BROs, I'm happy to announce that I've just completed FFT for the n-th time. Tweaking it and fixing along the way.
Introduced three modifications when compared to v4 of my mod:
1) Had to retract this modification:
Each "Draw" / "Iaido" command now costs some CT, with every "stronger" one costing more than the previous one.
Ashura's skill costs 1 CT to use, so it's "almost-immediate", While Kiku-ichimonji's (8th katana) costs 8 CT and Chirijiraden 10 CT.
It's a good idea on paper, but sadly not supported by game's code. During the TESTING I quickly realized, that something was wrong with modified "Draw Out" command. Specifically, katanas were "disappearing" from my inventory after missions. When used via "Draw Out" command during missions (with 0% break chance), they seemed fine (no "Rent" info). But they were missing from the inventory the moment I completed the mission and checked the menus. So, it looks like the game treated them as regular "useable" items or some shit.
There's warning in the ASM Patcher about this:
NOTE: If you set a formula other than the Draw Out ones, the Katana will still break at 100% chance!
But I hoped it only applies to the formula itself:
But it turns out if you fool around with Attributes (Ticks = AP cost), things get fucked too.
"Draw Out" commands are now back to their vanilla state (they are immediate - no CT cost), but I increased katanas' break chance from 0% to 1%. Which actually works nice ingame, due to two things:
- Probability of katanas' breaking is low, but it still happened couple times during my playthrough (with regular, not THAT extensive use).
- Enemy samurai use this command for free since their supply of katanas seems infinite (this command uses katanas in inventory, not the one that's equipped as a weapon). Low break chance for the player balances this somehow.
2) Made the "Doublehand" ability fully innate to Samurai, by using the "Inherent RSM Limitation Hack" ASM Patch (thanks,
Since V2, Samurai had this ability working even when it wasn't learned:
But since V5 it can't be set for Samurai when it's learned (thanks to the "new" hack):
So it works precisely like Ninja's "Dual Wield" in the vanilla game:
OFC, you can dual wield as Samurai by using "Dual Wield" and equipping two katanas (see ITT for instructions):
To make it PURRFECT, I've modified the Tips too:
From this:
To this:
3) I've fixed small error in one of Ninja Blades' decriptions. Sasuke's Blade adds +14 to attack and +15 to block:
While it's description shows +10 to attack:
Probably a typo introduced by authors of FFT Complete or Austin (maker of FFT Prime). Anyway, fixed:
The only thing still to fix (?) is some (rare) font fuckery, which appears during "cutscenes" (events not happening on maps). Looks like this ("o" in "lords" and "u" in "you":
I have no idea what causes this, but I don't think it's emulator-related (appears on both Swanstation and Beetle PSX cores).
And it's not caused by bad text (checked via FFTactext and input text seems fine).
Anyone knows what the fuck?
Link to V5 of the mod:
v5 of my mod was the last one made with v4 of Austin's mod as a base. If you still want to use it for some reason, use older version of Austin's mod as a base:
But using v5 Austin's + v6 Spekkio's is recommended (see below)