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Company News Is Troika Dead?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Sheriff05 said:
You piss people off what do you expect?, if you had a consistent opinion you wouldn't get half the shit you do. Since you're obviously looking to start shit with people, just take that shit like a man and un-dumbfuck Roleplayer.

Aside from that silly "I take it all back" shit I pulled a few months ago I think I have a pretty damn consistent opinion. If people choose to bring that up all the time there's little I can do to stop them. But if someone's gonna derail every thread with insults towards me, or anyone else for that matter, he'll earn himself the rank.


Dec 31, 2004
Exitium said:
Avè said:
Wow excrement, *snip*
Thanks for defining your post ahead of time. It saved me the trouble of reading it.
You see?

A stupid kiddy hypocrite, getting kicks out of having "controversial" opinions and baiting people.


Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Excuse me? Someone can't hold a valid opinion that's different from yours without being considered 'controversial' or 'baiting'? Get a reality check. I'll put it in simple terms: they fired everyone because they screwed up how they ran the company and couldn't acquire any new publishing deals.

Bugs? Check.
Environmental Audio that doesn't work? Check.
Slow loading times? Check.
Game-stopping bugs like getting stuck in the elevator? Check.
Memory leaks? Check.
Broken save game/load game feature? Check.
Imbalance (Game is tipped towards combat-oriented characters)? Check.
Performance slowdowns regardless of what PC or graphics card you have? Check.
Lack of customer support? Check.
Lack of any future patches? Check.

Oh, yes, no one can think of any particular reason why Bloodlines sucks. :roll:

I rather be seen as a damn flip flopper than someone who insists on holding onto an opinion he doesn't believe in.


Dec 31, 2004
Exitium said:
Excuse me? Someone can't hold a valid opinion that's different from yours without being considered 'controversial' or 'baiting'? Get a reality check.

In the end, I can't say it was a good run, because it wasn't. You fucked up.

If any of you readers are at a loss for words, I believe the word you are looking for is "pwned".

You all need to stop acting like a bunch of sad crybaby fanboys.

Why should Troika get a free blowjob while almost every other company we cover (Bethesda, Bioware, those idiots who made The Fall) receive a kind of response that akins us to abused former lovers?

Sweet. If only Troika showed as much dedication as Blizzard did to its products.

All that remains to be said is that there will be no more free rides for Troika. They'll have to actually work for a living now, to stay afloat if they haven't already drowned as I seem to think.

I'm willing to bet a lot of money that if Troika came out and mentioned how they donated money every single one of you dipshits who are condemning Bioware for their charitable actions would be lining up to suck some sloppy penis.

When all that's said, Troika is lazy.

It's just a case of Troika being lazy.

When I first played Arcanum, I tried to walk to the new areas without using the map. I did this for about 3 minute before I started to recognise repeating terrain. How fucking brilliant of Troika.

Speaking of more retarded area-related issues, I really don't like Bloodlines's "phantom locations" that dissapear from the taxi cab map after you've left the scene

What are you talking about? I don't like hub-based non-persistent locations. That's all Arcanum had anyway. Did you misinterpret my post about Arcanum's 'exploration'?

My point is that it was an illusion. You were just running in circles. You couldn't get anywhere by doing that.

The same can never be said about Troika, which seems more than apt at keeping a bad track record than implementing any changes to better their reputation as a developer.

Yep. People are always willing to pull out the "Troika is poor" and "Troika is too small" argument without realizing that Troika has several teams (3, if I'm not mistaken) working on separate projects and they certainly have more industry experience than Bioware ever did.

Translation: Activision is never going to release a patch and Troika probably couldn't care less since they wouldn't get much pay for fixing their screw-ups anyway. Go fuck yourselves, we already have your money.

Conclusion? Troika fans are fucking morons.

Just as Troika will be commended for not supporting its own games, rather than chastised. Welcome. Allo unt vilkommen to der Codex. Bienvenue.

"4. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Troika Studios)
The RPG part is really well done, especially the sidequests, but the combat is lacklustre. Somebody should mod the game, and change the main plot (so the endings aren't all based on the cab ride) and revamp the combat locations. "

(it's rex's top 5 games of 2004)

Oh, and read here: http://www.rpgcodex.com/phpBB/viewtopic ... oika#86678
I'll put it in simple terms: they fired everyone because they screwed up how they ran the company and couldn't acquire any new publishing deals.
I'll put it in simple terms:
The only thing you know is what David Marsh apparently said, and leon's noncommital statement.

Otherwise, you dont know jackshit.

