The weird part is this is all chump change to her. What possible reason does she have to be doing this?
I don't think she is rich. She probably is well off but I don't think millionaires. I think she either lost her money or never made as much as others in that successful deal. It's tough to tell. Here is a link to her husband's indiegogo campaign.
He's asking for $5,000 to go treasure hunting. It's a joke. This is the one where the daughter made that comment.
If you check the funder tab, you'll see Mackenzie actually donated to the project. A 7 year old at the time and she made that weird post that didn't sound like a girl. As soon as someone found it, Susan deleted the account, but you can still see the name in the funder section.
Here's a quote from the Kotaku article yesterday:
"The trick is figuring out what to do with the money. Susan no longer wants to use it to pay for tuition for the RPG camp. She'll do that herself. Now she's looking for ideas on how to turn the raised funds into something positive, without violating Kickstarter's terms of service -- no charity, no "fund-my-life". She's not sure how to do it, but she's open to suggestions. She's reached out to Reddit. She's reached out to 4chan."
So no longer is the money going towards camp, she's looking at spending it elsewhere. In earlier articles she was talking about donating it to charity to make herself look good even though she knows it's against the rules. Now any suggestion she can think of is against the TOS. I guarantee she is going to find any excuse not to spend this money on the developing the game and say everything violates the TOS and once this blows over she's going to spend it on whatever she wants to.
She's also really playing up the death threat part of this. She posted 2 messages and called them death threats. They are awful things to say but they aren't death threats.
But in the last article I read she told the journalist she had gotten over 50 death threats. Totally unbelievable.
She's won. She spammed twitter for media attention, she was probably sending out a ton of emails to get attention. The kickstarter is moving back up with the media attention. People thinking they are still paying for a 9 year old's camp and patting themselves on the back for it. None of these people who wrote these articles did any research. They just sent one question to Kickstarter about it violating their TOS on the tuition aspect, Kickstarter says no, and then they quote Susan Wilson throughout the article and take her word for it. They played right into her hands. If anyone wants to discredit criticism they just point to the fact that there is a reddit/men's right thread about this and how sexist they are. I don't even have a reddit account and know anything about that site.
I'm just surprised something that breaks so many rules and is so obviously wrong can be spun like this. You'd think kickstarter would have some integrity about the issue and wouldn't let a parent demonize their sons in a pitch, and break so many rules and continue to exist. I'm done with them. There's a thread on Neogaf about this where about 30 people that said they will never donate to kickstarter again.