the hospital people, the anonym questline (sided with Aran) AND its followup and PROGREMA base. I assumed "the situation" mentioned was the eviction of the mutant hunters by the imperials, but this happened in both cases* so don't see why that slide would change.
*Anyone interested, the difference between not touching the Anonym questline and completing while siding with Aran (and Sebastion being dead, not sure but think this is relevant) is: the former results in the slide set starting with "Eventually Myzrael(sp?) died of old age" and then goes on with the same stuff