So I watched the video.
Vax shilling is disgusting.
A lot of commie speak.
But the line above is not the same. The "artist" in question is Morgan Everett, and considering that allying with him is one of the endings...
But the idea is that people like Everett are "artists". RL billionaires like Bezos are nothing of that sort
Can't say that I'm agree completely but it is an interesting thought.
He is intelligent, but he lacks soo many parts of the puzzle. He is in chaos, which is of course intended. At least he admits in the end that he doesn't know what it's all about. But he feels confident about his non-sequitur assessments he makes. He feels secure that he gets it. Meanwhile he is lost in a sea of nothingness and confusion.
Saw his Arcanum video which was pretty good but he does not understand conspiracies. He is using meaningless gaslighting terms like "boomer conspiracies" which means absolutely nothing. Compared to what? Founded on what basis? Interestingly, he does have knowledge of some deeper conspiracies but he pushes away some theories out of hand, like roundtable groups or "Illuminati" or big families or just call it consolidated power groups with no real reasoning whatsoever. Fuck, just call it Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street if you want it simple to understand. I think if you just gave him that pill and he was ACTUALLY WILLING to give up the fake security his authority brain and belief in the system gives him he would start to really understand.
It really do be like that, there is only the grugpill that is correct on gut instinct and the true academic mind, that inquires deeply. The ones stuck in the middle are the controlled slaves ultimately. Buying into the lies of the system and therefore being controlled by the frame. Just hanging onto a thread of always losing something thereby being easily controllable. Or as wise men said, I don't trust those who read the newspaper for they have drank the Kool-Aid or something, paraphrased. Stuck in controlled confusion, Half Ogre Island style.
He seems too literal. Way too simplistic. As the saying goes, just knowledgeable enough to be dangerous, or harmless (to the system). Using the average age instead of the median for supposed lifespan of medieval peasants. Them having worse food but then not mentioning the Plato Republic pill, or the meatpill, if you will. That decentralised food production can easily sustain everyone and that the centralisation is the actual problem and was intended to bring us to this point where it is being intentionally destroyed. That we were led unto this path of not just literal but mental soyification and weakening and specialisation so that we are too dependant on the slave system.
His iceberg meme nicely jumps to more non-sequiturs. Capital spontaneously(!?) creates NGOs? He's like a fucking underwear dwarf from South Park. If Illuminati were real, that would be an upgrade, because, reasons?
How would he know they have no philosophies they follow? Which is obviously wrong and stupid. They are satanic, even if unknowingly, they buy into lies like Theory of Evolution/Social Darwinism and Malthusianism, Luciferianism/Enlightenment etc. He seems like a bugman. He looks up adoringly at "artists" and "intellectuals". He reminds me of the Patrick Bateman character.
This always struck me as cope tbh...
It is always easier to assume that ones with power, if they seem to have fundamentally different worldview, are incompetent, uncreative, don't deserve to be there, are just the cogs in some impersonal machine... We all want to be the overmen, nobody wants to be the resentful slave.
In the case of the silicon valley types, I'd say that there is definitely a vision there for the future of man and earth and goals outside the pursuit of capital. These people would likely consider themselves artistic and creative, probably go to Burning Man, take psychedelics, are into transhumanism and so on.
Pretty much nailed it. Liberals think they are doing good. They are "idealistic", progressive, as the saying goes. But what does this actually mean? Nothing. Without a solid basis you will just be a stuck in an endless demonic cycle of nihilism and revolutions that are antihuman to the core. Every utopia is a dystopia.
And again, people like them never manage to think that far. Their mind is chaos and so their actions are chaos.