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Interview inXile chat concluded


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Bard's Tale (2005); Brian Fargo; InXile Entertainment

For those who missed it, here's <a href="http://www.rpgcodex.com/content.php?id=80">the uneditted chat log</a> of this week's dev chat. This time, <b>Brian Fargo</b> jumped in to talk about <a href="http://www.inxile-entertainment.com/index.html">Bard's Tale</a> and some other fun things!
<blockquote><b>[</b>Thenomain<b>]</b> Have we had an answer to "who's doing the music"?
<b>[</b>Saint_Proverbius<b>]</b> Not yet.
<b>[</b><u>Brian1</u><b>]</b> Oh.... Tommy Tallarico is assiting with the music.
<b>[</b><u>Brian1</u><b>]</b> assisting<b>*</b>
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> What other games has he worked on?
<b>[</b>Saint_Proverbius<b>]</b> He did the blips in Pac-Man.
<b>[</b><u>Brian1</u><b>]</b> Hmmm hundreds but I can't name them off the top of my head. He has a web site under his name.
<b>[</b>Thenomain<b>]</b> Man, I loved those blips.
<b>[</b>axelgreese<b>]</b> Wild 9, from Shiny
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> Good blips. Classic as hell.
<b>[</b><u>Brian1</u><b>]</b> I think he invented the blip and the bleep.</blockquote>
I thought the <i>bleep</i> was invented by the FCC.
Thanks for the time, <b>Brian</b>!


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Bruce Campbell as the Bard, now that could be sweet.

EDIT: Especially since the guy doing the music also did the music for that crappy Evil Dead game


Feb 15, 2003
Codex retirement
I quite like the Herve Caen accident question. The mental image EEVIAC conjured up will haunt me for the next two hours.


Jan 11, 2003
thoughts now?

Now that the chat is over, what are your thoughts on the game? When the game was first announced, there were quite a few upset people. Me included. Did Brian ease any of your worries?


Aug 15, 2003
I thought the dialogue thing Exitium asked about was pretty interesting. To choose an "attitude" but not know what's going to to be said with full voiceover could be cool *if* they implement it well - and the voice acting is good.

Otherwise he didn't particularly convince me. Being based on the Snowblind engine with RT action combat - I'm not sure why I don't just end up with BG:DA in a different setting. I suppose like most things it's all in the execution: if they get the humour right, a little more "adult" than average, get the dialogue thing right, it might push past the standard console action game it might otherwise be.

Oh, the 3x screenshots I've seen had pretty average textures IMO. Not sure how people could confuse it as a PC title unless the ones we've seen are just placeholder/early textures or something.

I still think they should release it on the PC to a willing fan base and then launch an attack on the PS2 after the title generated some buzz. *shrugs*


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Dhruin said:
I thought the dialogue thing Exitium asked about was pretty interesting. To choose an "attitude" but not know what's going to to be said with full voiceover could be cool *if* they implement it well - and the voice acting is good.

I'm still wondering about that. If your dialogue choices only range from two different attitudes, how much different could the dialogue be each time? And if there's even a choice in the dialogue? If a farmer wants you to find his missing cow, does that mean you have a straight way of saying, "Sure" and a snarky way of saying, "Sure"? The end result is that by talking to the farmer, you're going to set yourself up for finding a cow.

Otherwise he didn't particularly convince me. Being based on the Snowblind engine with RT action combat - I'm not sure why I don't just end up with BG:DA in a different setting. I suppose like most things it's all in the execution: if they get the humour right, a little more "adult" than average, get the dialogue thing right, it might push past the standard console action game it might otherwise be.

I wonder just how tactical a real time CRPG on a console can be. I know Brian said it would be, but most developers will tell you their combat is tactical. Even Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games said that Dungeon Siege was all about tactical combat, but the end result was a game that basically plays itself. When you've got eight buttons, a direction pad, and real time combat, I'm just not sure the combat will be tactical.


Mar 30, 2003
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Re: thoughts now?

Terwin said:
Now that the chat is over, what are your thoughts on the game? When the game was first announced, there were quite a few upset people. Me included. Did Brian ease any of your worries?

One has to keep in mind that Brian is a business man and its in his interests to tell us the sort of things we'd like to hear about the game. It strikes me that there's a big difference between this chat and the chat with Jan and Martin from Masters Creating. There was Saint and Exitium saying silly things like wanting to name their crafted leg "Mister Kicky" (which is actually a really good idea) and then they say that named crafted items might be implemented. :shock: Or Split's idea about coloured text in the DW chat that might make it in.

I'm not singling out Fargo for my mistrust - I'm just saying that I don't trust Marketing/Business people at all and would rather hear about the games from the people that are up to their elbows in the code.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
There's something to be said about a game that will let you craft a bionic leg and name it Mister Kicky. I hope that makes it in as well.

This chat seemed more about addressing fears of taking Bard's Taile in the direction he wants to take it. I'm still a little worried about it, and I'd much rather have an updated version of Bard's Tale Construction Kit than a console game with real time combat.


Feb 11, 2003
Yes, after reading the chat, I'd agree that pooper's questions were rather idiotic.

I think it has the potential to be an interesting or fun game, god knows if it will be though.

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