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Are there any?
What I hate about JRPGs and why I bounced off every JRPG I tried:
- dialogues are non-interactive cutscenes, you rarely get any dialog choices (if at all) but have to click through line after line of pointless banter; to make it even more aggravating, the dialog is being typed out instead of displayed immediately, and you can't skip an entire conversation with one click; it's extremely annoying and I hate it
- your average classic JRPG has extremely simplistic combat which is basically early Wizardry or Might and Magic style, except with longer animations to waste your time; games with proper tactical combat aren't even considered JRPGs in Japan, they're SRPGs, a similar but separate genre
- JRPGs, especially older ones, tend to focus on grind a lot; tons and tons of random encounters you have to slay your way through, it's so fucking boring
I tried several JRPGs but they all suffer from these problems to some degree. A couple of Dragon Quest titles (they are all grindy as fuck), Phantasy Star (grindy as fuck), some of the Final Fantasies (7, 8 - grindy and filled with tons of lame cutscene-based storytelling), Chrono Trigger (it was ok, but again way too much non-interactive dialog spam)
I do enjoy the SRPG genre though. It still suffers from problem #1 (too many cutscene-like dialogs) and problem #3 (grind) but at least the gameplay is actually fun. Played Tactics Ogre and several Fire Emblem titles. I can deal with the annoying way of delivering the story if the gameplay is good and tactical like that.
Games like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma aren't really JRPGs, they're action RPGs made in Japan.
Are there any games fitting the classic "JRPG" label that are actually fun and not just boring cutscene-fests with slow but simple combat and endless grind?
Dialogue choices in WRPGS are either "im a nice guy sure I'll do this quest" or "Grrrr im going to kill you guys for kicks" Nice a trash encounter with completely trash loot as a reward, totally worth it!
I recommend playing digimon world for ps1. It does not hold your hand and requires the player to get good and figure out how to progress by themselves. Avoid games like elex 2 if you hate classic jrpgs.