For starters, support mechanics generally meant you ended up with about 2 dreadnoughts and maybe a sentinel screen because that was all you could support.
This requires a discussion regarding SP balance with MP balance: I'll freely admit I never played MP Cata but we both know that even HW had a unit limit (even if a unarguably big one). Supply limits in SP Cata weren't punishing and often pushed for more flexibility of use, particularly if we consider the basic set-up of Acolytes as both fighter/bombers and corvettes. Supply limits in the mechanical balance of Cata campaign make for tighter gameplay and more adequate mission design.
Then you had retarded *homing* energy cannons that not only were retarded conceptually, but made strikecraft all but obsolete even if you could afford them in terms of support.
Well, fuck, Lv3 cannons were OP on purpose, but then you got stuff like the Super Acolytes that made
everything else irrelevant. I don't even remember how late you got Lv3, but I do have to admit that they entirely broke the ballistics. Point to ye.
Then you had arbitrary divisions like what could and could not be infected (I know the in-manual explanation, but it looks like something that could be expanded to the whole fleet).
This is extremely easy: mission design. Enjoy your fleet wipes when your Dreadnaught gets Beast'ed, but it's amusing to consider that
captured cap ships weren't immune, making them a liability during engagements (and they could not be upgraded!). There was some serious thinking behind Cata's updating/capturing/beast infecting system, even if in MP I can admit the thing maybe can reach overcomplexity.
And, yes, then you had the entire fleet composed of Hobart's funnies. The problem wasn't Cata having weirdo ships, the problem was Cata having nothing but weirdo ships.
Acolytes work as basic fighter/bombers and corvettes and capships are entirely functional, particularly the Destroyer. The
only place where the Soomtaw line-up is entirely weird is frigates, that completely lack an unremarkable heavy duty unit. The addition of Sentinels and Leech drones opened some creative solutions for missions, even outside of the scripted events.
Compare and contrast with HW2 where everything was unremarkable as they go. Did we even get Stealth fighters in HW2? I can't
even remember the ship lineup for the Higaarans.
And then there was less gameplay related stuff:
- Art design was substantially worse than HW. Other than pretty cool Kuun-Lan the ships were uninspired, with the more sensible ones just being boxes.
I disagree, but this is a matter of personal tastes. I still find the Acolytes an excellent example of "Kushan but hybridized", and it's the entire point (as told in the
intro itself) to have "Hiigaran ships of weird and unusual design travel the galaxy". Plus the Ram Frigate is one of my childhood favourites, even if it's completely useless. But again, matter of tastes. The Mimic is indeed a box, but for chrissakes, it's a holographic suicide bomber.
- The backgrounds rarely related to each other. It might seem superficial but in HW the succession of gradually changing backgrounds strongly conveyed fleet's journey towards the galactic core. In Cata you're just derping around into random places. There is no feeling of cohesion.
- The backgrounds were animated. This is so fucking wrong given the context that it makes me feel strong urge to find whomever came up with the idea and rip their face off their skull.
Can't argue with this, but in Cata you
are derping around in random places. HW1 is a journey, Cata
begins at Hiigara where you are nothing but a small cog in the defensive machine.
Yes Cata managed to take a stale story and tell it in a fairly competent and enjoyable manner (although not without certain degree of grating fanficy marysueness), but that hardly makes it HW's peer.
Nothing is HW1's peer, but Cata leaves to the dust easily both HW2 and DoK. Being
competent is far better than what both managed to do, and we're talking a storyfag RTS.
Vaygr stuff was mostly uninteresting but that's mostly due to overspecialization and somewhat meh visual style (although corvettes were pretty distinct visually and apart from laser corvette that was wrong for a HW game, were ok, while bigger ships from frigates up still had cool stuff like PD or additional missile tubes). Hiigaran fleet was pretty cool though - I only hated destroyer for blatant attempts at looking like a naval ship.
Mediocrity doesn't suit HW well. Ending up fighting endless amounts of needle ships that all functioned the same became bothersome in the extreme, with the only borderline interesting set-up being the Keeper (re-use of the Junkyard Dog basic idea tho).
Rubberbanding was hilariously shit, but that's more like meta-mechanics. HW1 did have rubberbanding too, BTW, albeit subtle and not broken.
Ah, yes, you could completely destroy even HW1's with enough capturing (ION FRIGATE SPHERE FOR THE WIN).
What's wrong with fleet composition?
Mostly that you barely had a choice and the game forced on you a stone/paper/scissor system that was drab and boring?
Wait, you didn't knew that Frigates are completely trash because Relic fucked up and set them NOT TO HAVE ANY ARMOUR? Add to that the weird preference of the AI to target them before anything else and you had an
entire class of trash ships that could not be used in their role.
Capture mechanics was workable. Better than Cata in any case, matter of preference relative to HW1's salvettes.
Jeez, let's have the only capturing unit in a bugged and expensive class. Capturing ships was a roll of the dice in HW2 and requires a shitton of resources for little gain, in HW1 it was out of control and in Cata a double-edged sword. But again, matter of preferences, I agree.
What special unit mechanics.
Exactly, "what". Everything is bog standard and boring. Ahh, wait, I forgot the % bonuses given by Vaygr command corvettes. MARVEL of design.
Modules, if that's what you mean by microsystems, were cool and actually one of the things Cata did right before
Half-baked and essentially useless in the end, like the majority of HW2's gameplay.
Mission autocompletion was shit, of course, but its connection to resourcing is kind of tenuous and it wouldn't have been that bad without broken rubberbanding.
Yeah, I mean that with resource mechanics. They become essentially a non-issue if you perform adequately thanks to autocollect,
contra Cata that gave you time acceleration. Also gems like
You have just contradicted yourself.
To be more clear: when the original design went to hell, instead of focusing on a more down-to-earth set-up (hell, if you bother to read there's the remnants of an interesting background on the Vaygr) they doubled down on the CHOSEN ONE PLOT WITH MYSTERIOUS ANCESTORS. HW1 bar the initial shroud of myth, ss a very...
grounded story. There's weird stuff, there's lost stuff, but you are essentially a self-created problem for the Emperor and skillfully use a time of political problems to deliver the killing blow: compare to HW2 and
It's like not having the ideas for something good and doubling down on the forced epic when you don't have the resources to sell it well.
what was there in the guide that could possibly change that?
Ahh, you haven't read it? Tell me,
how much do you like fanfiction, power levels and Anime plots? Not
good anime plots, think Gundam.
In the end, we don't even disagree on much. I fault HW2 far more heavily than you do and prefer Cata, but, hey, tastes.