The bandit fortress siege is Owlcat level of poorly scripted. The fun starts when the mission begins with you in combat and it never ends so whatever outfit you wore last night while smithing horseshoes and healing fools stays on through the whole siege.
Then it tells you to knock down ladders, but instead of knocking down ladders it gives you constant Alt prompts to talk to the soldiers climbing the damn ladders. And when you bruteforce through that, it tells you to go to different parts of the fortress. By using stepladders. Around which allied NPCs gather. They hop on, take a step, hop off. And then start all over again, making it impossible to use the ladder. You have to try to push past them or cheese through the textures to get to the level below. Pure frustration.
Not to mention the narrative retardation of - we sent our entire army after like twelve dudes yesterday. Those twelve dudes won. So now we pull an entire new army out of our ass AND give them a cannon that we had all along. Not like it could be useful yesterday. Jesus Christ, this game sometimes. When it's free and open - fun times. When it tries to spin a narrative, I'm pullin my hair out. At least I finally got the sword back (and it's worse than the one I crafted for myself, but whatever).