Why? They won't make that money when they sell a game. We're talking about additional money specifically. Sometimes some people I want to have additional money.
Then they should offer something worthy of that additional money.
No gun to your head. Buy it or don't. The power is in
your hands to decide if it is worthy. And ultimately they will be incentivised by the
mass judgement. And if you disagree with the bulk of people (believe me, I can relate) well then we have to start making cases for top down consumer and market control to prevent various races to the bottom, declines in quality,
usura. As a Nazi and disciple of Hjalmar Schacht I
am for all of this of course. But I'm afraid the answer is more complex than "don't let the corposloppas charge more than 60USD for anything ever". We
may have to kill some people.
Otherwise it is just a donation. Which is perfectly fine, just don’t attach parts of the game to it.
Fuck you they can do what they want.
"givemethatforfree" gamers are such fucking niggers. I've made several posts in this thread about the changing dynamics of game development and production and apparently all of that just bounces off your head. It's not 2002. If this stuff worked someone would be doing it.
"Changing dynamics of game development and production" also brought us trannies and gay sex. I guess we should just accept that, right? "It’s not 2002". Yes, and it’s a damn shame, but if the multibillion dollar companies can’t make a profit selling the game the way they did back then, then maybe they should reconsider their fucking development and production priorities? But the fact is they absolutely can make a profit, they just can make more of it by cutting the game up and serving it piecemeal to sheep like you.
What you want is simply impractical and not financially viable. Every studio making... you know I can't even tell what you want or what your idealised form for the industry is. DLC and microtransactions are such a limited and self-contained issue. I can't imagine any actual part of the industry you'd want to reform that isn't just entirely doing something you shouldn't have any industry.
What remedy are you seeking?
The only games seriously built around these new finance models are asian ones making stuff you were almost certainly never interested in in the first place. The most profitable ones are a world of their own. Goes around to what I keep saying. This stuff pretty much never touched RPGs except for confused transitory moments of overlap while the industry was trying to work things out. Yes, buying a squadmate in Mass Effect 3 was retarded.
We are WELL past the highpoint of DLC attempting to butt into traditional directed single player self contained experiences. It didn't work. Nobody really does it anymore.
Me and my friends. We did. I want to pay ten dollars each for additional outfits in Resonance of Fate. I want to pay 50 dollars for the John Galliano quest pack expansion. I want to pay quadruple price for the base game.
Just as I said. Cuck mentality. Maybe you also enjoy getting pegged by your boyfriend’s tranny wife, but unlike that, rewarding slimy companies' execs and shareholders by consooming microtransactions does have a negative impact to the rest of us as well.
Do you dumpster dive for your clothing? Do you eat supermarket discards?
Again, Japan is the land of paying for premium quality. Do they look like people negatively impacted by this industry orientation? Are they suffering a universal decline in quality of consumer experience?
Yes and everyone here's suggestion is to condition people into extreme neurosis, stinginess, levelling out. ALL GAMES ARE EQUAL AND COMPLETE AND WORTH 60USD FOREVER.
No, 60 is already too much, 40 is the acceptable limit. And listen to this nigger whining about "stinginess". As if spending 100 bucks for a microtransaction-ridden game is in any way more generous than paying that same amount spread over 4 games made by people who respect the artform and its audience.
The crux of the matter is very simple, by rewarding these cancerous practices with your money, you are incentivising companies on focusing on how to extract the maximum amount of money from you using various well documented psychology-based practices like FOMO, instead of making the best game possible and making money based on its merits
alone. Which is categorically against the interests of gamers.
I keep asking for some standard of calculation that can consistently be applied. You're asking for price controls. Do you know how that tends to work out?
Die, communigger. I will give 100 dollars to EACH of these 4 games made by people who respect the artform and audience. Because if that's true,
I will respect them. Quality demands respect. And respect looks like more than
25 dollars.
Aren't you being clever with me?
Weepy voiced fags on Youtube will go on about the hat economy as being a tragedy for "balance" or "breaking character silhouettes" -- No you fucking raped morons, this is about the original artistic vision of the game being compromised for the sake of the tasteless rabble.
TF2 can be excused on the grounds of this being a fairly revolutionary and experimental practice at the time, and they tried to do it really well. Mostly as odd and eccentric sidegrades that still
broadly work within the game's look. I never wore anything too eccentric in TF2. A cowboy hat for engineer. Raybans for Scout. That kind of thing. Yes some people just want to be clownish niggers about the thing. But that's very much
also the vision of TF2. It's an online lobby-based game in which you make your own fun with parts provided by Valve. Dressing up a bit silly plays into the whole experience largely being breaking the established Valve setup as hard as possible.
Hats breaking the aesthetic is an often-repeated critique because it's canned, easy thing to say, sounds critical. But how do you feel about the Mario Kart map?
Is this also a crime against the spirit of TF2? Were we just meant to try to win in Dustbowl forever?
A more extreme example, from an otherwise poor game, mind:
Again, a formerly sober (if
laaame) franchise lobotomizing itself for cash from retards. There's clearly
something different going on here than what's going on with all these cute oriental gacha.
This isn't the same as TF2. It's not spontaneous community driven workshop madness. It's aesthetic drift, laziness, and gamer universalism down to a shared general "game" experience. Because for a long time most Call of Duty players haven't been interested in the aesthetics or experiences of war. They just like running around playing lasertag with giant glowing toys while stoned.
And does this even make a lot of money? Or are these assholes just unlocking default skins and fucking around? Does this really strike you as a lean-mean, money-machine. Or more like an establishment brand surviving as a matter of course just kind of going to rot as it does so? Call of Duty is FIFA or MADDEN with "guns". It's fundamentally pointless and aesthetically unjustified. No boundaries or vision to respect. So naturally it's going to aesthetically bleed and fall apart in all directions and become nonsense.
Monetization is cool when it means the developers enrich and ennoble themselves by virtue of their artistic will and vision. "Wealth and Honor", as the lead of Project Moon put it. Monetization is cool when it enables the artists we like to live like fucking David Bowie if they want to: when it's fascist, perhaps. Millennials are lame and canceled John Romero over wanting to be a gamedev+rockstar.
I've said before, not that long ago even, that our refusal to treat our greats like celebrities or give them any kind of privilege is probably seriously holding our industry back. People hate how Kojima gets to live. Maybe if we gave Clint Hocking a fraction of that he could have made something as revolutionary as Farcry2 again. SWERY didn't finish D4 because Microsoft decided to Jew out and got mad that he was living well during production on their money. Microsoft think you can replace the talent with an army of indian contract-serfs, and, well, what's the last Microsoft Game Studios title you enjoyed?
Fucking stingy niggers and Jews.
...or you run a themed sandwich restaurant with your gacha money. Fuck it, why not, not all of us are born to be rockstars.
In any case, what we generally see in the west instead is the artistic will being twisted and contorted to the (perceived, correctly or otherwise) tastes of niggercattle for the enrichment of jewish middle managers, who, regardless of their success or failure, all deserve to be trampled by horses, eaten by lions, etc. in a golden replica of the Roman Colosseum.
Yes, yes, I like my opinions repeated back to me very much. But I think you're reaching if you want to look for examples of artists having their work tortured in the western industry. There are no damn artists left. What's being tortured is the legacy and traditions of the artists we did have maybe 15 years back ago now. Farcry was real when Clint Hocking worked on it. The entirety of Farcry 3 is a cruelly distorted joke. Not the ability to buy a gun skin in Farcry6.
The fact that entire aesthetically unjustified games are being made on the bones of what were once works of vision is the crime. No anime girls or community servers or novel mechanics with