Today I've played a couple of hours of Hard West.
First impressions were great: solid TB combat, exceptional presentation, good story and everything else (except occasional stuttering). Really the game is great but ... *gasp* ... the cards abilities are ruining it. They are overpowered and they cannot be avoided.
So, I play on Hard with injuries, I play without using the special abilities because usually they are the "I win" button in games (Dishonored beware). Yeah, I know I'm retarded but I'm sick of special skills/powers that only the player possess in games.
Anyway, I go pretty fast through the first campaign and then I'm stuck in the second one - there is a mission where you have to fight a demon. Now, my characters setup was completely shit because I did not pay attention before entering this mission (one character had like 3 HP, my cards were not in the correct configuration).
And I struggle, I restart each time one character dies and in total I had like 30 restarts. Each time there is one critical shot coming out of nowhere or I have like 5 missed shots in a row. In fact the only way in which I could finish this mission was to setup an ambush so that all my characters had a chance to shoot the demon.
After literally hours of retries (3 hours), I have the perfect run and I kill that demon without any casualty. Fuck yeah!! I did it without using any special ability. I'm happy but frustrated cause it was a struggle. I google this mission and I watch a guy finishing it on Iron Man. The guy abuses the abilities. Everything seems easy. I feel stupid.
Now, I start the third campaign and this time I intend to pay attention to the abilities. By the second fight I already discovered the perfect cheese strategy:
1. Buy health elixirs on all characters before fights (they are cheap),
2. During the fight wait for the right moment and use Equalizer (this basically reduces the health of all combatants to 1 HP),
3. Use the previously bought health elixirs to cure your characters (or skip to step 4),
4. Use Dodge on one character, run with him in the middle of all the 1HP mobs and ... use Shriek.
5. Map cleared.
So, basically the abilities are fucked up: if you use them then the game becomes a joke (even on Hard) and if you don't use them then you will have a hard time finishing missions. They completely destroy the combat balance and they make the rest of the equipment redundant.
I rolfstomped the third campaign and I lost interest in the game. I will probably comeback to it but I did not expect to finish playing it on such a down note.