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Company News Harebrained Schemes acquired by Paradox Interactive


Jan 18, 2017
Standin' pretty. In this dust that was a city.
They have a pretty decent fanbase, who bought their games and even more importantly, pledged a lot to each of their kickstarter.
Holy shit, when did Shadowrun become such an incline in here...
Since Dragonfall, my dear newfag. Also, the Codex != outside world.
I've been lurking here for ages, and if that whiny teenage drama is considered incline then the genre is doomed indeed.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
They have a pretty decent fanbase, who bought their games and even more importantly, pledged a lot to each of their kickstarter.
Holy shit, when did Shadowrun become such an incline in here...
Since Dragonfall, my dear newfag. Also, the Codex != outside world.
I've been lurking here for ages, and if that whiny teenage drama is considered incline then the genre is doomed indeed.
It was. http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9394


Jan 18, 2017
Standin' pretty. In this dust that was a city.
Ugh. I stand corrected. SRs are decent games, but IMO firstly they gradually became worse, and secondly they're nowhere near incline but more like a defibrillation that scratches that nostalgia itch, but still remains far inferior to RPG classics, even in terms of mechanics. Plus, after the super biased DOS2 review I'm not that much into the rodent agenda.

Quite far from my definition of incline.
And that's not even half as cringy as the Laveyan shitfest she talks about later on :negative:
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Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Shadowrun and Battletech are games that have a good following and were both starved of games in the last 10+ years. You announce one, you can bet the old time fans would come out of the woodwork. Does that mean that the STUDIO making the game have a fanbase? Not in the slightest. The IP has a fanbase, not the studio. You can do the same with White Wolf products. And in terms of movies, Star Wars, Marvel, Transformers, etc. The studios don't matter. The IP do.

Now, if HBS comes up with something completely new that has nothing to do with old IP with an existing fanbase, then you have a case for the studio having a fanbase. And it has to be more than one because even two points does not a trend make.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Shadowrun and Battletech are games that have a good following and were both starved of games in the last 10+ years. You announce one, you can bet the old time fans would come out of the woodwork. Does that mean that the STUDIO making the game have a fanbase? Not in the slightest. The IP has a fanbase, not the studio. You can do the same with White Wolf products. And in terms of movies, Star Wars, Marvel, Transformers, etc. The studios don't matter. The IP do.

Now, if HBS comes up with something completely new that has nothing to do with old IP with an existing fanbase, then you have a case for the studio having a fanbase. And it has to be more than one because even two points does not a trend make.
I can agree with this.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Ugh. I stand corrected. SRs are decent games, but IMO firstly they gradually became worse, and secondly they're nowhere near incline but more like a defibrillation that scratches that nostalgia itch, but still remains far inferior to RPG classics, even in terms of mechanics. Plus, after the super biased DOS2 review I'm not that much into the rodent agenda.

Quite far from my definition of incline.
One of the top games of the renaissance.

By the way, I don't remember that dyke dialogue at all. Either the majority of Dragonfall's been wiped from my memory or they added it in the director's cut. :M


Jan 18, 2017
Standin' pretty. In this dust that was a city.
One of the top games of the renaissance.

As I said, can't count SRs as incline if you draw the reference line around classics like Torment or Fallout, as they are still far below. Various games since, have bits and pieces done in the right direction, but the genre is still quite down. I know the pop chart well, especially as it shows the dissonance between SR: D and DOS2 reviews quite nicely, and blatant slander of SR: D being rated higher than AOD.

That chick was there from the very start, I finished that game the same week it premiered. That said, rectal Recter from SR:HK is only getting a pass because he adheres more to the right side of edgelord spectrum...
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
It was added in the Director's Cut, it is part of the Glory personal story mission.
Guess I made the right call not to bother. Never into her myself (I was all about Eiger), but it feels like the wrong call to make the character the fans latched onto as a waifu a woman lover.


Nov 7, 2014
Maybe that particular dialog, but it's in line with her other lines.
True, I have to say I liked Dragonfall (the most out of the three HBS SR games).
So I give it a incline for the post classics era, but only as it lacks real competition (I am not in to fantasy, go figure).
But yeah in regards to Fallout it is decline.

To be honest, it took me a while to understand a lot of the follow codexers (loss of edge), but yeah see it in context, you may consider Dragonfall decent, but in a age of shit, decent is pretty good ;).


Nov 7, 2014
Guess I made the right call not to bother. Never into her myself (I was all about Eiger), but it feels like the wrong call to make the character the fans latched onto as a waifu a woman lover.
I never finished my DC play-through as I was nearly finished with the vanilla campaign and canceled it when the DC was released, got tired pretty quickly.
You haven't missed much, more of the same.
Maybe some more years and I will replay the DC.

Agreed on Glory (personally was more interested in Eiger as well) but yeah HBS doesn't make the best calls.


Jan 18, 2017
Standin' pretty. In this dust that was a city.
True, I have to say I liked Dragonfall (the most out of the three HBS SR games).
So I give it a incline for the post classics era, but only as it lacks real competition (I am not in to fantasy, go figure).
But yeah in regards to Fallout it is decline.

