bruh- Oblivion (2006)
bruh- Oblivion (2006)
It was a fucking nightmare! Reality TV went apeshit, everything felt a lot seedier and crueller than before (especially some of the talk shows at the time here in the UK), the social progress of the mid-90s felt like it was backsliding, the post-9/11 climate was extremely dark and frightening, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were depressing as fuck and the counter-culture in response to them fucking sucked (remember Rise Against?), and worst of all, nobody would shut the fuck up about South Park. Oh, and Newgrounds, great.Early 2000s was... a golden age for culture in general.
1991:1999 was possibly the best year in gaming history.2004 was already decline. The last good western game was The Temple of Elemental Evil (2003).
Heroes of Might and Magic III
System Shock 2
Planescape Torment
Quake 3 Arena
Unreal Tournament
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Age of Empires II
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Jagged Alliance 2
M&M 7
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Keeper 2
Silent Hill
Descent 3
Omikron the Nomad Soul
(even the first public release of Counter-Strike)
These are literally some of the best games in their respective genres and are still unsurpassed
Exactly. In the '00s I started to look at the past, because the present was shit. In the '10s I was still looking at the past, but then I realized that the past now included the '00s too, that were shit. So I stopped looking at the past.It was a fucking nightmare! Reality TV went apeshit, everything felt a lot seedier and crueller than before (especially some of the talk shows at the time here in the UK), the social progress of the mid-90s felt like it was backsliding, the post-9/11 climate was extremely dark and frightening, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were depressing as fuck and the counter-culture in response to them fucking sucked (remember Rise Against?), and worst of all, nobody would shut the fuck up about South Park. Oh, and Newgrounds, great.Early 2000s was... a golden age for culture in general.
The annoying twee-ness of 2009/2010 felt like a soothing balm at the time after a decade of absolute nastiness. Although having said that, I remember thinking things were getting better from around 2006/2007, but that's partly because I was completely off my head for a good chunk of the late 2000s and can't remember a fucking thing about it.
EDIT: I've just realised, this is how my mum must have always felt when I used to state that the 90s were a cultural golden age. She didn't have a clue what I was on about, because her main memories of the decade were financial trouble, a decaying Tory government, and music she absolutely hated. Now it's happening to me when early 2000s kids try to claim that was a golden age. When late 2010s nostalgia rolls around in about 15 years it's going to be an absolute trip.
1991:1999 was possibly the best year in gaming history.2004 was already decline. The last good western game was The Temple of Elemental Evil (2003).
Heroes of Might and Magic III
System Shock 2
Planescape Torment
Quake 3 Arena
Unreal Tournament
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Age of Empires II
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Jagged Alliance 2
M&M 7
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Keeper 2
Silent Hill
Descent 3
Omikron the Nomad Soul
(even the 1st public release of Counter-Strike)
These are literally some of the best games in their respective genres and are still unsurpassed
- Lemmings
- Another World
- Populous II
- Alien Breed
- Amnios
- Blade Warrior
- Carcharodon
- Fate: Gates of Dawn
- First Samurai
- Hunter
- Moonstone
- Oh No! More Lemmings
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey II
- Civilization
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Eye of the Beholder
- Might & Magic III
- SimAnt
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Megadrive/Genesis)
- A Link to the Past (Legend of Zelda III; Super Famicom/NES)
- Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom/NES)
- Street Fighter 2 (arcade)
- The Simpsons (arcade)
I'd add Mirror's Edge to that pile, still holds up visually and it came out in 2008.Nope. I just didn't want to make a wall of text. But there quite a few good games of the second half of the decade too:Funny how all the games you list came out in 2004 or earlier. Not a single one from 2005 or later.
Almost as if that proves the point that 2004 was the end of the golden age.
- Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)
- Demon’s Souls (2009)
- Neverwinter Nights 2 (2006)
- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (2007)
- Drakensang: The Dark Eye (2008)
- F.E.A.R. (2006)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (2007)
- Resident Evil 4 (2005)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
- Risen (2009)
- The Witcher (2007)
- Oblivion (2006)
Personally my heart is with the first half of the century, it was more dark and cooler. But is a stretch to say that the other half was complete shit especially because culture in general had cool stuff like movies and anime going strong. I bet everyone has at least one album or movie that dates from this time period. Once you hit the 2010 is when things might get seriously ugly due to culture stagnation.
I'd add Mirror's Edge to that pile, still holds up visually and it came out in 2008.Nope. I just didn't want to make a wall of text. But there quite a few good games of the second half of the decade too:Funny how all the games you list came out in 2004 or earlier. Not a single one from 2005 or later.
Almost as if that proves the point that 2004 was the end of the golden age.
- Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)
- Demon’s Souls (2009)
- Neverwinter Nights 2 (2006)
- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (2007)
- Drakensang: The Dark Eye (2008)
- F.E.A.R. (2006)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (2007)
- Resident Evil 4 (2005)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
- Risen (2009)
- The Witcher (2007)
- Oblivion (2006)
Personally my heart is with the first half of the century, it was more dark and cooler. But is a stretch to say that the other half was complete shit especially because culture in general had cool stuff like movies and anime going strong. I bet everyone has at least one album or movie that dates from this time period. Once you hit the 2010 is when things might get seriously ugly due to culture stagnation.
2004 was already decline. The last good western game was The Temple of Elemental Evil (2003).
