re: battle brothers i watched a friend play it. i can see the appeal in some of the elements but it just looked like shit gameplay wise, moving chess pieces around, literally - this isn't the 90s anymore and we don't have those tech constraints, not my thing at all.
maybe they had some system that made procgen quests somehow suck less ass (i'm ignorant of how it works in that game), but unless it builds towards something that matters in the long run, how is it more than just a time wasting side quest of little to no consequence? if it just gives you Totally Important Points you can get otherwise, it seems like a redundant feature that should be awarded through more meaningful gameplay (ie, missions with actual story or w/e). i'm talking about lasting reactivity, as in more than an attaboy text line that amounts to basically nothing. are you planning to use some AI feature to come up with more inventive quests or is it just "this settlement needs rescuing 2.0"? once you spot the pattern the fun ends.
also why are you guys allergic to crowd funding? if there really is a market for niche rpg's, why would this not be reflected in a funding project? there are websites that allow you to collect whatever you got, even if you don't meet the goal. seems like free money to build your game