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Fallout Fallout 4 may have originally featured a "classic mode" that played like the original Fallout



Apr 29, 2011

"put the game into birds eye view" != like a classic Fallout. Not even fucking close.
To a random mole, yeah, that's exactly what iso looks like.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"It is like asking why EA hasn't created anything new and iconic for the latest FIFA, and they still have a soccer player on the cover. "

That's your fukkin' argument? A sports game cover? Sports game have one major focus. The actual sport. So, of coruse they are gonna show a player/the sport. Fo is not focused on BOS. In FO1 they had one fukkin' piece of land. Yeha, they gave the power armour and had some other situations theyw ere involved but they weren't the focus. There are so many things that could be put on the cover of a FO game that can be considered 'iconic'. Why not a death claw? Why not any wepaon especially engery weapons? A picture of a nuke blowing up the world? The player getting raped by a mutant? Hell, why not a mutant and/or ghoul facing off with a human? My best idea? Me. pulling. down, my. pants. and taking. a dump.. all. over. you. and. Betehasda. for. your shitty. treatment of FO.



Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
There's no way they could have gotten so much correct about the game itself without actually playing it.
"set in Boston", "features the Institute", "features Synths", "features Railroad" - all this stuff is from Fallout 3. It would make total sense to have BoS as a faction against MIT, so BoS part is just a lucky guess.

And Supermutants, and Enclave over and over and over


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
Exactly which characters will be returning?

All of them of course + Dogmeat, so fans get that cosy feeling

What's the main plot of the game?

Evil Enclave and their computerleader President Trum..err President Eden is doing shenanigans again with possible FEV fartgas or feral ghoul-pedalled masturbation machines and ONLY YOU and your bros in BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL can stop them FUCK YEAH POWER ARMOR

Where is it set?

Downtown Detroit

What year is it set in?


Who are the bad guys?

Trum..err Enclave of course DUH

What month and year will it be revealed on and at exactly where will it be revealed at? (hint: Bethesda game studios never had an E3 conference prior to 2015)

Dunno but they will make some cool website with a countdown and BoS armor helmet FUCK YEAH VELCRO BAG AND PLASTIC HELMET

What company is making the spinoff?


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