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Preview GamersMark's detailed Oblivion criticism


Feb 21, 2006
Stupid Man said:
Rendelius said:
Load Times were REALLY Fast. Interior To Exterior (And visa versa) were all less than 5 seconds (same for load times). The Exterior loading was almost entirely unnoticable. Sometimes it'd be done before you could read the little box that said "Loading".
And it's why it's clearly a case of "game journalism VS loading time" syndrome all-over again:
"Journalist" A: 5 seconds top!
"Journalist" B: No! 10-15 seconds !
"Journalist" A: It's really fast !
"Journalist" B: No. It's average!
"Journalist" C: Bullshit! It's fucking long.

the 10-15 seconds was the time to load the game, the 5 seconds are the lodaing times between exterior and interior.

Stupid Man

Jun 1, 2004
Excrément ? Moi said:
the 10-15 seconds was the time to load the game, the 5 seconds are the lodaing times between exterior and interior.
I like Gamer Andy's take on it. 6 pauses, each 15-30 seconds long, just when crossing a city. That hardly sounds "unobtrusive" or "not annoying" to me.
http://www.gamerandy.com/archives/2006/ ... rrec.shtml :
andy said:
Load times:
The only time I even noticed loading screens was when I was trying to get from one side of the city to the other for a thieves' guild quest. In doing so, I hit roughly six load screens (which lasted for between 15 and 30 seconds each). It was annoying.


Jan 25, 2003
Stupid Man said:
Rendelius said:
Load Times were REALLY Fast. Interior To Exterior (And visa versa) were all less than 5 seconds (same for load times). The Exterior loading was almost entirely unnoticable. Sometimes it'd be done before you could read the little box that said "Loading".
And it's why it's clearly a case of "game journalism VS loading time" syndrome all-over again:
"Journalist" A: 5 seconds top!
"Journalist" B: No! 10-15 seconds !
"Journalist" A: It's really fast !
"Journalist" B: No. It's average!
"Journalist" C: Bullshit! It's fucking long.

Yeah, sure, whatever you say.


Oct 23, 2002
Well, I'm not placing unquestioning faith in anyone's point of view, but if I had to pick one as being a less subjective impression, I'd probably go with the one where the user actually sat down and played the game with limited supervision, over the one where a Bethesda employee showed a bunch of canned savegames to show off highlights.

It's like taking the word of someone who has seen the preliminary screening of a movie over someone who has just watched a preview reel. Of course, I wouldn't consider either to be adequate, and so that's why I'm hanging for some full reviews from people who have played the game in it's entirety.

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