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Indie CRPGs - post 'em if you find 'em

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay

Well thanks, I'll have a look .. it takes place in postnuclear germany, interesting


Apr 1, 2006
Anyone see this game yet?

Hard Time, by Matt Dickie:


Welcome To The Jungle
As you may have gathered, this game takes place in the confines of a prison - but it's no ordinary prison! Southtown Correctional Facility is an experimental jail that specializes in short doses of "hard" time. Its inhabitants are locked up for a matter of months rather than years, but rehabilitation comes thick and fast courtesy of a strict (and violent) regime. The game plunges your customized character into this world and challenges you to guide him through to his release. What ensues is an amalgamation of practically every game I've ever made! The survival concept of Wrecked returns to form the backbone, the fighting gameplay and improved visuals of World War Alpha put meat on the bones, and the deal is sealed with the RPG-style character building and conversation-driven storylines of the sports games. All of which fuse together to produce the biggest, deepest, and most visually appealing project yet...

The game seems to be largely structured around joining a gang, forming alliances with the right characters, doing stuff without the wrong people noticing, earning "respect" from the right people, etc. etc. It seems like a good idea. However, it almost froze up my machine, which it probably shouldn't since it looks butt ugly. Still, the game handles a lot of calculations about factions, line of site, reactions to character actions, etc. etc. so there might be a good reason my old ass machine can't handle it.

Its a good concept, but the game seems to be coded badly and not well implemented.

I'm pretty sure that there is no buttrape, in case anyone was wondering.


I just noticed this on the man's site. I dunno, its good to see someone out there developing unique independent RPGs, but he almost deserves to get fucked with just for writing this:



Every industry has one. The free-thinking rebel that redefines the rules. He says what no-one else will say, and does what no-one else will do. Fuelled by raw passion, he seizes an art form by the throat and drags it to its apex. What they invented, he makes it sing. His peers hate him, but the public love his style. At once, he intimidates and inspires - breaking down the walls that secure some yet block others. Welcome to MDickie.com - home of the games industry's first true 3-dimensional character! Whether he's the "hero" or the "villain" depends entirely on your perspective...

Having mastered every single discipline that goes into making a game (from design and programming through to 2D graphics, 3D graphics, and even music), I've turned a notoriously bureaucratic process into something altogether more instinctive. It's the key to everything that's lacking in the mainstream: speed, creativity, and economy. Even the most sophisticated of projects can be churned out in a matter of months rather than years. They're more innovative and creative because there's nobody to compromise my vision or question my beliefs. And since there's only one person to pay, the end product can be picked up for the same price as your average CD or DVD (yes, I preside over the publishing process too!)...

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
Every industry has one. The free-thinking rebel that redefines the rules. He says what no-one else will say, and does what no-one else will do. Fuelled by raw passion, he seizes an art form by the throat and drags it to its apex. What they invented, he makes it sing. His peers hate him, but the public love his style. At once, he intimidates and inspires - breaking down the walls that secure some yet block others. Welcome to MDickie.com - home of the games industry's first true 3-dimensional character! Whether he's the "hero" or the "villain" depends entirely on your perspective...

Having mastered every single discipline that goes into making a game (from design and programming through to 2D graphics, 3D graphics, and even music), I've turned a notoriously bureaucratic process into something altogether more instinctive. It's the key to everything that's lacking in the mainstream: speed, creativity, and economy. Even the most sophisticated of projects can be churned out in a matter of months rather than years. They're more innovative and creative because there's nobody to compromise my vision or question my beliefs. And since there's only one person to pay, the end product can be picked up for the same price as your average CD or DVD (yes, I preside over the publishing process too!)...

The new Derek Smart?

Actually his statement about mastering "every single discipline" (programming / graphics / sound / design / scripting .. ect) makes some sense. This is really a gigantic problem if you're a one man developer. I learned that when I tried to develop my own game.

Anyway, nice find. I think I will try this out soon. Too bad you already said it sucks :?


Apr 1, 2006
GlobalExplorer said:
Actually his statement about mastering "every single discipline" (programming / graphics / sound / design / scripting .. ect) makes some sense. This is really a gigantic problem if you're a one man developer. I learned that when I tried to develop my own game.

Anyway, nice find. I think I will try this out soon. Too bad you already said it sucks :?

Maybe it doesn't suck... I just didn't get to play it much because when I got to the cell block with lots of people running around it was too slow for me to play on my crap machine. Let me know how it works out for you.


Oct 23, 2002
Heh, I love how he goes out of his way to paint himself as this complete cliche of a "rebel who plays by nobody's rules and terrifies the man because he's so dangerously rebellious" and then says "Welcome to MDickie.com - home of the games industry's first true 3-dimensional character!"

He should have skimped on the word count.

I'm a stereotype! I'm 3D!

Still, he does espouse some reasonable philosophies in between the self-loving wankery, so I might have to give this game a run and see if he can back up his smack talk.


Aug 16, 2007
MisterStone said:
Maybe it doesn't suck... I just didn't get to play it much because when I got to the cell block with lots of people running around it was too slow for me to play on my crap machine. Let me know how it works out for you.
It runs like crap on just about anything. It's a matter of the crap engine the guy keeps re-using for all his games (and later boasts how he churns out so many games, despite them having less variance than Fifa 200x series). It loads a decade despite the crap graphics, the physics lead to items getting stuck in places and the overly re-used combat system is crap.

