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KickStarter Homeworld 3 from Blackbird Interactive


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
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Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Considering how mediocre Desserts of Kharak was (and dead on arrival) I wonder....

Seriously, the first HW was an amazing stroke of luck for the devs, HW2 was a mess and Cataclysm was a better HW2 despite being managed by a bunch of dangerhair apologists.

In short, who the fuck cares

At one hand I'm excited, at another I'm sure it will be locked to Epic so fuck them.

And this makes me care even less


Mar 28, 2014
Considering how mediocre Desserts of Kharak was

Mostly because of doing ground based game and not actually homeworld. Game was initially pitched as kind of homeworldish game and then later they got full license from Gearbox but they couldn't change design of game.

I just hope they will take cues from Homeworld 1 instead of 2.

circuit breaker

Apr 27, 2019
Judging by how Homeworld 2 turned out, I doubt any team but the original one at Relic at the time has the vision and design skills to pull off another game of HW1 calibre. So I'm hoping this announced game is a game in the Homeworld universe, but with some unique twist like Homeworld: Cataclysm, which was original albeit somewhat buggy.


Jun 7, 2007
Even an average game in this genre would be welcome though, seeing as not even indies really touch it.


Nov 15, 2013
There is no fucking way they could keep ANY of the parts that made HW unique.
At best they will keep the shitty level-scaling system in place so you die in cutscenes if you do too well. :despair:


May 11, 2017
Please no. I really want this "classic franchise revival" meme to die already. It's only made everything worse.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009



Jan 25, 2014
"The game is fully funded by gearbox, the fig is just a fun survey" from the fig video. It's also Epic Store exclusive so they are getting a payout from that.

If you give money to this, you are beyond stupid.
Nov 22, 2018
I don't get the hate for HW2. I bought it Day 1, finished it with the insane fleet scaling difficulty (6 battleceuisers coming at you at once is pretty awesome), and it is one of my favorite games due to the excellent atmosphere, pacing, story, and challenge. I regret the difficulty being lowered to the degree it was, but I do think most players get really sad at fleet wipe. I know I did, but I knew it just required better play so I dealt and overcame. Some levels are badly designed, the gateway rescue in particular. That wasn't ever fixed, sadly.

I did enjoy Kharak, but it wasn't that great a game. More of a side story and if I didnt love the HW universe I wouldn't have bothered. It just isn't HW, but it does have HW-esque trappings and that was enough to give me pleasure.

Gearbox can eat a bag of dicks if they expect me to give them money in advance for an Epic exclusive. They dont need my fucking money; they aren't an independent short of cash. Or maybe they are? Either way, I'm OK with holding off to give Steam my money or just buy the thing off Humble or GOG or something. No reason at all to give money this early.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
I don't get the hate for HW2. I bought it Day 1,

I'm sorry

finished it with the insane fleet scaling difficulty (6 battleceuisers coming at you at once is pretty awesome),


Sure, you can find it fun, but for most people it was a boring slog and it even fucked up the balance of some missions

and it is one of my favorite games due to the excellent atmosphere, pacing, story, and challenge.

The athmosphere is confusing (a shitton of retcons that make Cata seem like a work of narrative art) the pacing is wildly off, the story dumb and the challenge is ok... I guess? Some missions are creative I have to admit, and in theory HW2 has some better mission design than HW1. The problem is that HW2's story is a delirious hack job of pieces thrown together by a massacred original version (the entire plotline of HW2 was heavily rewritten as the game run into development problems) and it commits the sin of FORCED MYSTICISM and FORCED EMOTION. HW1 didn't need to try to artificially create pathos: HW2 costantly tries to make the player care and costantly fails.

I regret the difficulty being lowered to the degree it was, but I do think most players get really sad at fleet wipe. I know I did, but I knew it just required better play so I dealt and overcame. Some levels are badly designed, the gateway rescue in particular. That wasn't ever fixed, sadly.

