The Solution
Alright, pledged. Give these crazy Czechs another chance.
People asking for "AWESOME STRETCH GOALS YEAH 111!!!11!" need to realize that this game already has most if its features and content designed (in design document) and only needs it implemented.
They cannot simply add "endless dungeon" or "5 playable races" or "second big city", because they are not in brainstorming "nothing is designed yet" phase.
Especially considering that this is first person AAA cryengine powered game, not a top down RPG.
The stretch goals they selected are great precisely because they are all practical, concrete and fairly simple... and will still enhance the game.
Come on, man, you are entering fanboy territory now. As I said, I love the game itself and the update videos, but the stretch goals are a joke, objectively speaking. No one is saying they should change their original design, but it's not as hard as you make it out to be to add additional content within the existing framework. For example, with extra money, they could easily pay level/quest designers/writers to add in more quests or something along those lines. And yes, I understand it's tricky for them with their private investor situation. Or even take a look at their stretch goals. Some quests in the beginning as a female character to appease the politically correct crowd. They could use the same resources to add the same amount of content to the main game. An arena where you can fight against opponents as a separate mode? Why not put that into the game itself and have an in-game tournament?
I reeeeeally hope there is enough to do to keep this from being a boring sim.
Having nothing supernatural makes me very worried.
"We found the dialogue to be a little too much, in the release build it will be more contemporary and less Shakespearean."
An emerging self-aware Codex AI, from the looks of it.What the fuck was that?
We are now about to enter the final stretch: the last 24 hours of our campaign. It was a great ride and we want to THANK YOU for taking us along! We’ve received more than 17k comments, 3k personal messages, 5k likes, and most importantly tons and tons of positive support. You are the ones who made this game possible!
It now looks like we are going to burst through the £1m (about US$1.67m) stretch goal and who knows how far we can get before the last whistle. For this last surge we wanted to introduce one last stretch goal. We wanted to add something that makes the game better for all players and something that makes the game special. Our £700k pounds stretch goal was ‘Performance Capture’ and we decided to build on this.
A performance capture is as good as the actors that use it, and in fact many people have already asked which actors might get involved – talent like Sean Bean, Brian Blessed and even John Cleese are often mentioned. We love Sean Bean, especially because of his less known indie medieval movie Black Death, and Brian Blessed was in Dan’s mind when he was writing one of the nobles for the game. Obviously we share these sentiments with our supporters!
We already started talking to different talent agencies and we have a rough idea how much we would need to hire our favorite actors. So, we’re confident that IF we reach our next stretch goal (£1.2m), we will be able to hire at least one high profile actor or actress. In the game, you’d be able to not only hear their voice, but also see their likeness and their acting abilities (thanks to performance capture).
Please note we can’t guarantee locking in specific stars because a lot of variables are at play here, but we won’t short change our fans because it seems we have shared tastes. You can trust we’ll get awesome talent for the game that will take the whole experience up another level!
How much money will you waste on a completely banal thing such as Sean Bean?
I am against celebrity voice acting, unless they can get them cheap.
Celebrity actors charge very different rates for voice acting depending on if you use their name to promote the product or not. They're not that much more expensive than no-name professional actors if you just want the voice and just bury the name deep in the credits list.I am against celebrity voice acting, unless they can get them cheap.
It's always better to get things cheaper rather than not and yes, it would be more of a gimmick than anything else.
The real value would be in Bean's name raising the profile of the game, especially if the marketing shamans managed to tie KC to ASoIaF in some improbable way. Without that, the great Brian Blessed would be the clearly superior choice.