- Autowalking in map
Autowalking from the map seems pretty simple to me. Are 4 clicks that hard?
- Autowalking in map
I assume Cleve wants to make money on this, so he should be at least a bit concerned about the ratings, because not everyone is like the Codex.Who honestly cares about what the cro-magnons on steam rate the game?
Yes, because complaining about basic UI features missing is the same as complaining about quest markers?Why are people complaining about the interface? Like, it's not bad, shit, Like I literally cannot understand the complaints. The shit is easy to use and while not intuitive, it is not clumsy or shitty.
Because it is bad and clumsy?
- SuperID'd items in the journal
- Inventory in general
- Autowalking in map
- Examining item details
- Comparing items
- Resistances window
- Lack of tool tips (or their functionality)
- Obvious keyboard shortcuts missing (GOD DAMN ESCAPE KEY)
This is a long game with a lot of repetition. Every pointless click is a pointless click too many.
next you'll be complaining that there are no quest markers
Any word on whether Cleve will give us an option to either reduce the frequency of or completely turn off enemy sounds? I love the game, except for that one thing. I've had to turn off sound completely because it's so incredibly irritating to listen to SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE SCREE for minutes.
It's really not a surprise for me, codexers don't play any games at all.Why are people complaining about the interface? Like, it's not bad, shit, Like I literally cannot understand the complaints. The shit is easy to use and while not intuitive, it is not clumsy or shitty. "it takes so many clicks to do [x]" like, how? I mean, I saw Baxander do it the hard way of clicking the arrows to change actions instead of right clicking the box that shows all of the actions, but other than that, shit doesn't take more than 2 or so clicks to do anything, unless for instance your character is wielding both a melee AND a ranged weapon (like a lead ball) which requires you to click once for the type of attack, then which target, and again for the lead ball target. But like, you only need to do that once.
the Lands of Lore inventory strip instead of a proper inventory grid like in Wiz 7 is just baffling.
Why are people complaining about the interface? Like, it's not bad, shit, Like I literally cannot understand the complaints. The shit is easy to use and while not intuitive, it is not clumsy or shitty. "it takes so many clicks to do [x]" like, how? I mean, I saw Baxander do it the hard way of clicking the arrows to change actions instead of right clicking the box that shows all of the actions, but other than that, shit doesn't take more than 2 or so clicks to do anything, unless for instance your character is wielding both a melee AND a ranged weapon (like a lead ball) which requires you to click once for the type of attack, then which target, and again for the lead ball target. But like, you only need to do that once.
- Autowalking in map
Autowalking from the map seems pretty simple to me. Are 4 clicks that hard?
So, now some of you must have 150 hours of play and have left the superdemo zone, how is the game past that ?
And what about the 600 hours play, by projecting your current time of play with the overall map coverage percentage ?
Actually just click to select the arrow and then press enter, don't need to hold mouse button.the Lands of Lore inventory strip instead of a proper inventory grid like in Wiz 7 is just baffling.
For fast scrolling, click and hold the arrow and then keep Enter pressed. In the newer versions, there is also a fast scrolling arrow.
Clicking is not hard, but why it can't be done with two clicks? Or one doubleclick?
There simply is no excuse for those UI "design choices".
Grimoire Update
Force source of truth to globally ID items preset by vendors for display
Fixed Music and Stealth improving on a single learning point success
XP Adjusted on Rockwyrms, Giant Bats, Festerboils and Fire Beetles
Enmity decay fixed for NPCs, they will eventually cool off if atrophy flag set
Confirm end game in Combat dialog
Fixed "animeng" assert #726 Failed link spawn because of monster condition block
Fixed "Knock-Knock" crashing locks with zero difficulty set only opened by keys
Reduced tooltips hover time
Fixed "Amulet of Might" crash on wrong spell channel
Fixed bad CGX index in Samhain Underworld
The second "act" is kinda weird, I have like 10 locations I can go to so far. It is very easy to miss the "critical path".
The game has only been released for 140 hours. I have 80+ hours, I might have the most on that. I have not been rushing at all, there are several people well ahead of me in the story. I've been running in master/superman difficulty and been very thorough in searching, experimenting, trying lots of dialogue, skilling up. I am only 7% done on the global map. A lot of my experimenting and skilling up is done now though, so my progress is starting to speed up. 600+ hours is very possible for me, others will finish it in much less than that though. Viata seems to be going for a speed run.So, now some of you must have 150 hours of play and have left the superdemo zone, how is the game past that ?
Is the quality lower, equals, or even better ?
And what about the 600 hours play, by projecting your current time of play with the overall map coverage percentage ?
They are all a part of- in the order you prefer or are good enough to handle.collecting the tablets
This. Also, can join sides now.The second "act" is kinda weird, I have like 10 locations I can go to so far. It is very easy to miss the "critical path".
They are all a part of collecting the tablets - in the order you prefer or are good enough to handle.
That is also true. I did a lot of things before going to Kublai.For example, you can go very far in the game without ever visiting the second town at all.
- Autowalking in map
Autowalking from the map seems pretty simple to me. Are 4 clicks that hard?
Clicking is not hard, but why it can't be done with two clicks? Or one doubleclick?
There simply is no excuse for those UI "design choices".