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Interview Fallout 3: Gameplay Trumps Story


Jun 21, 2007
oldschool said:
What is this "Australia" you speak of?

It's where we sent all our paedophiles and untermensch, stingrays and dingos keep the population in check.

Not much else to know really.


Mar 5, 2005
Denmark, Europe
If is consistent and coherent within the game, Fallout 3, I would be content (ok, maybe happy, too) with my character dying at the end. The whole, 'to sacrifice one to save the many' thing.

As for planning that the game continues after the main quest mhas ended; well I liked the fact that they made it so that the game ended when the main quest ended. But Bethesda obviously know their fan base...


Oct 7, 2005
The entire main quest sucks and plays in a retarded linear way. They didn't bother because they knew it wouldn't do much damage.


So the game completely brakes down into retarded stupoid shit but you know what? We knew that and we were OK with it.

brethesda - making games for stupid since... whatever, who the fuck cares anyway.


my brain is falling appart but you know what? err... i forgot what was i is going to sayz.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
He felt good about it, so who cares about you assholes. They're obviously making the game for themselves. Fuck you guys, he FELT GOOD.


Mar 6, 2003
Dabrinko said:
It seems like they NEVAH can admit that they did wrong. That everything they do is AWSUM and KEWL.

Can't they just...about one little thing...say:

"Sorry, we fucked up on that one."

Thats what I hate most about bethesda.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Interesting that I found this topic today.

Yesterday I decided to, finally, not physically remove it from the pirate bay's inventory and see the horror show for myself. Today I installed it, played it, now uninstalled it.

What to say.... I was only impressed that the game ran surprisingly well on my not up to date computer on mid-high details, but it still suffers the oblivion syndrome of plastic feel and bland environments. The game has no art direction whatsoever, just a bunch of not so high polygon stuff thrown all over the place with a shitload of bloom. I had with this game the same problem I had with oblivion where it's somewhat difficult to identify scenery objects, that is, it'd hard to see a fucking door on the walls because it all seems the same. Inside the vault the consoles and switches seemed to blend with the walls and look like part of the wall textures instead of what they should be. Outside the vault among those piles of concrete debris, pieces of metal and stuff, if you pay attention you will notice nothing has rough edges, it's all soft and smooth, exactly like in oblivion. For a game that brags so much on graphics, even half-life 2's (four years ago) managed to deliver more convincing scenarios.

Then the so called RPG elements are useless, since it's all about shooting stuff from crazy angles and go BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! No matter what you say in dialog, you can always come back and get the information you want from someone, because the dialog tree is static every time. There are no side effects from saying something mean to the wrong person, and only one dialog skill (speech) for everything you might need. No need to persuade, intimidate, seduce, manipulate... nada (actually these options don't even exist). It's just like oblivion except you don't have a "persuasion" mini-game.

Then the combat........ When I first got a pistol and shot a guard in the head, and it blew off like a tomato, I saw that nothing good would come from this game. The shooting mechanics are total shit, everything is just too easy (even easier with VATS). Even with a ridiculously low weapon skill and agility, I could still headshot my way through the game. The constant repairing of weapons is also a pain in the ass for a game that claims it's full of action, it's just MMORPG grinding techniques to fill up the game with unnecessary shit so devs could proclaim "OH NO! THIS AITN NO SIMPLE SHOOTA NOO!!!! IN FO3 GUNZ WAER OUTZ ADN U GOTT4 REEPAIR! IZ ALL TO MAEK IT MOAR REAL AND IMMMMERSHIVE!!!!111!1!". Bullshit, MMORPG filler written all over it.

Bethardo delivers once again.


Oct 26, 2008
Château d'If
So the story does kind of break down. But you know what? We knew that, and were OK with it, because the trade-off is, well, you get these cool followers to join you. You meet up with Fawkes near the end of the game, and it's true you can go right with him to the purifier. So we could've not had him there as a follower, and that would've solved the problem of him not going into the purifier -- because, at that point in development, that was the only fix we had time for. But we kept it, and players got him as a follower, and they seem to love adventuring him with. Gameplay trumped story, in that example -- as I believe it should have.

So if we'd planned better, we could've addressed that more satisfactorily. But considering how it all went down, I feel good about the decision we made there.

Major Empirical Reasoning Error #1:

The first thing you have Fawkes do on meeting her in Vault 87 is send her into a radioactive room in place of the player character! You know, just like you should do at the water purification lab at the end!


Don't tell me you didn't fucking realize what a major plot hole you created there --- you were just too fucking lazy to do anything about it!
Sep 17, 2008
Dabrinko said:
It seems like they NEVAH can admit that they did wrong. That everything they do is AWSUM and KEWL.

Can't they just...about one little thing...say:

"Sorry, we fucked up on that one."

In other post-mortems, developers talk about what went wrong and how they could improve in the future. Bethesda just sees it as more opportunities to pat themselves on the back.

Well they made a lot of money and most mainstream reviewers gave FO 3 high marks. They're doing something right.

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