KCD is decent but confused. They didn't really think all of the systems through properly, like knocking out a random wayfarer knight gets you the best gear in the entire game and you are essentially invincible in melee combat against most enemies, melee combat also gets clunky and strange with higher level enemy AI since they can party and block your attacks very consistently, and aren't too fond of attacking themselves. I think Warhorse just wanted to make something amazing but they didn't really have enough time, money or developers to comb through the game proper and refine it's systems. It all feels incredibly stale and samey after 30-40 hours since as I said combat has no challenge, most of the quests end up as boring, no combat fetch quests with pretty empty dialogue and nothing incredibly interesting happens that often.
When you originally fought the Cumans who kidnapped Hans, that was awesome and challenging but that challenge falls flat after you get decent gear, and speaking of gear a large portion of it feels rather pointless. I have yet to see any reason to use anything aside from a sword since I don't like playing with shields and without a shield axe/mace is useless. Few enemies are armored enough to give a valid reason to use a mace and even then most weapons feel far too weak against my Piercer which I have been using for 15 hours now. Also, polearms. What the fuck are they even doing in the game? Carrying it in your hands at all times just feels weird and makes it a pointless class of weapon. Give me an option to use both ranged/melee slots to holster it instead of having to carry it in your hands like a idiot. Also, why would you even bother with sabres and hunting swords? They are just short swords with worse stab damage, I can't see any reason to specialize with them.
There's just way too much busy work and filler too. Go to combat? Whoops, better go to a city to repair my armor, weapon, clothing and brew Schnapps for 5 minutes in-between fast travel times, loading screens, inventory sorting, food eating and sleeping. Each and every single fucking time.
Game balance with armor is also confused and strange, there's no incentive to role play as a lightly armored agile short sword wielding rogue since wearing full plate doesn't decrease your agility, attack speed or dodge success in the slightest, while I am not one to cry out about everything having to be 100%
I find it a issue if it makes multiple roleplaying options pointless, even if you are a stealth character all it means is you just remove your armor if you are going to sneak, some of the noise stats connected to equipment also make no sense, like Bianca's ring adding 6 noise or some shit, what the fuck? It's a god damn ring on your finger.
That's all I felt like whining about.
Kingdom Comrade is a
for now, MAYBE mods and patches will fix it, but the busy work is still there.