The Gateway rescue shows how the autobalancing fucked up heavily with mission design. Bad playtesting on that one, by itself the mission should not be bad. After playing it at release and after the fix, I'll freely admit that the fixes are good, the original THIRTEEN BATTLECRUISERS is good only for a specific player niche.

I did enjoy Kharak, but it wasn't that great a game. More of a side story and if I didnt love the HW universe I wouldn't have bothered. It just isn't HW, but it does have HW-esque trappings and that was enough to give me pleasure.

You honestly nail it, Kharak without the HW name bolted on it would have been ignored by everyone. It's mediocre. Even as a storyfag it's HW2 lite: a messy confusing plotline dumped on a game that didn't particularly blend with it well.

Gearbox can eat a bag of dicks


Regarding HW3, they don't deserve money, and one has to realize that HW1 was already sorta of a miracle and the lucky convergence of random elements. They'll never manage to do it again and they'll fuck up the story without doubt (HW being interestingly enough a storyfag RTS, that's important). Considering the Remastered versions, they'll fuck up the gameplay. Also, why the fuck the devs have this endless hard on since HW2 for Karan S'jet, she was merely Fleet Command in HW1 and had no particular relevancy to the overall plot, who the fuck cares and it's spaceship tiddies that should make me care

Fuck Gearbox
Nov 22, 2018
I'm sorry


Sure, you can find it fun, but for most people it was a boring slog and it even fucked up the balance of some missions

The athmosphere is confusing (a shitton of retcons that make Cata seem like a work of narrative art) the pacing is wildly off, the story dumb and the challenge is ok... I guess? Some missions are creative I have to admit, and in theory HW2 has some better mission design than HW1. The problem is that HW2's story is a delirious hack job of pieces thrown together by a massacred original version (the entire plotline of HW2 was heavily rewritten as the game run into development problems) and it commits the sin of FORCED MYSTICISM and FORCED EMOTION. HW1 didn't need to try to artificially create pathos: HW2 costantly tries to make the player care and costantly fails.

The Gateway rescue shows how the autobalancing fucked up heavily with mission design. Bad playtesting on that one, by itself the mission should not be bad. After playing it at release and after the fix, I'll freely admit that the fixes are good, the original THIRTEEN BATTLECRUISERS is good only for a specific player niche.

You honestly nail it, Kharak without the HW name bolted on it would have been ignored by everyone. It's mediocre. Even as a storyfag it's HW2 lite: a messy confusing plotline dumped on a game that didn't particularly blend with it well.


Regarding HW3, they don't deserve money, and one has to realize that HW1 was already sorta of a miracle and the lucky convergence of random elements. They'll never manage to do it again and they'll fuck up the story without doubt (HW being interestingly enough a storyfag RTS, that's important). Considering the Remastered versions, they'll fuck up the gameplay. Also, why the fuck the devs have this endless hard on since HW2 for Karan S'jet, she was merely Fleet Command in HW1 and had no particular relevancy to the overall plot, who the fuck cares and it's spaceship tiddies that should make me care

Fuck Gearbox

Sorry, I forgot the exact number of battle cruisers. It was still epic. As for forced emotion, I guess it wasn't too forced for me since it worked? The Bentusi was a bit WTF, and I agree with you that the Karen S'Jet thingies just stupid and smacks of SJW. The big reveal in the ending is also stupid. However, I loved how the Higaaran religion turned out to be at least partially true. The parts with ancient myths was very cool.

I think everyone can agree that HW1 was a miracle. It hit at a perfect time, had unique elements, and is a classic. Cataclysm was a better game, and the best of the HW series. HW2 is flawed, but if Gearbox manages something of that caliber it will be pure incline. Kharak was at best an homage and at worst a cash grab. Khatak wasn't exactly bad, but what I enjoyed didn't include the gameplay. Must do better.

Oh, and HW and Cataclysm had epic manuals. Still have mine. I submit that losing paper manuals caused developers to get lazy on world-building and attention to detail. The voice acting, cut scenes, music, visuals, and the manual of HW added up to an immersive, emotional experience.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
Homeworld 3?
FFUUUCKKKK YYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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