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Review Geneforge 2 adored by Game Tunnel


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Geneforge 2

<A href="http://www.gametunnel.com/">Game Tunnel</a> has posted it's <A href="http://www.gametunnel.com/html/reviews-80.html">review</a> of <A href="http://www.spidweb.com/geneforge">Geneforge</a>, giving it a <b>9/10</b> for the overall score. Here's a clip:
<blockquote>And how you interact with others is important. People will remember your words and actions. If you respond unfavorably to someone, that person and possibly his/her people will all look down on you. Similarly, favorable actions on your part will also be remembered. Since this dynamic exists in Geneforge 2, it is possible to choose sides, and with four different sides that have four different agendas, joining one might cause problems with the others. For instance, if you decide to reject your Shaper training and background, you can bet that the Shapers won't be too pleased with you. It is even possible to play through the game completely without even joining one of the factions. </blockquote>
That right there is probably one of the better features of both <A href="http://www.spidweb.com/geneforge">Geneforge</a> and it's sequel. Nothing like getting involved in one side's struggle versus another side with the possibility of betraying that side later.


Mar 30, 2003
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Geneforge 2 was recently reviewed by Australia's "Most Popular" games magazine, PC Powerplay. Here's an excerpt :

Elliot Fish said:
As the player, you can float between each group, only committing yourself to a particular ideology when you feel the time is right. Sound familiar? There are also "Living Tools" that function as lockpicks, and skill canisters to use on your character... Looks like Jeff Vogel has been playing a bit of Deus Ex in his coffee breaks!

The game got given 82% and a Game Of Distinction award (every game gets an award, even if its bad.) By the way, yes this is the magazine that's run by Warren devotees that failed miserably with their Deus Ex mod, going so far as to sticky an IW defense thread on their forums, and calling that "gamers were ruining games" by the way they talked about innovative titles like IW.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
If you say so. Just don't forget to fix "it's" there, to make it grammatically correct as well :wink:


Jan 21, 2003
I'm sorry, but that Australian magazine clip is not being assraped enough by you usually dependable grognards. I demand that situation be corrected. I mean, they think Geneforge got it's gameplay from DEUS MUTHAFUCKING EX. *pant*

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