Just FYI, Barkley was not made on RPG Maker - it uses ohrpgce, a different rpg creation engine. Not that it actually matters, though, the game is certainly not worse due to this and it would be pointless to create a thread just for ohrpgce games, but you know, you need to mention it just for formalities.
Another decent ohrpgce game (I'm already prepared for the incoming flak, oh yeah) is Sword of Jade. Like, yeah, it's kinda horrible since it features FUCKING FURRIES and is more philosophical than Planescape: Torment (and not in a good way, I'm afraid - it's totally Ayn Randish and gets shoved down on you in least elegant ways possible) and ending is kinda overblown on many untold levels, but what is actually good in this game is the gameplay and that is what matters. First, the game has a time limit - like, your hero starts in total depression and if you will not move his ass quickly enough, he'll just lose the will to go further and the game will end. And this limit is decently used, giving you lots of choices, like, do you want to train (training takes a lot of time which, obviously, goes towards the counter) or are you afraid of getting too late? Will you use generic shop items or will you order custom ones, once again, having to spend time on them? Etc., etc. If you actually know what you're doing, it gets pretty hard to run out of time, though, but that's, like, on a second walkthrough and most of the games are like this on a second walkthrough.
Another thing worth mentioning is dynamically changing time - like, all of the areas have four types of tiles and monsters made for them, for the morning-day-evening-night times, the monsters differ significantly between the times and some of the quests or quest related NPCs or places may appear only during one of the times. It's actually pretty cool system because it gives you more exploration from the same map and because it also exploits the time managing system - you have to plan what you're doing decently if you want to get anywhere on the right time.
Finally, the best part of SoJ is combat. Honestly, combat here is excellent - you have just four characters in your party (changing the roster is impossible), but each of them has lots of different abilities and, thanks to the decently done items, you can send your characters in many directions, really, the party and its combat performance is highly flexible and the combat itself has a dynamic changing of stats depending on your actions, allowing for a plentitude of approaches and tactics. Combat here is good and that's why I love this game. Sure, it gets kinda worse when you replay the game (since you know all the powergamey builds and it's not as challenging as it is on the first run), but that can hardly be called a flaw.
Also, no one mentioned here Eternal Eden. No, not Eden Eternal, not some stupid MMORPG - Eternal Eden, one of the best RPG maker games round the block. Now, I found the story there lacking a bit (actually, it's not bad, it's kinda decent, but there's not a lot of it, unfortunately), but exploration there is awesome (enough hidden areas and dungeons are filled with little puzzles so it's not all tedious grind) and combat is good at least for the three quarters of the game or so (as soon as they've given me optional boss quests, I've done them all or almost all, and while resulting bossfights were awesome, my party became so overbuffed that combat stopped posing any challenge after that). It's a really good game and I'm all in anticipation of the next part (which is currently in the development and, I'm afraid, will come out the next Thursday).
Damn, there's still some games to talk about but I'm too tired of typing - ok, will just make another post in this thread.