Alright, I'm getting things clarified right now, should be ready with a newspost soon...
There's one issue though. Looks like physicals would have to be sent out by a Codex volunteer, unless I manage to arrange something with the Larian guys. This is actually a pretty major OUCH, because I will
not be able to handle this part due to "real life" commitments. If someone wants to volunteer this, and has experience in this regard, this would be GREATLY appreciated, if not, we might have an issue.
Although looking at things now, things aren't that catastrophic. Quite a few people have forfeited their $100+ physical rewards, so in theory "only" 15 boxes would need to be sent out, and of these, most people haven't said what they want to be done with their stuff yet, anyway.
The bigger issue are the t-shirts and the posters, bleh. In case this proves too much of a hassle, I can try to see if we can get something digital instead that would replace these.
Sorry guys, didn't realize the shipping part would have to be done by a Codexian, there was no fine print