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FO3 is not nearly as bad as you hystronic nerds make it out to be

Duralux for Durabux

PTSD does that to you - those flashbacks, man.

Hell, I haven't actually played FO3, yet I still get them.
Shit like this stays forever in our mind:


Duralux for Durabux

ot feels liek mybrian islaeknig trohug out my eyars i cnat even tpye srtiaght
Here are another exemples:


Now another thing I want to talk about:

So this super mutant can resist radiations:
Let's see if he can help us at the end of the game:

He puts a dangerous poison that can kill every creatures in the Wasteland.
The chamber is flooded with radiations and someone has to go inside


Fawkes doesn't react a single bit that the player intend to kill every mutants included him.

choice 1 Go in the chamber when there is Fawkes around( Remember he is immune to radiations) IQ=0
Choice 2 tell an NPC to go in the chamber when there is Fawkes around ( Immune to radiations)IQ = 50
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Duralux for Durabux

Fallout 3 indeed leads to premanent IQ loses. Jut lookin at dose creenshot, I evn loss the bility to write.
I haven't finished yet:
When the player picks the option to kill every mutants in the game:
When you have developed this:


This is a mutation, and apparently for no reason, you survive.

End slide.
Credit: DriacKin thanks for your screenshots.
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Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
Choice 2 tell an NPC to go in the chamber when there is Fawkes around ( Immune to radiations)IQ = 50
Man, I can remember my first playthrough. I was avoiding main quest to the last, but finally the damned time has come. I reached that moment, was unpleasantly surprised and then yelled obscenities at the screen. Then I calmed down, reloaded a save and proceeded to bring Fawkes with me. Nope, he refused to go in and talked some bullshit about fate. I reloaded again and brought ghoul guy with me. Same story. Finally, I reloaded again and brought robot to the chamber. Robot wouldn't disobey my command, right? Nope, robot turned out to be fate believer as well and refused to go. And so I sent this stupid bitch inside to be done with it.

I wasn't expecting this level of retardation. Cockblocking players, who bring radiation resistant companions to the final chamber, so you could make your idiotic "meaningful" ending. Who thought that this is a good idea?

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
The best thing about Fallout 3 is we get great threads like this for years on end. Already people are defending Fallout 76. By the time we get to the reboot I hope to be dead.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
And there's people who genuinely claim that Fallout 4 is a terrible offender against Fallout lore because of some details about certain power armor models, but they consider Fallout 3 perfectly fine even though it has 100 times more retardation in it than its sequel.

Anyone who thinks Fallout 3 isn't mind-boggingly retarded is probably blinded by nostalgia because they played FO3 as an impressionable teen.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
When I was an impressionable teen I was playing the original Fallout. My bias is the best unless some of you Gold Box fags want to whip your giant cocks out in my face.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Choice 2 tell an NPC to go in the chamber when there is Fawkes around ( Immune to radiations)IQ = 50
Man, I can remember my first playthrough. I was avoiding main quest to the last, but finally the damned time has come. I reached that moment, was unpleasantly surprised and then yelled obscenities at the screen. Then I calmed down, reloaded a save and proceeded to bring Fawkes with me. Nope, he refused to go in and talked some bullshit about fate. I reloaded again and brought ghoul guy with me. Same story. Finally, I reloaded again and brought robot to the chamber. Robot wouldn't disobey my command, right? Nope, robot turned out to be fate believer as well and refused to go. And so I sent this stupid bitch inside to be done with it.

I wasn't expecting this level of retardation. Cockblocking players, who bring radiation resistant companions to the final chamber, so you could make your idiotic "meaningful" ending. Who thought that this is a good idea?
Between the conclusion of the MQ (concisely summarized by certain 4chan post by someone who played it so that we don't have to) and various bits of "brilliant" dialogue FO3 may even be more retarded than Oblivion, Jesus Fuck.

Thanks but no thanks. For fuck sake, is it so hard to use imgur or something else in order to not have PHOTOBUCKET slap all over?


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Everything about this game is a mind afflicting trauma.
In comparison Oblivion is also a shit game but I barely remember anything about it besides the bloom and stupid gates repetition. It's bad, but it doesn't reach the level of absolute stupid FO3 does. Few video games do. Oblivion's greatest crime is being about as bland as it gets.
That's just plain wrong.

Oblivion can also be traumatizingly retarded.
You have shit like this spoken dead seriously:
Random NPC discussing Mandill (trainer) said:
I understand he'll teach others to pick locks. If everyone knew how, we wouldn't have to carry around so many keys.

That's not really the question of magnitude or even quantity of idiocy - both games are all retarded all the time.
It's the question of which game manages to maim you in the head harder.

Also it's the reason why anyone complaining about decline in Skyrim and/or FO4 compared to their direct "venerated" prequels should be instantly branded for life as humongous fucking moron and ostracized.

Oblivion isn't just "bland" or anything. Morrowind (or Daggerfall) could be accused of being bland if you're a weirdo and attempt to spend most of your game socializing with NPCs. Oblivion is actively fucking retarded in such way that makes you wish not just for humanity to die, but for actual accelerated heat death of the universe to exitinguish the light of life and reason once and for all for their transgression of creating something so mind-bogglingly moronic.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Between the conclusion of the MQ (concisely summarized by certain 4chan post by someone who played it so that we don't have to) and various bits of "brilliant" dialogue FO3 may even be more retarded than Oblivion, Jesus Fuck.

I played Fallout 3 back in the day. I still remember some of its most retarded elements, even though it's been 12 years since I last touched it. I'm currently playing through Fallout 4 and it's surprisingly decent, yet I've read several posts on normie websites like reddit, and opinions in Youtube videos, where people say Fallout 4 fucks with the lore of the Fallout series... while those very same people for some reason think Fallout 3 is okay. Did we play the same fucking Fallout 3??? This thing is not only pure lore rape, it's also pure logic rape.

