@everyone- I'll refrain from using the everyone ping from here on out. If you want to receive notifications for updates, both about the Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff and the project I'm about to tell you about, please use the
react in the bot-things channel to get the Update Notifications role.
If you were wondering "is there going to be more Star Seeker?", the answer is... yes! There is! Right now! The sequel- which I'm tentatively calling
Justice/Arcana- is going to be bigger in scope than the bite-sized original, and it's tough to keep up the energy to work on that without player feedback. So, right now, I'm launching what I'm calling an
analog alpha- a forum adventure-styled sorta-interactive Discord game where you all can play along by submitting suggestions! I'll be making revisions to the script and scenario by taking into account player feedback, and together we can polish this into something that'll go into the final product!