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Review GameSpy pleased with KOTOR2 (PC)


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://www.gamespy.com>GameSpy</a> have their <a href=http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2/585574p1.html>review</a> of the PC version of Obsidian's Star Wars RPG sequel, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Their rating is <b>4 stars out of 5</b>, and they criticize it mainly for being even buggier than the Xbox version and violently stupid A.I.<blockquote>Worse than the bugs, however, and far more inexplicable, is the truly god-awful A.I. possessed by the characters. I can't count the number of times my companions got in my way while I was trying to maneuver through a tight spot. During combat, I'd be getting pummeled because one of my characters decided not to bother getting involved in the fight and was two rooms away staring at the wall. One mission in particular had me tearing my hair out, where I had to escort a Czerka employee out of a military base. It would have been easy (considering I had killed all of the monsters already), except that the employee just refused to follow me. He would take a few steps and then stop. I was reduced to continually asking him to follow me again and again, moving him a few steps each time toward the exit. Thanks, that's 20 minutes of my life I'm never getting back.</blockquote>Ah, but wrestling with NPCs is half the fun in RPGs! Everyone has fond memories of reloading because goddamn Ian wouldn't get out of a doorway in Fallout, or cursing the worthless pathfinding in Infinity Engine games because your party can't figure out how to get to the other side of a table without setting off a trap or three.
Thanks to <b>Mr. Teatime</b> for the link.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
And, people swore up and down that just because the PC version got extra months that it be less buggy than the x-box version. Hahaha.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Hmmm, lets just hope that these guys grasp the concept of patching and continual support. What's it these days with developers getting paid/contracts to do one or two patches and after that....zilch?

Anyway, seems like I'll just "demo" this game before buying. Not much else to see on the rpg front though.


Jan 11, 2004
one expects that many of the exitum bugs in the pc version of kotor 2 will be fixed.... 'cause many of those bugs were simply data entry issues. stuff like the force armour/aura line of powers should work in the pc version... and hopefully the workbench is fixed too. however, why anybody assumed that kotor 2 pc version would have less bugs than the xbox version is confusing. not only does history suggest that such a belief is exitum (the pc version of kotor1 had even MORE time and it were initially very unstable,) but the simple recognition that pc version gotta work with thousands o' different possible hardware configs makes the possibility of a less buggy initial pc release seem to shrivel likes vd's manhood does when confronted with a real live girl. regardless, as most folks here seemed to likes bloodlines and toee, we doubt the relatively few bugs kotor 2 will suffer from will bother y'all... and we expect that obsidian/lucas will address many o' those bugs in a timely fashion volourn.

also, we must point out that the ai problems noted in the snippet lifted by spazmo 'bove should also not be a surprise to any... as those were issues in the xbox version too. in particular, the "follow the leader" scenario illustrated 'bove is one that plagued Gromnir in the xbox release. in truth, Gromnir simply decided that the czerka employee just weren't worth saving and so we never did lead him to freedom... just weren't worth the hassle. however, for the most part, the ai ain't bad... is a handful of pathfinding issues likes ones noted above, but the ai is only irksome in a very small handful o' situations.... though we gotta admit that when the ai is bad, it is really bad. the simple addition of a Don't-Move-From-This-Spot command for party members woulda' been more than a little helpful in dealing with most of the ai volourn oddities... would keep party mates from charging into visible minefields n' such.


we just hope that this time vol learns to use the mouse controls from start... poor fella.

HA! Good Fun!


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Gromnir: I wouldn't be surprised at all if GameSpy just reposted their Xbox review with minor edits. I know GameSpot will generally post the same review several times for multiplatform releases.


Jan 11, 2004
"I wouldn't be surprised at all if GameSpy just reposted their Xbox review with minor edits. I know GameSpot will generally post the same review several times for multiplatform releases."

wouldn't surprise us neither... just making some observations.

HA! Good Fun!


Oct 7, 2003
Spazmo said:
Gromnir: I wouldn't be surprised at all if GameSpy just reposted their Xbox review with minor edits. I know GameSpot will generally post the same review several times for multiplatform releases.

You would be wrong. Different reviewer, different review.


Jul 21, 2004
Gromnir said:
the possibility of a less buggy initial pc release seem to shrivel likes vd's manhood does when confronted with a real live girl.
a little helpful in dealing with most of the ai volourn oddities... would keep party mates from charging into visible minefields n' such.
we just hope that this time vol learns to use the mouse controls from start... poor fella.
lol :P

Grifman said:
You would be wrong. Different reviewer, different review.
Are you sure ? They could just copy&paste and change names. :?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Gromnir said:
the possibility of a less buggy initial pc release seem to shrivel likes vd's manhood does when confronted with a real live girl.
I missed this part. Well, I skipped the entire post, but that's not the point. Why drag my name into this tirade of yours, Grommy? I wasn't aware that there was any bad blood between us. Anyway, please stop fantasizing about my manhood.


