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Game News King Arthur: Legion IX Released


Jun 17, 2012
Looks pretty good. My only real concern is that the moral choices will be flat; the depiction of the Romans in the original game was like cartoon villains, and the teaser cinematic thing didn't seem to change that angle.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Looks pretty good. My only real concern is that the moral choices will be flat; the depiction of the Romans in the original game was like cartoon villains, and the teaser cinematic thing didn't seem to change that angle.
In all Neocore games, moral choices was more about which part of the tech tree you wanted to get.


Nov 16, 2006
So I completed the thing on brutal. In short, short being the appropriate word for this game, it's just like the original game but worse in every way. No party management, fewer management options in general, indeed fewer party members (only 6 characters total, but often limited to just 5 as one will refuse to join a mission), shorter campaign (completely linear with no mission choices), worse (terrible) voice acting, etc. They even removed mechanics, like injuries; I guess the RP reason is that you're an undead/demon so injuries are not an issue for you, but the practical reason is obviously that you have so few party members that you always have to bring your entire roster to every single mission. Then the final mision, you permanently lose either your mage or your healer, and then it transitions into the "endgame" with you having a max size party of 5 people.

Overall, I was pretty disappointed.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
I guess the RP reason is that you're an undead/demon so injuries are not an issue for you
I was very disappointed to see that despite being an undead skeleton roman centurion, you are not immune to Poison or Bleed. Definitely seems like they phoned in a sequel for this one, which is a shame because the premise of the story was very interesting. When I saw the dumbed down skilltrees (only 2 tiers instead of 3), I was very disappointed already, but your review makes me even more annoyed, because I genuinely enjoyed the original campaign and even post-game. True and utter decline.


Nov 16, 2006
Upon reflection, I guess I should add that the battles were pretty good, if you found them appealing in the first game. Your characters start off at a medium level and all level up every single mission, so you quickly hit a high level. I also has conveniences like, instant respects between battles - though I suppose those were also necessary, with so few characters. On brutal, I had to give up a mission twice, then I instantly respecced my team and was able to do them. So "worse in every way" was unfair. But my conclusion of "disappointing" still stands.

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