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Interview Fallout 3 will be Straighter and More Plausible


Jan 17, 2008
gibberish detected


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Anyways, i was gonna make a new thread with my thoughts on the game; but that would be a waste of time... much like the game.

I'll start with the positive: Character creation is fine. The music/radio is cool. The opening sequences are very solid and entices one to play one for the most part (minus the stupid baby crying).

Negatives: Graphics are good at bets; but are ruined by the blandness/sameness of everything (and, not just because it is a wasteland). The role-playing is ehh. However, the two things that annoy me the greatest are the combat which is some of the worst combat of all the time... and, the 'exploration' which is just ugh. All it is and running around randomly for more baddies to kill. Gah.

I haven't TOTALLY given up; but bah, FO3 early on is HORRIBLE, and since the combat/exploration is the main reason why, I don't see it improving.

Yeah, yeah, I know. People are gonna say I have to state these things because I was biased from the getgo. But, oh well. It's my fualt for buying a Bethesda game even if it on discount and a sequel to FO3.

This game has such poentital early on but why did they have to ruin a good thing with such crappy combat, and exploration!?!



Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"You said you'd never buy a Bethesda game! You said you wouldn't buy Oblivion or Fallout 3!"

I don't recall ever saying I wouldn't buy FO3. I said I would wait until the price was lowered.

I did say I would never buy Oblivion, and I never have or will.

"What's happening to the world?"

Yeah, perish the thought of someone claiming to do something then actually doing it. OMG!


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Dunno. But, I'll survive. I've done it for 32 years, and counting. Another bad game won't kill me. Besdies, if I can surive the interent I can survive *anything*. INCLUDING NUCLEAR WAR.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Is FO3 SOZZY, Volly?

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