The game itself is a nice concept and probably the best thing the guy churned out, yet it's just about as stupid as everything else he made. It's basically The Sims in prison. You have your prisoner eat, work out, entertain himself, study, work, etc. - almost everything from The Sims besides pissing and fucking.
Besides that, there are gangs that'll beat you up and maybe offer you to join and get beaten up by other gangs, individual prisoners you can "speak" to (the game handles it so poorly it's nearly irrelevant) and get beaten up, prisoners that'll beat you up for no reason and prisoners that'll beat you to death when you're trying to get to hospital to cure some disease. There are also guards that'll beat you up for being "uncooperative" or for walking about at night.
The objective of the game is to survive until your sentence ends, which can be quite a challenge considering you'll get beaten to death by prisoners if you're not respected and you'll get your sentence prolonged and get beaten to death by guards if you are. The single worst thing is the disease - you get sick at least every 5 days, as if there was some plague rampant in this prison, and when you are, you start walking around like a zombie till you get to the hospital wing and get healed, but most often you'll just get beaten to death before you get there. The second worst thing getting in the way is your character's mood - when it gets too low he starts crying, goes on to hit random people and inevitably gets beaten down and dies. This is countered by participating in monotonous activities like throwing the basketball in the hoop 20 times.
It's also worth noting that this game features perma-death, you die - your save is gone, start again.

On a side note, have some dumbfuckery.


Apr 1, 2006
Geezus this guy is so annoying he almost deserves his own thread devoted to his ridicule. I wouldn't even care if he was annoying if he could actually create a stable, resource-efficient, quality product, but apparently Hard Time is anything but that. Sounds like he needs to get over himself and maybe get some formal schooling in software design/programming.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
I must say I am glad MS linked me to this MDickie guy. This is not so much because of his games, which, as was already said, suck ass. But because he is one of a kind.

He's churning out games like mad. A normal person would try to do the logical thing, which is turn out one decent game in 3 years. MDickie does the opposite: 30 games in 5 years, which all use the same crappy engine, and which he all made alone. Of course they all suck, and no one buys them, but they suck in a very funny way. Then read how he goes about his games failing and so on .. very unusual an amusing in the extreme.

I tried the Hard Time demo, and it actually ran ok. The only level available in the demo was stupid, and the animations are really lame, but I enjoyed the humour (don't know if it was intentuional though). And in all fairness it must be said that the engine does not run as bad as could be expected.


Dec 17, 2002
Of course, the best way to own the game is with the official boxed CD. It comes in a fully decorated jewel case

Decorated? What? With, like, Barbie stickers or something?


Dec 31, 2007
I'm sure this game has been mentioned before somewhere, but I just have to mention it again.

Charles Barkley, Shut Up And Jam : Gaiden

I can't even begin to describe the awesomeness of this game. It's definitely one of the most entertaining indie Rpg's I've played, try it gotdamit !!


Jun 7, 2006
Mamon said:

Can someone tell me what does that website says?

Will the game have choice and consequence?
A fully translated version comes hopefully quite soon.

AFAIK Zero-Projekt will feature choice & consequence as well as a kind of faction system so you can decide which group you want to support in the game and this will have influence on the power of the groups. I'm not sure if I should go into detail at this point as the Zero-Projekt people might want to talk more about the system in future news updates.


Nov 15, 2006
Long live the new flesh!
ghostdog said:
I'm sure this game has been mentioned before somewhere, but I just have to mention it again.

Charles Barkley, Shut Up And Jam : Gaiden

I can't even begin to describe the awesomeness of this game. It's definitely one of the most entertaining indie Rpg's I've played, try it gotdamit !!

The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041, a day so painful to some that it is referred to only as the "B-Ballnacht". Thousands upon thousands of the world's greatest ballers were massacred in a swath of violence and sports bigotry as the game was outlawed worldwide. The reason: the Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Among the few ballers and fans that survived the basketball genocide was Charles Barkley, the man capable of performing the "Verboten Jam"...

Hell yeah! :lol:


Sep 23, 2007
cardtrick said:
mytgroo said:
Java Classic RPG . The site looks interesting. It is an open source project. Really incredible screen shots.


Wow, that's pretty amazing. Definitely a project to keep an eye on. Too bad it's in Java . . . seems like that must come with a hefty performance hit.

hello, ppl! If interested in taking a quick glance at how the pre-alpha game is progressing check the new video showing the state of the project at its last release (16 april). Video http://www.vimeo.com/917243.

The project is fully opensource code + media. If interested to add some 3d content you're highly welcome. Play value is not much right now (although you can explore some climate belts and some caves :P ) but check http://jcrpg.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-is-jcrpg.html if you want to know where this is all heading.


lead dev of jcrpg

ps: sorry for spamming


May 18, 2004
You're always welcome to start a thread in the RPG boards about your game in development and any ideas you have for it. Just be prepared to be told you are doing it all wrong or why some mechanic should be changed to suit someone else's preference. ;)


Apr 26, 2007
I check the jCRPG blog daily now. The project is ambitious as hell, but the rate of progress is amazing.

And here's a bit of unasked for advice: if you really want to spark some interest in people, maybe change the name . . . Java Classic RPG is a little uninspiring.

Or at least change the way you talk about the game. If I were you guys I would talk more about the dynamic world features and the "population" concept -- I find that stuff exciting as hell when I read about it. In a lot of ways jCRPG is shaping up to be an entirely new kind of RPG, rather than being "classic" at all.

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