In Blaine's post, DU said:
You have guessed none correctly. Your guesses are mostly disastrously wrong and incorrect, except for 1 which appears in the top 10.
profreshinal's post, DU said:
You have guessed 1 in its correct position, but only half of your guesses are actually in the top 10 overall.
And as everyone can see, "Agree" is the only intersection of both lists.
oasis789's post, DU said:
You have correctly guessed 4 ratings in their correct positions, with a majority of your guesses appearing in the top 10.
Intersecting oasis789's and Blaine's lists, we get Prestigious, which according to DU, is not on the list. Thus based on what DU said, we can assume that:
Brofist, Funny, Agree, Informative, Hopw roewur ne, Incline, Salute ,Despair and Wtf am i reading are all possible candidates. Since Brofist is a given, we can ignore him.
Instersecting oasis789's list with profreshinal's, we get:
Funny, Agree, Informative, Despair, which put them as possible candidates. (1)
<3sRichardSimmons's post, DU said:
You have guessed 1 correctly, with half of your guesses appearing in the top 10.
Intersecting his and oasis789's post, we get:
Agree, Wtf am I reading and hopw roewur ne. (2)
Brocken Jr.'s post, DU said:
You have guessed 1 in its correct position, but have managed to guess a majority of the top 10 ratings.
Intersecing his and oasis789's post, we get:
Agree, Funny, Informative, Hopw rower ne (3)
And last, in
agentorange's post, DU said:
You have guessed 2 in their correct positions, but only half of your guesses are actually in the top 10.
Intersecting his and oasis789's post, we get:
Funny, Agree, Incline, Hopw roewur ne, Despair. (4)
Now, DU said profreshinal only guesses 5 right, his intersection with oasis789 gives us also 5 ratings. oasis789's and ao's list gives us also 6 ratings.
Since both ao and profreshinal only guessed 5, intersecting (1) with (4) gives us:
Funny, Agree.
Intersecting (4) with (3), we get:
Funny, Agree, Hopw roweur ne.
Intersecting (3) with (1), we get:
Funny, Agree, Informative.
And last, intersecting (1), (2), (3) and (4), we get:
Thus, it's obvious to see that Agree is confirmed. I'll assume that Funny is also confirmed given that (1), (3) and (4) have it.
Now, (2) gave us the intersection of both that have the majority of the top 10 ratings:
Agree, Funny, Informative, Hopw rower ne.
The complement is:
Retarded, Shit, Acknowledge This User's Agenda, Disagree, Racist, Salute, Despair and Wtf am I reading. Which is a fuckton of ratings.
Now, Informative and Hopw rower ne are possible candidates and are both in oasis789 and Brocken Jr., both have the majority of the top 10.
Now comes an elimination game(based on assuming that hopw and informative are candidate):
Looking at profreshinal's post, since he only guesses 5 rights, if we remove Funny, Brofist and Agree from his post, we have Informative there. Taking that as confirmed, we only need to find one more in his post. Comparing ao with the rest of the post, I'd also assume that Hopw roewur ne is confirmed.
So, in ao's list we have: Shit, Retard, Racist, Citation Needed, Despair, Incline (5)
And in profreshinal's, we have: Shit, Acknowledge this user's agenda, Disagree, Despair, Bad spelling, Racist (6)
Now, <3sRichardSimmons only guessed 5 too, so let's see what he have if we remove Brofist, Agree, Funny and Hopw roewur ne: retadred, shit, agree, edgy, wtf am I reading, disagree, YES. (7)
Looking at what I have confirmed as correct: ao guessed 4, profreshinal guessed 4 and <3sRichardSimmons guessed 3.
The only intersection of them is Shit.
If we assume shit is correct:
There is only one more in <3sRichardSimmons's list. Comparing his with oasis789's list, we get: wtf am I reading.
If we assume that racist is correct:
There is two missing in <3sRichardSimmons's list. Taking wtf am I reading as confirmed, we only have to find one more: It can't be retadred and shit. Giving us YES, Disagree and Edgy.
If we assume retadred is correct:
There is one missing in <3sRichardSimmons's list and one missing in profreshinal's list. Like above, it can't be racist nor shit. So if we take wtf am I reading as confirmed for <3sRichardSimmons and intersecting profreshinal's list with Brocken Jr.'s list, we get:
Acknowledge this user's agenda, disagree, shit, racist. Since racist and shit can't be right, disagree and Acknowledge are the possible candidates.
So, we have these candidates:
Brofist, Funny, Agree, Informative, Hopw Rower ne.
And based on them, we have:
a) shit and wtf am I reading.
b) racist, wtf am I reading and YES/Disagree/Edgy(I'd put my finger in Disagree here)
c) retadred, wtf am I reading, disagree and Acknowledge this user's agenda.
So yeah, take your chance. Or wait until more paws are sacrificed.