That's all fine, but in Kingdom Come kind of forces you to save because you save via sleeping mechanic which is also tied to healing, resting, reseting the shops and so on. So I'm kind of puzzled how can you lose whole 2 hours of progress, because typically during 2 hours of uninterrputed playtime you would end up sleeping at least once or more.
Usually you do sleep often, except for when you don't. Closed taverns, questing in the wilds, stuff like that. Add to that a bug that can crash your game when you
do end up finding a bed and you've got a perfect recipe for aggravating your players. Is that really too much for you to grasp or is blind apologism clouding your vision?
You know you can Save&Exit and load again if you haven't had an automatic or sleep save for a while right?
And that's another thing. The save&exit feature is silly, because ultimately it's more cost-efficient than using schnapps if you don't mind closing the game and opening it again for a free save. The devs are just creating silly hoops for players to jump through.