Some hopefully constructive criticism: Chaos Forge's social media game is not on point. Setting up your own subreddit is great for when you want to build your own community, but not when you are trying to get visibility. Posting all your content within said subreddit only is even worse. You have less than 2 weeks to double your funding. If you don't get your act together now, your campaign will fail.
Things you should do right now: 1) Post your RPS article in a targeted manner (Games, Gaming, Indiegaming, Roguelike etc) with a good, descriptive, eye-catching title. Post at an appropriate, if not optimal time for that sub (hint: not middle of the night EST). Get your community to do the initial upvotes fast. 2) Do an AMA based on your work with DoomRL, but not in IAMA, again, you want to be targeted. 3) Set up alerts to notify you asap whenever anyone posts anything related to your project. You want to be there to upvote and comment.