Well I still liked all SRs enough to buy and finish them, same goes for DOS2, but quite frankly the best titles I played last year were AOD, Fallout Nevada and Battle Brothers. Quite sad, when two indies and a mod are the best of what multi-million game industry has to offer in RPG genre.

My problem with SRs characters is exactly that they don't seem like actual persons even within the space of the setting, but like singular moeblobs designed to literally nuke one particular archetype, be it Mercy the goth waifu or Eiger the female Zangief (Zarya...). I somewhat liked the bald old punkster, he was boring but at least somewhat believable even despite using magic.
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Mar 16, 2015
It was added in the Director's Cut, it is part of the Glory personal story mission.
Guess I made the right call not to bother. Never into her myself (I was all about Eiger), but it feels like the wrong call to make the character the fans latched onto as a waifu a woman lover.
Then those fans are retards. Her personality is just as warm as her metal implants. Also she is more machine than human, how the fuck would she be waifu to any man? What would they do, polish her armor together?!
Being a women lover makes more sense overall.


Nov 3, 2013
at a Nowhere near you
Shadowrun and Battletech are games that have a good following and were both starved of games in the last 10+ years. You announce one, you can bet the old time fans would come out of the woodwork.
Shadowrun Chronicles devs beg to differ.
Does that mean that the STUDIO making the game have a fanbase? Not in the slightest. The IP has a fanbase, not the studio.
While HBS as a studio might not have a claim to SR/BT fanbase, Weissman as the franchises' original creator certainly does.

BTW, how did Golem Arcana do? I think if they lost the BT license by going to Paradox, it'd make a lot of sense for them to use their BT engine to make a game in GA setting.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
While HBS as a studio might not have a claim to SR/BT fanbase, Weissman as the franchises' original creator certainly does.
No correlation. I like the Forgotten Realms setting but does that automatically mean I am a Greenwood fan? Hell, no! Greenwood is one of the weakest FR authors, with a fixation on heroines running around in the buff for no real reason.


Aug 10, 2004
As I said, can't count SRs as incline if you draw the reference line around classics like Torment or Fallout, as they are still far below.

Eh, I don't think the Glory dialogue you posted was as bad as:

It is your words, but they are a surgeon's words, chosen with cold skill, without a TRACE of emotion. With every word, you feel yourself SNEERING inside, knowing what the (stricken) girl will see next through her (longing-stained) eyes, and who - are you THAT person, that man TWISTING her with your words, not KNOWING how powerful they are to her, like bolts from a ballista, piercing her breast, her... yet, she SEES only RELIEF at your return. How... how can she FEEL... and not know you mean to...?

Echo: "I have come to ask your forgiveness, Deionarra. I shall return to you as soon as I am able -"

Your vision tears again, doubling and bleeding, until you are facing yourself again, trying desperately to speak, to WARN Deionarra that this is not a man, but a creature that kills for his own needs, he doesn't CARE about you, Deionarra, you are a TOOL to him, a TOOL he needs to - but Deionarra speaks, and you can't STOP her....


Her illusion is shattered, just for a moment - you watch, silent, as the emotion falls to the ground, splintering like silvered glass. "...of some use..." such a casual statement, yet even Deionarra SEES, and you hope, just for a moment, you HOPE that she SEES him for what he is... the serpent, the SERPENT...

...and your hope dies, as in Deionarra's eyes, the emotion is rebuilt, the slivers being drawn from the ground, the illusion rebuilt, but the slight sliver of pain remains. He thinks you have done something foolish! Yet, you did it for HIM! You must... must make amends, but how?! You must convince him the legacy is unimportant, but it ISN'T, it ISN'T. It's EVERYTHING...


...He is leaving! You must make him remain... and the experience SWIRLS around you, terrible, the spiraling toward the final scene... the QUESTION you... she... wants to ask, don't ask it, Deionarra! Don't ASK IT BE SILENT BE SILENT

And it goes on and on. At least Glory's is relatively short and to the point, and also plays into a later mission where you can infiltrate the satanic cult. In that mission you usually end up killing Marta, though I think there's some way to save her, but it's not straightforward.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
As I said, can't count SRs as incline if you draw the reference line around classics like Torment or Fallout, as they are still far below.

The "incline" is about seeing games that are better than we were getting for a long time. It's not about comparing them directly to the absolute classics, and declaring an incline game great is not the same as saying it beats Fallout 2 or whatever.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
As I said, can't count SRs as incline if you draw the reference line around classics like Torment or Fallout, as they are still far below.

The "incline" is about seeing games that are better than we were getting for a long time. It's not about comparing them directly to the absolute classics, and declaring an incline game great is not the same as saying it beats Fallout 2 or whatever.
"Better doesn't mean good", eh? I can understand that :)


It's Neckbeard Shitlord. Again.
May 19, 2018
-66.273, 100.984
I don't know, every HBS game is kinda samey and ultimately just boring. I want to like them but just can't.

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