Retarded things I remember:
- you can blow up the only major city in the game for no other reason than some guy in his highrise thinking it obstructs his view from the balcony; this guy owns a highrise and nothing else, there are no farms around him or anything, so if he blows up the only major city in the region where is he gonna get his food from??
- speaking of getting food, there is a distinct lack of food production settlements; New Vegas had farms and ranches dotting the landscape so you knew where people got their brahmin meat from, but Fallout 3? I don't remember a single farming settlement in the entire game; correct me if I'm wrong
- a general lack of logical settlements; the original Fallout had trade settlements like The Hub, New Vegas had plenty of farms, even Fallout 4 has a trade settlement and several farming settlements; Fallout 3 has Megaton and that one city inside an old ship, but other than that I don't remember a single settlement (at least settlement of normal people - there were plenty of settlements that make no sense whatsoever, see below)
- there was a quest about some cannibals or something whom you could convince with a speech check that they're actually vampires... uh what? I don't remember the specifics of this one but I do remember thinking "okay this is fucking stupid" when I finished the quest
- a village where people are terrified of two superheroes/villains regularly duking it out against each other; in the grim post-apocalyptic future of Fallout 3 where survival is harsh and even clean water is hard to come by, people are... dressing up as superheroes and duking it out in a village; right. okay. yeah. makes sense
- the whole water purifier main quest; it's 200 years after the war yet all the water is still irradiated to a high degree as if the bombs fell yesterday; and apparently you need a super high tech water purification system to make it potable; nevermind that every fucking Vault has an effective water filtration system (remember the water chip from FO1) and top scientists with adventurers at their disposal could just send a guy to salvage tech from a vault and reconstruct their filtration system... but no... the plot has top scientists working for years on a gigantic water filtration plant; also, you can get a robot companion who's able to purify water for you at no cost... and it's a very common Mr Handy model, so cheap and easy water filtration should be ubiquitous; also, apprently it's super easy to filter radioactive water: https://purewaterfreedom.com/filter-radiation
- Little Lamplight. A town made entirely of children. I don't think I have to go into why this is peak retard
- Super mutants at the East Coast in a huge number, even though only a limited batch should exist in the west coast because they were specifically made by the Master with FEV... how did they get here?
- Same with the Broterhood of Steel who crossed an entire continent and went from xenophobic isolationist tech-priests to interventionist do-gooder wasteland paladins
- Same with the Enclave... yeah, not a single one of the original Fallout's factions makes any sense whatsoever to even be in Fallout 3's area
- feral ghouls are literally zombies; while Fallout 4 is a vastly better and less retarded game than Fallout 3, it becomes even more apparent there: they act like zombies, you can lop off their limbs and even half their head and they'll survive it (like zombies), and one of the loading screen hints says "Feral ghouls are not zombies"... the fact that they had to write this in a loading screen is basically admitting that they feel like zombies so much, you have to remind people they're not; Fallout 3 started this shit
- the game is set 200 years after the war but a major gameplay loop is looting abandoned shopping malls and gobbling down canned food from before the war... which has been lying in rubble for the last two centuries; yeah not even Steve1989MRE would put that shit in his mouth


May 27, 2013
Oblivion isn't just "bland" or anything. Morrowind (or Daggerfall) could be accused of being bland if you're a weirdo and attempt to spend most of your game socializing with NPCs. Oblivion is actively fucking retarded in such way that makes you wish not just for humanity to die, but for actual accelerated heat death of the universe to exitinguish the light of life and reason once and for all for their transgression of creating something so mind-bogglingly moronic.

Skyrim is slightly polished turd (Oblivion) with worse writing, like guilds reduced to retarded, linear quest lines. Hating on Oblivion and at the same time sinking thousands of hours in to Skyrim seems borderline schizophrenic to me.


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
Fallout 3 is possibly the most impressive game in the franchise because from the time of the announcement, we all expected the worst, and the game managed to be even more terrible than everyone imagined. I'm pretty sure at least 3 NMA users committed suicide or something. I know at least some of my neurons did.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Oblivion isn't just "bland" or anything. Morrowind (or Daggerfall) could be accused of being bland if you're a weirdo and attempt to spend most of your game socializing with NPCs. Oblivion is actively fucking retarded in such way that makes you wish not just for humanity to die, but for actual accelerated heat death of the universe to exitinguish the light of life and reason once and for all for their transgression of creating something so mind-bogglingly moronic.

Skyrim is slightly polished turd (Oblivion) with worse writing, like guilds reduced to retarded, linear quest lines. Hating on Oblivion and at the same time sinking thousands of hours in to Skyrim seems borderline schizophrenic to me.
Thank you for volunteering!
Now allow me to demonstrate:
My sincerest condolences to you and your dear mother, for not getting you aborted (with coathanger if necessary) when there was opportune time for that.
No one deserves to be born such a retard, and, even moreso, no one deserves the burden of raising one.
Now please go and kill yourself for your own good.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Never played Fallout 3
Never played New Vegas
Played Oblivion once, was okay
Never played Fallout 4
Played Skyrim for about 20 minutes

Proud of myself. Bethesda's opus for me ended with Morrowind, their last PC game. All of their games since have gotten worse and worse. Anyone who genuinely likes Fallout 3, Fallout 4 or Skyrim should be flogged. The rest is forgivable.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Skyrim is slightly polished turd (Oblivion) with worse writing, like guilds reduced to retarded, linear quest lines. Hating on Oblivion and at the same time sinking thousands of hours in to Skyrim seems borderline schizophrenic to me.

While I agree with the general sentiment that Oblivion > Skyrim, there was nothing polished about Skyrim. It's a miracle it works at all.

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