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  • what race/class do you recommend to survive the longest in Crawl? its the hardest game ever
    ok i downloaded DC stone soup and its a lot easier than the old dos version
    i returned the orb with a troll berserker but i had to savescum a bunch
    Genuine question. How are you critical enough of CDPR's game design to champion extensive gameplay overhauls like EE, yet at the same time, uh, loyal enough to run defense for CP2077 as if you were Bruce Smith himself? Is it just the honeymoon period, such that if an EE-tier overhaul is ever made for CP2077 you are going to come to your senses and declare that the vanilla game was shit all along?
    Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    I've ended up hating all the gameplay bits and my reaction to the dank storylore ranged from "meh" to "wait am I watching a cartoon right now?" So the game managed to crawl under my already lowered standards. I don't know by what token someone who thought W3 vanilla was broken doesn't think the same of CP2077, but, you know, yeah.
    Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    Picking which is more broken is mostly a subjective matter but I am curious how you would respond to this: I think it the whole hardcoded AI fiasco is an indication that 77 is more foundationally broken than W3, such that I am not even sure if it would be possible to address this issue with any sort of patch or mod. Looks like it will be far harder to substantially improve 77 due to these issues.
    Bro you invade his profile like putin invade ukraine.
    Kurwa, I'm finally on the W3EE train. Running latest version with the Lazarus mod and my own tweaks (tripled Roach's panic multiplier, disabled horse travel on horseback, and made it necessary to be in combat to gain sign/sword skill points because I fucking love the pain, man - plus adjusted Lazarus' integrated primal needs to rise at a less ridiculous rate) but otherwise as autism intended
    EE is how Vanilla should/would have been if we didnt live in a hoople-head world.
    yeah W3EE is what vanilla should have been. It is pretty clear that they didn't know what to do with their systems or they run out of time tuning them.
    Warcraft 3 E-girl Edition? What are you talking about
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