Bugs? Check. no game has ever been launched without bugs, CHECK!
Environmental Audio that doesn't work? Check. Not that I've noticed, or even heard others say
Slow loading times? Check. Get a decent PC
Game-stopping bugs like getting stuck in the elevator? Check. "like"? That's pretty much the only one that still exists.
Memory leaks? Check. So do a hell of a lot of games that have received 5+ patches, Sacred's one, and that's had at least 8 patches and one expansion
Broken save game/load game feature? Check. How's it broken?
Imbalance (Game is tipped towards combat-oriented characters)? Check. Balance is illusory
Performance slowdowns regardless of what PC or graphics card you have? Check. What a load of bollocks, what PC's and graphics cards have YOU tried it on exactly?
Lack of customer support? Check.Ask Activision, in almost every game, it's the publisher that handles support
Lack of any future patches? Check.Ask Activision, it's up to them to fund patches

Oh, yes, no one can think of any particular reason why Bloodlines sucks. :roll:


Dec 14, 2004
Exitium, aren't you the one who said " damageplan pwned" when Dimebag Darell got shot to death on stage?

You suck at life.

edit: ah, here's the exact quote "Damageplan = Pwned"


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Exitium said:
I'll say it again: Damageplan = pwned

What a sympathetic character you are. And mature...my, my.

I have no problem with "flip flop" accusations, you have to base opinion on both current and past experience. If a game starts to suck later on, then your opinion is obviously going to change.(But rather than being "crap" it should be downgraded from "great" to "okay" - after all, it wasn't ALL crap was it?).

But when people start to accuse you of being immature and reactionary, and you object, then its hardly going to help your cause by demonstrating that you are.

[Edit] Hey! You post-remover you!! Cheat!! :wink: [/Edit]


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Rex, remove the stupid rank from Role Player. He contributes a lot to this site, and doesn't deserve that shit. This thread is a goddamn great example of why you ought to stripped of your admin privileges. Stick to web design because social activities are obviously out of your reach.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Good job copy/pasting every single one of my posts pertaining to the subject, Ave. Good job indeed. What do you hope to accomplish?

"Bugs? Check. no game has ever been launched without bugs, CHECK!"

Bloodlines has more bugs than most titles on the market. If you don't know what 'bugs' referred I to, why did you reply as you did?

"Environmental Audio that doesn't work? Check. Not that I've noticed, or even heard others say"

Selective reasoning? You're denying a very obvious fact of Bloodlines. It is like saying the sun isn't hot and the sky isn't blue. It is a self-evident fact that Environmental Audio doesn't function in Bloodlines as it should. It results in an echo on Audigy systems and causes the memory leak to occur at an exponential rate.

"Slow loading times? Check. Get a decent PC"

That's a lame excuse and you know it. The fact that the hubs are filled with loading zones doesn't help that Bloodlines' takes a long time to load areas up.

"Game-stopping bugs like getting stuck in the elevator? Check. "like"? That's pretty much the only one that still exists."

One game-stopping bug is one game-stopping bug too many. Period. Game-stopping bugs have NO place in ANY game whatsoever. I don't know how you can excuse such a serious issue.

"Memory leaks? Check. So do a hell of a lot of games that have received 5+ patches, "

So? Does this make the memory leak any less of a problem in Bloodlines just because there are 'a lot of games' with a similar problem? I've never experienced that bug in Sacred, either.

"Sacred's one, and that's had at least 8 patches and one expansion"
That shows Ascaron's dedication to the title. The game's gone from bad to great since it was released. The item system is completely revamped, as are plenty of the skills. The same cannot be said for Bloodlines, and yet you choose to denigrate Ascaron's work while putting Troika on a pedestal. Sacred sold less copies than Bloodlines, but the developers continue to work on it. It's funny how that pans out.

"Broken save game/load game feature? Check. How's it broken?"

It's been explained many times. :roll: I guess I'll have to explain again. Usually, when you reload the game while you are playing, you immediately attack the target in front of you. As such, you have to reload over and over again to avoid attacking NPCs you dont intend on attacking. If that's not broken, I don't know what's wrong with you.

"Imbalance (Game is tipped towards combat-oriented characters)? Check. Balance is illusory"
Hahaha. Who the fuck are you kidding? What a crock of shit. Good luck playing a Dialogue character with no combat skills.

"Performance slowdowns regardless of what PC or graphics card you have? Check. What a load of bollocks, what PC's and graphics cards have YOU tried it on exactly?"

Ti4200 (AA AF disabled), 9600, 9800 XT, GeForce 6600GT. / Pentium 4 1.8, Pentium 4 2.8, AMD Athlon 64 2800+

Comparable performance on each.

Lack of customer support? Check.Ask Activision, in almost every game, it's the publisher that handles support
Lack of any future patches? Check.Ask Activision, it's up to them to fund patches

Who's going to develop the patches if nobody's working in Troika's Bloodlines' division anymore? Think on that.