May 18, 2004
Do we all have to stop fantasising about your manhood then?


Feb 4, 2005
Gromnir's just angry because you disrespect the BioWhores with your comments all the time, Vault Dweller. He's just a dumb kid.


Jan 11, 2004
"Why drag my name into this tirade of yours, Grommy? I wasn't aware that there was any bad blood between us. Anyway, please stop fantasizing about my manhood."

bad blood? no bad blood on our part... though we never has had no real respect for you neither. we just needed an appropriate image for something shriveled, small and inconsequential... something approaching zero. is why we pulled your name into the mix... is an image that codexians would be familiar with.

as to fantasizing...

well, we does have this weird recurring dream 'bout playing strip poker with mira sorvino, a gymnist we knew in college, selma hayek, and suzzane vega (and no, we do not find suzzane vega to be attractive.) for some reason the card game always turns into something else... becomes a deposition or a closing statement or a rugby match or something else... but vd ain't in that dream. again, we were just looking for an image that conjured up notions o' zero... and you naturally were the first person we thunk of. don't try to make to much out of it.

HA! Good Fun!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Gromnir said:
.... though we never has had no real respect for you neither.
Well, that's a load off. I'd hate to have your admiration or respect, that would be the first indication that I'm doing something wrong.

we just needed an appropriate image for something shriveled, small and inconsequential... something approaching zero.
Should have gone with your own image then. After the collapse of Interplay and that cesspool of stupidty known as iply forums where you thrived, I don't think that there are many people who know who you are and why you talk funny.


Jan 11, 2004
kinda curious reasoning there. you not understand how the whole analogy and metaphor thing works? if, as you point out, folks not know who Gromnir is, then why would we use Gromnir as an example to illustrate a point? nobody would understand the connection. say, "fat as william howard taft," to some tribal in africa someplace? would be pointless... would hardly be effective.


hope this helps you in the future.

HA! Good Fun!

p.s. we prefer anonymity... greater opportunity for folks to jump to conclusions 'bout us.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Gromnir said:
kinda curious reasoning there. you not understand how the whole analogy and metaphor thing works? if, as you point out, folks not know who Gromnir is, then why would we use Gromnir as an example to illustrate a point? nobody would understand the connection.
My mistake, I overestimated your ability to get a point. Gromnir is now a name with nothing attached to it except that wonderful but empty persona. Folks know the name because you get around, but don't know who you are. In other words, nothing, which was the image you were looking for.

p.s. we prefer anonymity... greater opportunity for folks to jump to conclusions 'bout us.
Illustrates my point.


Jan 11, 2004
so your point works 'cause we is known and unfamiliar.


you know, some folks never know when to quit. there is a point at which you gotta gives up or at least tack away from current 'course. fire a broadside into such a ship o' fools is a waste o' ammo.

Gromnir withdraws... saddened but unsurprised.

HA! Good Fun!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Your name is known, you are not. That makes you nothing, perfectly fitting that analogy and methaphor thing you spoke of. I'm saddened AND surprised that I have to explain that to you.

People are aware of your illusory presence (that's the "your name is known" part), yet it creates no substance and has no meaning ("you are not" part). I hope you can take it from here.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Gromnir said:
one expects that many of the exitum bugs in the pc version of kotor 2 will be fixed.... 'cause many of those bugs were simply data entry issues. stuff like the force armour/aura line of powers should work in the pc version... and hopefully the workbench is fixed too. however, why anybody assumed that kotor 2 pc version would have less bugs than the xbox version is confusing. not only does history suggest that such a belief is exitum (the pc version of kotor1 had even MORE time and it were initially very unstable,) but the simple recognition that pc version gotta work with thousands o' different possible hardware configs makes the possibility of a less buggy initial pc release seem to shrivel likes vd's manhood does when confronted with a real live girl. regardless, as most folks here seemed to likes bloodlines and toee, we doubt the relatively few bugs kotor 2 will suffer from will bother y'all... and we expect that obsidian/lucas will address many o' those bugs in a timely fashion volourn.

Which piece of PC hardware customization causes those data entry errors, the workbench glitches, and the AI malfunctions again? Configuration has nothing to do with those issues.

But yeah, I agree with you about having bugs like those. One of the fun things about CRPGs is that they have gobs of items that are hand entered, spells/powers which are hand entered, and so on. It's pretty unlikely you're going to find a CRPG that has a lot of items and spells that doesn't have data entry issues. Everything from the smallest homebrew rogue-like to full blown games boasting 3000 spells will have them.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I haven't seen Grommy troll this much in a long time. Must be cabin fever."

Whining about trolling on the 'Codex is pretty pathetic.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Whining about whining about trolling on the Codex is pretty pathetic.

As is whining about whining about whining about trolling, and the whining about whining about whining about whining about trolling I expect will quickly follow this post.

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