1999 was possibly the best year in gaming history.
Heroes of Might and Magic III
System Shock 2
Planescape Torment
Quake 3 Arena
Unreal Tournament
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Age of Empires II
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Jagged Alliance 2
M&M 7
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Keeper 2
Silent Hill
Descent 3
Omikron the Nomad Soul
(even the first public release of Counter-Strike)
These are literally some of the best games in their respective genres and are still unsurpassed
(Dragon Age, Witcher, BioShock, Mass Effect, Oblivion, Stolen)
It was a fucking nightmare! Reality TV went apeshit, everything felt a lot seedier and crueller than before (especially some of the talk shows at the time here in the UK), the social progress of the mid-90s felt like it was backsliding, the post-9/11 climate was extremely dark and frightening, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were depressing as fuck and the counter-culture in response to them fucking sucked (remember Rise Against?), and worst of all, nobody would shut the fuck up about South Park. Oh, and Newgrounds, great.Early 2000s was... a golden age for culture in general.
The annoying twee-ness of 2009/2010 felt like a soothing balm at the time after a decade of absolute nastiness. Although having said that, I remember thinking things were getting better from around 2006/2007, but that's partly because I was completely off my head for a good chunk of the late 2000s and can't remember a fucking thing about it.
EDIT: I've just realised, this is how my mum must have always felt when I used to state that the 90s were a cultural golden age. She didn't have a clue what I was on about, because her main memories of the decade were financial trouble, a decaying Tory government, and music she absolutely hated. Now it's happening to me when early 2000s kids try to claim that was a golden age. When late 2010s nostalgia rolls around in about 15 years it's going to be an absolute trip.
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)
- F.E.A.R. (2006)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
- The Witcher (2007)
- Oblivion (2006)
People who complain about gaming in the 2020s should be locked in a room and forced to play every retail game released from 2005 - 2009 as punishment.
People who complain about gaming in the 2020s should be locked in a room and forced to play every retail game released from 2005 - 2009 as punishment.
I think part of it is that gaming is very fragmented now in a way it wasn't before; everyone was aware of stuff like Doom and Myst even if their interests lay outside those genres since they served as milestones in both tech and game design which had ripple effects on gaming in general, which doesn't happen so much today. You can find as many good games as ever today but you don't get those Doom-style moments every year like you used to where it feels like the entire medium is taking a leap forward. So browsing the Steam store for indies feels depressing and isolating even if you're technically coming across a large number of good games, since the culture around gaming has dissolved and atomised.Definitely a solid point, but it is important to recognize the following: only indie (very low budget) is carrying gaming right now. The core industry is utter trash, when it used to drive us forward as well as deliver absolutely top quality games with sizable budgets and cutting edge technology in the 90s. Also very important is the core industry is still consumed in mass quantities by newer generations and normies, which dumbs them and their culture down, and overrides or dilutes ours (connoisseurs of incline) in present and well into the future. True incline the likes of which I experienced ever surfacing again is sadly seemingly completely out of reach. One final note is for every great quality indie, there are 100 or more utter shit. Easy to ignore those but it's still not good to be so inundated by crap. Browsing steam for a good game is a very...unique experience.
You can find as many good games as ever today
I'd have a hard time picking a top 5 but here's some off the top of my head I've really liked from the past 15~ years:But you're right about fragmentation....maybe I just need to play some of the indies you have played? Got a top 5?
The "boomer shooter" revival is a whole other thing too, some good entries (Overload, Ion Fury, Zortch), some decent ones, mostly pretty awful though.FTL: Faster Than Light
Starcom: Unknown Space
Slay the Spire
Peaks of Yore
Dead in Vinland
Legend of Grimrock
Outer Wilds
Fights in Tight Spaces
Dungeon Rats
Desperados 3 (debatable if it counts as indie or not, but Mimimi were a small enough team)
Ready or Not (bizarre writing, but otherwise a great update on SWAT 4)
Hades (not as much of a fan of this as everyone else, is but it's undeniably fun for a few runs)
SKALD: Against the Black Priory
Dread Delusion
Fallen Aces (early access but good so far)
This is true, I'll never understand why "retro" styled FPS games have decided to adopt shitty heavy metal rather than the electronic/DnB stuff that the likes of UT99 and Deus Ex had (or even the more atmospheric, tuneful metal-inspired stuff in Heretic). Though the new trend seems to be throwback imsims rather than Doom clones, so maybe that'll change.Indies are also pretty lacking by comparison in the realm of music in my experience, unfortunately.
It's delusional to think today's indie matches the golden age of incline
It's delusional to think today's indie matches the golden age of incline
I will say that KotC2 has outmatched ToEE. It is possibly the best combatfag RPG ever created.
Also, while Underrail cannot match Fallout's atmosphere, story, and worldbuilding, it has vastly bested its combat and build variety.
Grimoire is like Wizardry 6-8, but with more of everything. It's on steroids.
Lastly, some NwN modules (Swordflight, Against the Cult of the Reptile God, etc.) are better than dozens of commercially available RPGs from most eras.
I liked the first Orcs Must Die a lot and an amazing tower defense game called Dungeon Warfare. Also Besiege was good
KOTC 2 is a masterpiece
The thing with indie games is you have to dig a little deeper instead of just skimming the surface. The gems are often hidden.Yeah I think modern indies are mostly lame and a million miles from the golden age games. But there are definite exceptions.