You never did a female Legion playthrough, did you?
I have. Why?
Do you ever stop and wonder that maybe the Legion would make a excuse for them not having women on the battlefield? Caesar probably needs to tell a lie to his men on why women can't fight.
What is this headcanon bullshit of yours?
You have the Word of God (Sawyer himself). Caesar wouldn't need to lie to his Legionnaires either, especially not by saying "women are bad mmmkay". The reasoning of "my Legion is utilitarian" is all you need to know as to why women in the Legion stay home and breed children are men are sent to the frontlines to fight.
Have I done a female Legion playthrough? Yes. Which is why I know that Caesar's philosophy holds true for a female Courier as well: more resourceful as a powerful agent of history than as a breeding slave.
P.S. I don't imagine your Legion mod being that much better than The Frontier if you make the same mistake of making the Legion a bunch of tryhard incels. You said you were a woman. The way you are talking about The Frontier makes me think a dev dicked you but left you out of the credits list. Over half of your post count is to talk about The Frontier and yet you've been here since 2016. Interesting.