Oh fuck, this might be a good reason to pre-order! I can't resist half-naked fantasy things!
Gragt said:Demo works ok, except that the lower part of the screen, with the interface, got corrupted textures. It happens only in exploration mode and nowhere else. I hope that this is only in the demo and not the full game. It seems that the English demo is basically the Russian demo translated so if it is still an early version, this might explain that.
Spectacle said:What happened to the turn order indicator? Is it gone in the full game too?
Hahahahahahahaha.vazquez595654 said:She's wearing nylons, gross. I hate fake stuff on girls. She looks ugly compared to the drawing behind her. She has no lips, bland hair, and besides the costume, she doesn't really portray a sexy girl. Her face is very plain and slightly manly. Even her eye brows don't help her out much.
Her costume looks too intricate for her to be a larper. She is a hired model right? In that case, the outfit around the bra looks terrible. And the shape of the armor at the bra doesn't match the picture, although I wonder if the original would have worked. A real model would have went bra less.
In conclusion, poorly made outfit, with a poorly chosen model = no erection for me.