Concerning the game's performance and load times, here's a good quote from Average:
<averageconsolegamer> of course defraging your HD every day, having windows use up only 70MB of ram and nearly no saves doesn't excuse it

Damn right it doesn't. No other game requires that insane amount of maintenance, so why the fuck should Bloodlines?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Jed said:
Rex, remove the stupid rank from Role Player. He contributes a lot to this site, and doesn't deserve that shit. This thread is a goddamn great example of why you ought to stripped of your admin privileges. Stick to web design because social activities are obviously out of your reach.

Why should I give a fuck as to what you have to say? You're hardly ever civil to me anymore and your posts hardly ever make any sense so there's no reason why it's any different this time, Jed.

I understand that you dislike my opinion these days because it's not the same as yours. Tough shit, buddy.

Oh, and if half of you people even knew how to plead for Role Player's rank removal -nicely- I would have done it by now, but stating how I deserve to be 'stripped of my admit priviledges' or how I should 'stick to web design' because I'm either a 1) moron or 2) socially inept or 3) fucking idiot only does a disservice to Role-Player because you're not going to 'get through to me' by coming off like someone with a cock up his ass.

NeutralMilkHotel said:
Exitium, aren't you the one who said " damageplan pwned" when Dimebag Darell got shot to death on stage?

You suck at life.

edit: ah, here's the exact quote "Damageplan = Pwned"

Hey, it beats rotting in a grave like he is these days. Thanks for digging that shit up, I really appreciate it. It really helps whatever argument you have against me in this thread, I'm sure it does. Never mind the fact that it's got absolutely nothing to do with this thread. But hey, sure, bring it up. I don't mind. The fucker's dead anyway, so what would he care?


Pahris Entertainment
Feb 16, 2004
The Glorious Ancient City of Loja
The main problem with you guys are that you take this all personally and close to heart. Honestly, I lost my interest in this thread allready 5-7 pages ago. For whom you write those paragraphs with quotes? Its useless. You just go offtopic and fight over argument that wont bring happyness to anyone. Wheather TROIKA dies or not, you dont care for them, you just care for yourself - not to be left as a fool that did not comment on someones insulting sentence. What you fail to see, that noone else besides you cares about that, other people would love to read some interesting speculations over the argument and not some crappy and silly forum fights. Changing someones titles and deleting accounts wont solve or prove anything either. Couldnt ALL OF YOU you just SHUT THE FUCK UP and come up with something ON GODDAMNED ARGUMENT?

Mr. Teatime

Jun 25, 2003
It's nine pages of rex vs. a bunch of other people. Fun to read for drama!, but ultimately, completely pointless.


Dec 16, 2004
This place will never be considered even remotley close to a credible news site untill dumbfuck Exitum is no longer allowed to troll on the front page. This place resembles a trashy livejournal more than a RPG news site, and I can't believe you get developers to post here. Here is a hint: "internet toughguys" do not make good pront page news posters.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
dagobach said:
This place will never be considered even remotley close to a credible news site untill dumbfuck Exitum is no longer allowed to troll on the front page. This place resembles a trashy livejournal more than a RPG news site, and I can't believe you get developers to post here. Here is a hint: "internet toughguys" do not make good pront page news posters.

Who the fuck are you to dictate site policy? Here's a news flash, we're all internet tough guys. If you don't like the opinions we offer, you can fuck off. It's as simple as that. We aren't trying to be mainstream like IGN. If you want that pussy shit, go right ahead, what's stopping you? http://pc.ign.com

There you go. Home sweet fucking alabama.


May 18, 2004
It's a sad day for this place when the most sensible person left in a thread is a LARPer.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Back on topic:

I think that the real losers in this whole situation are the customers who bought Bloodlines and the people who worked at Troika. The bosses definitely aren't losing much, but lots of people are out of a job because of the mismanagement by the higher ups and their inability to get any new contracts.

The customers who bought Bloodlines are essentially doomed to playing an unfinished game that won't be patched because the BL team got laid off. Whether Activision wants to finance a new patch is meaningless, since there isn't anyone to do the job.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Exitium said:
I understand that you dislike my opinion these days because it's not the same as yours. Tough shit, buddy.
Nice attempt to bait and switch, buddy, but deleting posts and giving everyone "Dumbfuck" ranks have nothing to do with "opinion." You are an attention whore who is abusing his admin privileges to the detriment of this site, and that's me being generous to you.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"hey, i wanna be dumbfuck too!"

Not before I get it, you selfish, bastard! I've been trying for years to get that title. Damn the 'Codex! Damn it to hell!

Anyways, this darma is hilarious! Good stuff, people. Keep it up all.

"Nice attempt to bait and switch, buddy, but deleting posts and giving everyone "Dumbfuck" ranks have nothing to do with "opinion." You are an attention whore who is abusing his admin privileges to the detriment of this site, and that's me being generous to you."

So what? That's what admins do. In fact, I count only one big cahoona here on the 'codex who I haven't seen do it at least once to someone. Whya ren't you whining about them, hypocrite? Oh yeah, becuase their opinions badically match yours.


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