What about quests/charcaters and writing? All of that are brilliant in KCD but shit in Skyrim.
Also the character system and combat system.
It's hard to find a single thing which Skyrim does better. It was a pretty looking game for its time which was the only redeeming quality it had, but as you said - KCD looks better.
Mostly boring fetch quests and the other quests involve lots of talking. Lots of very long, boring cutscenes. Especially ones where Henry retells the story of the first two hours of the game. There have been a few interesting quests, but Skyrim had a few interesting quests too.
Why you think the character system is better? It's very similar to Skyrim except that even the minimal health/stamina/mana stats were removed. It would be hard to even make the argument that KCD's perks are better thought out.
As others have detailed already, the combat system is broken in a number of ways balance and mechanicswise. Forced lockons, master strikes, badly implemented damage scaling late game. Polearms aren't functional and horseback combat isn't any more advanced than it was in Skyrim.
Things Skyrim does better?
Enemy variety- huge one. KCD has only dismounted humans while Skyrim has animals, wizards, dragons, fish monsters, ghosts, etc. Quest, environment, dungeon variety. Character creation. Absolute number of quests. More rewarding exploration. Weapon and armor crafting. Skyrim even has greater weapon variety (crossbows and 2-handed axes), which is really sad. I haven't finished the main quest of either game, but it's said that Skyrim's main quest has an actual ending and KCD doesn't.