Speaking of improving the forum via death, Crispy...
I hate to stoop to your level, but you keep taking these potshots at me, so... you deserve this.
Speaking of death, if I looked like this:
would kill myself.
Note: Infinitron removed Fedora Master's picture from this post (a picture which I reposted from Codex' own Pictures thread, one that Fedora Master himself posted), despite no complaints from Fedora Master about it being here. Note that Infinitron did not, however, remove my picture from this thread (the one that Liberal posted). Nor should he have had to. You see, when I post a picture of myself voluntarily on the internet, I expect -- as any reasonable person should -- that it's going to be *GASP!* viewed by *MY GOD!* people on the *HOLY SHIT, BRO!* internet.