Just speaking for myself here, but I'm one of those who NEVER even considered playing the game in real-time. The division between which players used which playstyle was obvious when the game was originally released: Those who had played Fallout used turn-based, and those that hadn't didn't.
The game is not just a bugged mess, but it also has some really messed up level design decisions. case in point is the early mission where you're tasked with recovering the fusion batteries.
There's a tribal village located on top of a pre-war installation. A ladder leads down into an ominous-looking hole, while some suspicious-looking manhole covers can also be seen on the surface near the village. Once your squad descends into the depths, it becomes quickly apparent that the power needs to be restored. The switch is found and thrown, and the rest of the installation can be accessed. EXCEPT...those non-functional turrets that the player spotted throughout the station are now active, and they'll make short work of your squad if you're careless, so they have to be dealt with. By this point almost every player forgets about those suspicious-looking manhole covers on the surface...which as someone can guess, are turret emplacements which proceed to butcher the villagers in relatively short time.
Unless the player has meta-knowledge and plans in advance.
The key to prevent the massacre is to position squadders lying on the ground RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TURRETS, in their blind spots. The turrets will target the nearest hostile, which they'll then have a roughly 1% chance to hit. Note that turrets can still cause criticals, and one of those is more than enough to have your squaddie sent home in his helmet. Then it's just a matter of shooting the turrets until they blow up. If done right, none of the villagers will even have been hurt, and the village elder will reward the player with a fourth fusion battery.
As for what lies ahead - once the Super-Mutant missions are over, the difficulty slides down a little, but once you start encountering the endgame critters pretty much every fight will turn into a slogfest. In every mission. Right up until the end. Have fun.